David Bathe
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Revision as of 05:24, 26 April 2006 by BenLeinweber (Talk | contribs)
Officer Positions
2004-2005 | Secretary |
2003-2004 | Vice President |
What Others Say
David always brought controversy to club, but he always had its best interest in his heart. Going from member to VP in 2k3, David was always polite in how he voiced his opinions about club. We could always count on him arranging and joining us for the quarterly Tsurugi dinner. Notable achievements: First VP to ever be elected and NOT be an enrolled student (he was an alumnus when he ran for office), rocking out to the [[Black Heaven]] intro when he still had long hair. How do you spot him: Blond guy in a black trench-coat, fingerless gloves and shades. He's currently working at Vandenburgh AFB.
--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005