Ben Leinweber

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Officer Positions

2001-2002 President
2000-2001 President
1999-2000 Treasurer

What others say

Ah Ben, our agent in Japan.  He was pres for 2000, and 2k1 (and treasurer 
before that I believe).  Ben was pres during the time club began to "evolve"
into what I considder it's greatest period.  Ben was always friendly and 
willing to take all the jokes with a grain of salt (He certainly withstood 
plenty of verbal and physical abuse).

Notable achievements: Programmed the buzzer and quiz program we use for 
trivia during Halloween (except this year's), first documented case of MNA 
cross-play at Halloween (Sailor Ben), managed to convince Cal Poly media 
services to give us access to the booth in order to gain club direct control 
of the projector, contributed scritps for live-subbing, Maison dinner theater 
on Sundays.

How do you spot him: It used to be really easy, look for the white guy with 
glasses, beard, and long hair.  He has since chopped off the mop, but he 
still got the beard and glasses, last I checked.

He's currently teaching english in Japan.

--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005

Thanks for the kind words Nik. As it happens I currently have scrapped off the beard, but the glasses are still on me. Japan is great fun, but I do miss my El Presidente days back at Poly. Keep the anime love coming everybody! Ben Leinweber /21.04.2006 20:49/