Ahmad Jamshid "K" Amini

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Officer Positions

2003-2004 Secretary
2002-2003 Secretary

What Others Say

Ah Jamshid...(or "K" as he likes to be called), club's resident drunkard. He 
was secretary for 2k2 and is one of the other dinosaurs at Poly.  Tsurugis
trips are always more...colorful with Jamshid around.  Despite being a lush,
Jamshid is always a good conversation partner.

Notable achievements:  Hosted Halloween trivia for several years, made scripts
for Infinite Ryvius, continued Dylan's trend of verbose club news-letters.

How do you spot him:  Listen for "K" on KCPR, he's still a DJ there.

He's currently going for his masters in Aeronautical Engineering (yes he's a 
CRAZY mofo)

--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005

Has come up with some strange pictionary pictures and if you can talk him into it gives good backrubs.

--Rebecca Goodwin