Jann Fabrin

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Jann-Paul D. Fabrin was an officer of Minna no Anime for several years. Unfortunatly, much of his legacy has yet to be writen by people who know it. However, one legacy that does remain is his artwork, at which he could be counted among the best. Jann made several T-Shirts for the club, and also is the creator of the rule that no artwork should be copyrighted artwork.

Officer Positions

1996-1997 Webmaster
1995-1996 President

What Jann Said About Himself

This is an excerpt from an archive of Poly Ink's Artist Gallery. It's hard to date when he actually wrote it.

Name: Jann-Paul Dalberg Fabrin Age: 24 Major: Architecture (graduated), Minor: Art 2-D Personal Page: http://www.accesscom.com/~jfabrin/ Myself: As a perfectionist, I am always pushing myself to the limits, whether in the arts, in school, or in life. My hobbies include Anime, painting Anime cels, illustration, character designs, watercolor, classic cars, the outdoors, and watching Discovery (The war channel).


A little of extraordinary Jann's work is still availible from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Check it out!