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||President|BenLeinweber Ben Leinweber|| ||Vice President|NikKamachi Nik Kamachi|| ||Secretary|DylanHall Dylan Hall|| ||Treasurer|GinaDolci Gina Dolci|| ||Webmaster|RaymondLee Raymond Lee|| ||Librarian|TimBozarth Tim Bozarth/JoshCohen Josh Cohen|| |#
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||**Time**|**Show**|**Notes**|| || || ||5:00|FansubO Fansub o' the Week|| ||5:25|FushigiYuugi Fushigi Yuugi|| || || ||6:00|SteelAngelKurumi Steel Angel Kurumi|Fall-Winter|| || |Masaru-san Sexy Comando Gaiden Sugoiyo! Masaru-san|Winter-Spring LIVESUB|| || |OVA Slot: ROD|Spring LIVESUB|| ||6:25|BlackHeaven Black Heaven|Fall-Winter|| || |OVA Slot: VideoGirlAi Video Girl Ai|Winter LIVESUB|| || |OVA Slot: HereIsGreenwood Here is Greenwood|Spring LIVESUB|| || |OVA Slot: RurouniKenshinSeisouhen Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen|Spring LIVESUB|| || || ||7:00|Inuyasha|LIVESUB|| ||7:25|KimagureOrangeRoad Kimagure Orange Road|| || || ||8:00|KareKano His and Her Circumstances|LIVESUB|| ||8:25|Trigun|Fall-Winter|| || |NowAndThenHereAndThere Now and Then, Here and There|Winter-Spring|| || || ||9:00|Berserk|LIVESUB|| ||9:25|Gasaraki|| |#
Movies: Fall: Ah! My Goddess - Movie 12/8 *LIVESUB Winter: Cowboy Bebop - Knockin' on Heaven's Door 2/9 *LIVESUB Jin-roh 3/16 Spring: Metropolis 6/6
Notes: Second annual Halloween Party 11/3 3pm - Midnight Maison Ikkoku Sunday Dinner Theater (6 eps every other week ~Fall/Winter 5-8pm) Open House 4/20 (CA rolls only, seperate viewing/DDR+game rooms in EE building) MNA room at Polycon 6/28-30 4/10 slots livesubbed + 2/4 movies