
From MinnaHistoryWiki
Revision as of 20:13, 11 April 2011 by Goofanader (Talk | contribs)

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A look at the school year 2009-2010
2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
The MNA booth with Gundam at Open House 2010 (Apr 17, 2010)
2010 T-shirt Design
2010 New Banner Design


President Erika Severin
Vice President Juli Lehnen
Secretary Ashley Berry
Treasurer Brandon Chow
Webmaster Andy Richardson
Librarian Jesse Tyler


Time Show Notes
5:00 Fansub o' the Week
5:25 Kamichu! Fall-Winter
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Winter-Spring
5:55 Emma
6:20 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Fall-Winter
FLAG Winter-Spring
6:50 Sousei no Aquarion
7:15 Yakitate! Japan LIVESUB
8:10 Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage Fall-Winter
Sengoku Basara Winter-Spring LIVESUB
8:35 Darker than BLACK
9:05 Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
9:30 Baccano! Fall-Winter
Eden of the East Winter-Spring LIVESUB


Fall Sword of the Stranger 12/5 *Blu-Ray
Winter Tekkon Kinkreet 3/??
Spring Eden of the East Movie I: The King of Eden 5/6


  • ZOMG! Minna wins "Best Ethnic Food" Award at Open House 4/17/2010. Finally Awesome Sauce gets some recognition!
  • Minna gets a deviantART page up and running! Started by Erika Peterson and maintained by Phyllis Douglas. [1]
  • Minna decides to get a new banner and runs an art contest for it. Phyllis Douglas wins the contest, and some of the other entries can be found here.
