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[[Image:Tshirt_2011.jpg|thumb|right|2011 T-shirt Design]]
[[Image:Tshirt_2011.jpg|thumb|right|2011 T-shirt Design]]

Revision as of 05:16, 10 April 2011

A look at the school year 2010-2011
2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
2011 T-shirt Design
MnA 20th Anniversary Banquet Favors


President Juli Lehnen
Vice President Andrew Lee
Secretary Brandon Chow
Treasurer Phyllis Douglas
Webmaster Evan Ralston
Librarian Timothy Domngern


Time Show Notes
5:00 Fansub o' the Week
5:25 School Rumble
5:55 Spice and Wolf Fall-Winter
Natsume Yuujinchou Winter-Spring LIVESUB
6:20 Seirei no Moribito
6:50 Clannad
7:15 Toradora!
8:10 Fantastic Children
8:35 Claymore
9:05 Gungrave
9:30 Kaiji LIVESUB


Fall Porco Rosso
Winter Steamboy
Spring TBA


  • 11th annual Halloween Party~ New clickers are made as part of Jesse Tyler's senior project.
  • 20th anniversary of Minna! Yay! In celebration, the officers decided to make it a big event and created a 20th Anniversary Committee to handle decisions and such.
    • Special 20th anniversary mugs and coasters were given out at the banquet and as prizes during the party.


  • MnA opens up a "Discussion Room" during Fall Quarter for those who want to take a break from watching anime (AKA don't like that show) and can do homework, talk, etc. in this room.
  • Cal Poly gets stricter on how late the Silo can be used, so no more after club anime showings in the Silo. (it happens elsewhere, though)
  • A "permanent" Soda Change Box is made as well as a Suggestions Box. Both were created by Phyllis Douglas.
  • Evan Ralston and Mike Whipp create an online form to handle Goshi and 20th Anniversary orders.
  • T-shirt rules change and prices for shirts went up from $13 to $15 for members. However, more choices in garments!