Annaliese Christman

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Officer Positions

2006-2007 President
2005-2006 President
2004-2005 Vice President

What Others Say

Annalise has been a srong leader and a possitive influence for the club. She is able to make friends very easily with everybody there, making her a natural leader.

The fangirl that she is doesn't stop with anime. She also has taken over leadership for Minna no Manga, and while I haven't been able to attend (for obvious reasons) I read her weekly news letters. This side project is obviously going strong.

As if club wasn't a full time job, she has her own web-comic which she still updates regularly.

Doing the club proud!

--BenLeinweber 22:10, 25 April 2006 (PDT)

A lucky person who freelances for Viz and has done a great job of running the club. Yaoi Rocks! ^__^

--Rebecca Goodwin

Annaliese is el presidente. Its hard to imagine the club without her. She rules over the club with her Lieutenants and other officers. All bow down before the yaoi fangirl!

-- Eric Nakaki