Matthew Hazen

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Officer Positions

2004-2005 President

What Others Say

Matt stepped up and took the reigns of club with ZERO experience as an MNA 
officer.  He took a tremendous burden off of my shoulders my senior year and 
I'll be forever grateful for that.  Matt quickly adapted to MNA administrative 
stuff and was eager to keep the club going.

Notable achievements:  Elected pres without having held any other office, 
hosted trivia for this year's Halloween, making Inuyasha scripts in my absence, 
taking responsability for the club's soda sales.

How to spot him:  Look for the tall white guy with dark hair in the upper areas 
of the silo, he'll probably be in a trenchcoat.

He's currently a Civil Engineering major at Poly, going for his masters there 
as well.

--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005