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*[[James Taka-Oku]] as Koizumi
*[[James Taka-Oku]] as Koizumi
*Minna no Nur Puppy plans to perform at Fanime 2008 in their Masquerade.
*Minna no Nur Puppy kicked ass at the Fanime 2008 Masquerade (Videos: [http://youtube.com/watch?v=rJy3KGQexxM][http://youtube.com/watch?v=LN-r_-oO9qw][http://www.acparadise.com/acp/vid/3809][http://www.asianschoolboy.com/vids/videoplayer.php?event=2008_fanime&video=2008fanime13]) (Open House practice video: [http://youtube.com/watch?v=WNHZtNrxGEc])

Revision as of 15:37, 30 May 2008

  • Minna no Nur Puppy is the official dance group of Cal Poly's Minna no Anime club.
  • Minna no Nur Puppy won first place at the Haruhi Dance Contest at Anime Expo 2007. As a prize, the members got to dance on stage during the SOS Invasion Tour and will appear on the fourth disc of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. (American release)
  • Minna no Nur Puppy is:
  • Minna no Nur Puppy kicked ass at the Fanime 2008 Masquerade (Videos: [1][2][3][4]) (Open House practice video: [5])