2001-2002 Emails

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Email announcements from school year 2001-2002.


Fall 2001

No Subject

(Minna No Anime, Wed Sep 19 02:41:25 2001)

It's about time to start school again, which of course means it's about
time to start Minna no Anime again!  For those of you unfortunate souls -
myself included - who were deprived of your opportunity to watch Dylan's
summer of "Choose Hana Yori Dango, Pick Ping Pong Club", I feel your pain.
But as we start a new year, we have a whole new lineup of great shows!
Instead of keeping you in suspense any longer, let me just list them out
right now:

5:00 Fansub o'
5:25 Steel Angle Kurumi **

6:00 Fushigi Yugi
6:25 Kachou Ouji (Black Heaven) *

7:00 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (His and Her Circumstances) *
7:25 Trigun

8:00 Inu Yasha *
8:25 KOR (Kimagure Orange Road)

9:00 Berserk *
9:30 Gasaraki

You might about now be wondering what's up with all the *'s.  Well, we're
trying out some new stuff this year.  The one's marked with a single *,
mean that we have the Japanese Region 2 DVD, and we're going to be running
it through a computer to do live subtitling right in front of everybody.
Dylan, I, and some others have been working hard on getting scripts and
making them when they weren't avalible to use for this, so it's quite
exciting.  The double ** indicates a digisub.  That's right, for the first
time Minna no Anime will try to get with the times and show a digisub,
since we have the computer there for the live subbing anyways.

Other's of you might be wondering "Hey, where's Slayers?"  Well, we had to
make a lot of hard decisions this quarter, and after a long two week debat
using many many emails, it was decided that Slayers just couldn't fit into
the schedule.  But do not despair!  Former Secretary Matt has donated his
Slayers Next VHS box set to the club library, and it will be avalible for
check out all year long.

I'm actually quite looking foward to everything we're showing, especially
KOR.  This is actually kind of a tribute to former President Craig Kleen,
as it is his absolute all time favorite series.  If you go to his
appartment, you will see his walls lined with Madoka wall scrolls.  This
time slot is for you Craig!

For those of you who can't wait to get back together with other members of
the club, and have a bit of a chat with the officers, we will be
participating in Club Showcase this Saturday.  I invite all of you to come
by and visit us.  Later on we're going to have a somewhat unofficial
screening, where we'll be testing out equipment, and just showing some
random stuff.  Again, anyone who wants to come is more than welcome.  I'm
not exactly sure when Club Showcase starts, but I'll be talking with the
WOW people tomorrow, and I'll let everybody know.

Finally, I know there are some of you out there who are waiting to hear
the word on the deal with Maison Ikkoku.  As a lot of you may know, Maison
Ikkoku just so happens to be my all time favorite series, and I bought the
R2 complete box set with 24 DVD's (Thank god for Tokyopop!)  As president,
I'm entitled to be able to watch my DVD's on the big screen in 213, but
unfortunatly, it just will not fit in the schedule (it was either MI or
KOR, and at the decision making time, I didn't have the box set, and I
really wanted to put KOR in).  So we have to figure out a different time
to meet.  Dylan has suggested that we meet every other week on Sunday to
watch a disc or more.  Other possibilities would be: once a month, we
binge for 8 hours or something, or Saturdays before official club.  I want
to accomidate as many interested parties as possible, so I'd like to hear
from you.  Send me a mail at my personal email of benl@<removed for spam reasons>,
telling me what would work best for you.  I might even set up a temporary
mailing list.

Alright, I hope that was enough new for you from us at MNA.

Ben Leinweber
MNA Kaichou/President

MNA - Club Carnival Tomorrow

(Minna No Anime, Thu Sep 20 17:40:01 2001)

   Well, I made a bit of a mistake.  Club Carnival actually is tomorrow,
and not Saturday as I had previously said ^_^;.  Sorry about that.  We
have to start setting at 2:30.  I won't know exactly where the booth is
until we check in tomorrow, but the lady I talked to said most likely we
will be in Chumash.

   As for the non-official meeting saturday, we will be watching through
some first episodes of the live subtitling stuff first to test out the
system.  We'll probably start around 5:00.  If you don't want this little
preview, then I suggest that you delay coming for at least an hour or so.

Hope to see all of you soon!

Ben Leinweber
MNA Kaichou

MNA - The first meeting of the year! 9/29

(Minna No Anime, Thu Sep 27 13:57:57 2001)
Konnichi wa minna-san,

Well I finally get to be the secretary and not the power monger... err
president (acting).  What this all means is that another year of Minna no
Anime has officially begun.  We'll be trying some new things this year
(Live-subbed from import DVD's, Digisubs) and also going back to some of
our basics(VHS, fansubs).

As can be seen below we've got a lot of new shows and only a few repeat
offenders (Trigun, Kodocha, Fushigi Yuugi).  Fortunately both Trigun and
Fushigi Yuugi start the year off with recap episodes so you can catch up
in case you forget what happened at the end of last year.

And now for something completely... the same:

Week 1 Episodes/Titles and other info:

5:00  Kodomo no Omocha #33 - Love Tasted Like Curry (fansub VHS)
5:30  Fushigi Yuugi #28 - The Ancient Path (Recap ep, DVD) 

the first BREAK of the year, refreshing isn't it?

6:00  Steel Angel Kurumi #1 and 2 - The cute maid girl beats up the
bad guys (Digisub)
6:30  Black Heaven (Kachou Ouji) #1 - Stairway to Heaven (DVD)

Ben, Nik, Dylan and Nur BREAK the computer trying to get it to work

7:00  Inuyasha #1 - The Time Jumping Girl and The Sealed Boy (Live
Subtitled Import DVD)
7:30  Kimagure Orange Road #1 - A Transfer Student!  'Tis embarrassing to
say, but I'll fall in love for the first time. - (Commercial VHS)

watch as we BREAK ourselves trying to get KareKano working.  We've gone to
extra lengths to try and show this one in the best quality possible,
please don't ask about the hours that have been put into getting this show
working; we hope you all enjoy it as much as we have.

8:00  His and Her Circumstance (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou) #1 - Her
Circumstances  (Live Subtitled Import DVD)
8:30  Trigun #13 - Vash the Stampede (Recap ep DVD)

BREAK to get caught up on Trigun.  Don't worry about starting in the
middle of the show; we've got your recap right here; see what you missed 
and then be angry with yourself for not coming earlier last year.

9:00  Berserk #1 - The Black Swordsman (Live Subtitled Import DVD)
9:30  Gasaraki #1 - On The Ancient Stage of Stone (DVD)

break till Sunday*!

Corrections, retractions and other such nonsense:
As you may have noticed, the schedule above is much different from
anything we have published before.  This is because we (officer et al)
decided we didn't like the schedule and that we are all a bunch of idiots.
Thus you have the world premiere of the new and improved schedule for the
2001-02 school year.  Wow, it's rare that moments like this occur.

*the break till Sunday?

Aside from the long normal club hours, our esteemed presidente Ben has
obtained the complete TV DVD box set (Import) of Maison Ikkoku (his
favorite show).  Thus we decided that it would be a good idea to continue
(and finish) showing it after last years start.  So we proudly present:

The Maison Ikkoku Sunday Dinner Theater (TMISDT)

The details:

Every other Sunday (starting this Sunday)
5 - 8 PM (bring you dinner)
03-213 (same room as normal Saturday meetings)

6 episodes per meeting (3 hours, unless we binge and finish sooner)
First episode shown: 41 (of 96, where we left off last year)
All from R2 DVD's - gorgeous quality, no Viz-isms! (fansub scripts)

This will continue through winter quarter when we should finish the show
(and hopefully the movie and OVA as well).  We're trying to rush this a
bit because Ben will be in Japan for spring quarter which would make it
very hard for him to watch the show with the club ^_^.

Web page of the week (start out with an easy one):
www.animeondvd.com - biggest waste of my internet time - reviews, news,
studio feedback, forums; the anime dvd news site.

Well, I'm done wasting your time for this week.  More to come next week.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall

MNA webpage (as always):

Minna no Manga

(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct  1 22:32:53 2001)
I'd like to welcome everyone to join us for another year of Minna no
Manga.  It's THE place for you anime and manga discussions.

Where:  Building 2 Room 112 (near where we meet on Saturdays)
When:  Tuesday 8:00 pm

See you there

-Nik Kamachi, club VP

MNA - The first meeting where things actually go as planned! 10/6

(Minna No Anime, Thu Oct  4 16:45:59 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Yes, as the header states things actually will work correctly this coming
Saturday.  After figuring out some new techniques for showing all our
import disk and trying them (successfully) at the Maison Ikkoku Sunday
Dinner Theater(plug, plug); we can say with all confidence (which will
promptly be shattered when things don't go right) that everything will
play during its scheduled time.

So, please come again this weekend, because we will actually be able to
play Inuyasha.  Fansub o' will be at its appropriate time slot and Berserk
will look infinitely better than it did last week.  Kurumi will, of
course, retain it's status as "Best Translation Ever"(can you feel the

This is of your next week schedule:

5:00 Here is Greenwood #1 (livesub) - come join us for this classic OVA;
you are guaranteed to laugh at this, so you've got nothing to lose.  If
you have already seen it, now's the time to rewatch it (since we'll be
livesubbing it off the newly released import DVD).
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #29 - Mysteries Afoot

Break to practice our engrish

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #3/4 - The content is only half the fun of
watching this show.
6:30 Black Heaven #2 - All Night Long

This break is brought to you by the letter 'V'

7:00 Inuyasha #1 - The Time Jumping Boy and The Sealed Girl... or
something - at any rate, the subtitles will work and it'll look much
better than last week.
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #2 - A Little Lemony Kiss for Her

break to reflect on how easy it was to show stuff back in the days of
subtitled VHS only...

8:00 His and Her Circumstances #2 - A Secret for Two
8:30 Trigun #14 - Little Arcadia

Bloodier show: KOR (Kimagure blah blah) or Berserk?  Hatta had a lot of
blood fly out of his nose last week, but I'm not sure if it beats Gutts
cleaving (several) men in two.

9:00 Berserk #2 - Band of the Hawk (It will look unbelievably better this
week, I'm getting all giddy just at the thought ^_^)
9:30 Gasaraki #2 - Opening (Bowel) Movements

until next week...(no Maison this week)

To any and all members (and potential members) who were annoyed/aggrivated
by last weeks problems:  Sorry.  We have put in far too many hours and
would love to see everything work without problems, but that just not
possible in reality.  I feel very confident that everything will play much
better than it did last week, and that we will avoid all of the scheduling
problems we had.  We are not professionals, and are not payed to do any of
this.  All I can say is that we will try every week to make it better than
the week before.

Secretary's Liner Notes:

The American given title of "Black Heaven" is not at all a translation of
the title (it was chosen to try and sell more copies).  The actual
Japanese titles is "Kachou Ouji" (this is what you see above the line that
says "Hard rock save the space").  What this literally translates to is:
"Section Chief Prince" - a much more fitting title for the show.  It
should be noted that the main character's name is "Oji Tanaka"; so the
title could be inferred as "Section Chief Oji" (Ouji = Prince).  Don't
hold it against Pioneer for changing the name to this awesome show; they
did leave the original title in unaltered during the show after all.

Web site of the week:
Good site for general anime and anime related news; will post lots of
info straight from Japan (such as the new Kenshin OVA).

I'm done for now, time to get back to class...

Saraba da,

Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime


Minna no Manga

(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct  8 21:49:22 2001)
First off, I'd like to appologize for last week.  It turns out we needed
to post flyers for club, so we ended up not having a meeting.  I'm REALLY
sorry if you showed up and nobody was there.  This time you can be sure
that there will be others at the meeting.

Now then...

time: Tuesday, 8:00 pm

place: Business building room 112 (or possibly 113 if someone steals our
room again)

Hope to see you there.


MNA - Third Time's the Charm 10/13

(Minna No Anime, Thu Oct 11 17:32:01 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

So stuff didn't all work out perfectly last week.  But, 2 for 4 isn't bad.
We'll be trying a different DVD-ROM this week which will hopefully avoid
the problems that happened last time.  Besides, the washed out, 6th
generation fansub tapes really make you appreciate it when we have the
shows run correctly from the import DVD's.  Consider it a character
building experience.

All I can promise is that we will continually try to show anime in the
highest quality that we can and that we will continually work to improve
this club.


5:00 Project ARMS #1 - A choice from our librarian, so it's guaranteed to
be ... visually stimulating.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #30 - The Flash of Battle

Time to take a break from the seisure inducing lightning attacks

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #5/6 - Please select of a language
6:30 Black Heaven #3 - Hot House

I think we need more engrish and less clothing in all our shows

7:00 Inuyasha #2 - People Who Seek the Shikon no Tama (Orb of the Four
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #3 - Feelings Stirred, The Rolling First-Date.

The odds are running 5:1 in favor of things not working correctly, have
you placed your bets yet?

8:00 His and Her Circumstances #3 - His Circumstances
8:30 Trigun #15 - Demons Eye

Prepare for my sobbing when Berserk doesn't work right... again... sigh...

9:00 Berserk #3 - Baptism of Fire
9:30 Gasaraki #3 - Tantric Circle

That's it ('till Sunday!)

The Return of the Maison Ikkoku Sunday Dinner Theater (MISDT)
Sunday 5-8PM
The Usual Room
Episodes 47-52

We had a larger than expected turn out last time, and hope everyone who
came will join us again this Sunday.  If you are interested in watching
but haven't seen any of Maison Ikkoku, Ben and I are more than willing to
help you get caught up quickly; so don't skip out just because you aren't
up to date with the show.

Web site of your anime for current week:

Hitoshi Doi's Seiyuu (Voice Actor) Database (and other stuff)

Ever wondered why Vash (Trigun) and Takeo (Magic User's Club) sound so
Questioned as to just how many leading roles Megumi Hayashibara has done?
Had nothing better to do than spend your life gathering useless
information for your hobby so that you can appear to be more knowledgable
than the next monkey?

If so, then that site is the one for you.  The most complete Seiyuu
database (that I've found) on the english speaking side of the internet.
Build your level of useless knowledge up to new and before unknown heaps!

Random Ramblings...

Where do they come up with this stuff?

Most anime productions are based on manga.  Unlike the dying US comic
industry; the Japanese comic market is ENORMOUS.  Everyone reads manga:
old, young, male, female, human, other.  They sell phone book size weekly
and monthly compilations for ~$4.  The sheer volume of titles produced in
mind boggling.  The only show we are showing this quarter which was not
originally manga (or at least inspired by manga) is Black Heaven (possible
Kurumi too).  Every other show we have put on this year was originally
manga.  Some shows follow the manga quite closely (His and Her
Circumstances) where as others take many creative freedoms (Trigun) or
used a world created in manga as backstory (Gasaraki).

Well, that's all from me for now.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

Minna no Manga

(Minna No Anime, Tue Oct 16 08:56:33 2001)
It's that time of the week again, where we can have open discussions on
anime, manga, video games, and the like.

Where: Business building room 112
When: Tuesday 8:00 pm
why: Because I knowyou all want the equivalent of a 2 hour break in club.                             

I'd also like to take this chance to encourage ANY of you to enter any of
the contests for Holloween.  It's fun, free, and a good chance to get free
stuff.  I especially want to stress the fighting game tournament.  If you
didn't hear my announcement during club, we're going to be running
tournaments for Guilty Gear X, and Capcom vs. SNK 2.  They are both
awesome games.  Don't worry about not having played either of these games,
If you've ever played a Street Fighter game, you can play either of these

Sign-up sheets will be at club, or you can e-mail me at
Ruroni16@<removed for spam reasons>

-Nik Kamachi

MNA - Because misery loves company... 10/20

(Minna No Anime, Thu Oct 18 16:53:18 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

It appears as though third time was the charm.  Everything (finally) ran
properly last meeting, so we're gonna try for two in a row.

We will also be having the first raffle of the year this Saturday.  We'll
have your member cards ready and you can pick them up after we give you
free stuff.  (and you can join this Saturday if you want in on the raffle)

Halloween - It's coming.  Soon.  Too soon in my opinion, but I have no
influence over the rotation of the earth so I can't stop it.  We're going
to be showing anime (mostly "Halloween" themed) from 3PM to 11PM (maybe
midnight), having lots of contests, cheap pizza($2 for half a pizza!), a
cosplay contest and TONS of prizes.  As has been mentioned, the overall
winner gets free admission to Fanime ($50) and $100 (at least) to blow on
crap you don't need in the dealers room.  There will also be signifigant
prizes for winners of other competitions (ie - $$).  So, get to work on
that costume and start studying up on all your random anime knowledge.

And now for this week's sacrifices:

5:00 Fansub o' - Mystery Meat (honestly, I don't know what's being shown.
It could be more Kodocha... or maybe Ebichu)
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #31 - Whirlpool of Doubt 

Nuts and Squirrels, nuts and squirrels...

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #7/8 - no comment
6:30 Black Heaven #4 - Space Child

This break is still hard

7:00 Inuyasha #3 - I'm Back From the Bone-Eater's Well
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #4 - Hikaru?! A Sensational "C-Experience."

Will you have a "C-Experience" this break?

8:00 KareKano #4 - Her Problem
8:30 Trigun #16 - Fifth Moon

I *did* grope you nine times during that break

9:00 Berserk #4 - Hand of God
9:30 Gasaraki #4 - Mirage

No MISDT this week! (boo, feh, hiss) I want my Yagami dammit!

Random Thoughts and Bodily Expultions - 

The show "His and Her Circumstances" Japanese title is actually a bit more
descriptive than that translation is.  The actual title "Kareshi Kanojo no
Jijou" would perhaps be more literally translated " Boyfriend/Girlfriend's
Situations".  While literally 'kareshi' and 'kanojo' mean 'guy' and 'girl'
there is a very strong implication of 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' to
them.  Also, in that there is no plural in Japanese, one could go so far
as to suggest that the title implies the plural for both words (which is
very fitting with the show as it continues).  There is no 'real'
translation to a title which is as ambiguous as this one; fansubbers all
just decided on this title as an easy way to identify the show in english
and avoid much confusion.

Website of the week - 

hmm... this weeks link is much more obscure than before (and much less in
English) but it's one of the best sites on the net:


This is the place to start your search for the best art on the internet.
Just start with one page and start clicking your way though the links.
I'm sure you'll (eventually) find some unbelievably good pics (which
you'll have to send me ^_^).  Happy hunting.


Dylan Hall

and let us not forget:

Minna no Manga

(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct 22 15:35:03 2001)
It's that time of the week again, when we get to waste err..spend our
Tuesday night talking about anime, manga, and why Ben wants to dress up
like a girl.

Time: Tuesday 8:00 pm
Place: Business building room 112 (or 113 depending on which is available
to us)

See you there!

-Nik "The NnewF fuku" Kamachi

MNA - Halloweeny Roast!

(Minna No Anime, Tue Oct 23 23:17:22 2001)
Konbanwa Minna-san,

This is another annoying Halloween reminder.  We will continue to pelt you
with annoying emails until everyone signs up for everything.  Here are
(once again) all the annoying details:

1. Signup for stuff!  (actually, I'm guilty of not signing up for stuff
yet too...)  But that doesn't excuse you people!  Remember, there are
prizes for every competition, and they are just fun to participate in even
without reward.

2.  Ray's eye practice game - our illustrius webmaster has created a mini
game version of Lee's Eye Game.  Go and play (the link is on the main
page), plus see the newly revamped webpage.  Don't worry if you can't get
any on the first try, I only got one on the first level myself.
Everyone's favorite webpage: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub

3. Trivia Q submission - While we have plenty of trivia questions, a few
more couldn't hurt.  So, if you have any trivia questions (we need some 
easier ones) please send them to: yaithaven@<removed for spam reasons>

4. Food - half a pizza for $2 (if you are a paid member, which makes you
suddenly appear much more attractive and intelligent).  Name your topping.

5. Prizes - here's our current prizes list:

Grand Prize (cosplay and trivia or eye game): $200 AND Fanime2002 entrance
($50 value)

Cos-play Runner up: $50 Games People Play gift certificate

Pumpkin Carving (I know we have repeatedly forgotten to mention this, but
we will be doing it again!): $25 Tsugugi's Japanese Restaurant gift

Trivia Runnerup: $15 Tsurugi's gift certificate (It must be mine!)

Eye Game Runnerup: $15 Games People Play gift certificate

Fighting game tournaments: TBA (Nik's working on it)

Well, I think that covers it.  So, go to the webpage and try out the
practice eye game, and start quizzing yourself on random anime
knowledge... or I guess you could study for midterms or something else
lame like that.

Saraba da,

Dylan Hall
Secretary, not to be confused with "Der Furher" (I never claimed to be
able to spell in German).


MNA - Meeting for your viewing pleasure 10/27

(Minna No Anime, Thu Oct 25 22:08:00 2001)
Konnichiwa minna-san,

I hope you're all doing well and working hard on those costumes (I'm
waiting to see someone dress up as a full scale Gundam).

Remember: there are only 8 days left to make your costume...

In case anyone doesn't know where/when we meet:
When: Saturdays 5-10PM
Where: 03-213 (the silo in the business/education building complex)
Why: because watching 5 hours of anime is much better for your body than
drinking alcohol for 5 hours (I know this from personal experience)

Ye olde schedule

5:00 Comic Party #1 - one of the most popular shows in Japan right now,
really funny show about a guy, some girls and a lot of doujinshi...
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #32 - To Die for the Star of Suzaku

Don't you wish everyshow had subtitles of the quality used in Kurumi?

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #9/10 - I must watch more, oh!
6:30 Black Heaven #5 - Those Shining Days

Ah yes, those shining days... when I used to not spend all my time on
anime related things...  wait a minute, those days sucked.

7:00 Inu Yasha #4 - The Hair Demon Yura
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #5 - A Secret for Two: A Problematic Part-Time

I tried explaining to the judge that "We just stayed up and talked all
night; besides she told me she was 22." but he just wouldn't listen.

8:00 His and Her Circumstances #5 - His Ambition
8:30 Trigun #17 - Rem Saverem

Wait a minute, I though all those shows were supposed to end as soon as
the couple got together.

9:00 Berserk #5 - Sword of Wind
9:30 Gasaraki #5 - The Touching

that's all for Saturday...

But wait, there's more!

And it's Maison Ikkoku at that!
And Yagami shows up this week!
And Godai gets a job!
And Yotsuya reveals his occupation! (well, maybe not)

Yup, it's that time again.  Due to us having not watched Maison Ikkoku in
two weeks, it's time for another 3 hour binge.  That's right, it's time
for another night of the "Maison Ikkoku Sunday Dinner Theater" (MISDT).

When? - Sunday, 5-8PM
Where? - the silo (aka - the usual room)
Why? - because it's Maison!!!

The only question is whether or not you will be one of the few, the proud,
the True Takahashi fan.

Random Ramblings:

according to www.animeondvd.com, our favorite US company Animeigo will be
releasing a DVD box set of Kimagure Orange Road in February (which means
it will actually come out in July).  What does this mean for you?  It
means that in all likelyhood someone *ahem* will probably play the fool
and shell out the cash for this set, which will allow us to show this show
from the DVD's (at some point).  The club will still keep it's VHS set
(of which the first tape is now available for loan) for the library and
showing when the DVD's aren't available.

Hajime Yatate (or Yadate) - the mystery man.  If talk about great shows,
both old and new, one name continuously pops up: Hajime Yatate.  His works
include: Gundam, Escaflowne, Gasaraki, Cowboy Bebop, Ryvius, etc, etc.
So, who is this mysterious man you ask?

'He' is not even a man...  Hajime Yatate is actually the collective name
that Sunrise Studio(creator of all the above shows) production team(s) use
for creative credits.  Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

The other half is having some kind of mecha with which to smite your

Web site of the week:

You want a script?  These sites probably have it (if it exists)

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

Go be one of the cool people who visit this page!

Minna no Manga

(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct 29 18:03:00 2001)
Last night before Holloween to listen to your officers bitch about the
price of manga and R2s.  C'mon, I know you all want to waste your Tuesday
nights with us.  

Where:  Business building room 112 (but probably 113)
When:  Tuesday 8:00 pm

see you there
your benevolent VP,
-Nik Kamachi

Holloween, videogame tournament

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov  1 00:15:17 2001)
This is a reminder to ALL members that sign-ups for either tournament
(Capcom vs. SNK 2 and Guilty Gear X) will be open until ONE HOUR before
the start of either tournament (4:30 for CvS2 and 5:30 for GGX).

Just a reminder BOTH games will be running off of Dreamcast (sorry PS2
owners), but there will be an open tv with Tekken Tag, but no tournament
for it.

The in game timer will be turned on for both tournaments. 

Feel free to bring your own controllers, joystick, or adapters (for you
Playstation  owners)

For Guilty Gear X, Dizzy and Testament will be unlocked and playable. 

Please be kind to your fellow players, I will not hesitate to disqualify
anyone for unacceptable behaviour towards others.  


Both tournaments will be Double Elimination.

Guilty Gear X will be best 2 out of 3 rounds.

The tournament will be run with DOUBLE BLIND character selection.  This
means that I will flip a coin.  The winner chooses first player or second
player.  That same person also will secretly pick his character(s) ahead
of time.  The second player will then select his character(s), while the
first person MUST select his pre-selected character(s).

If this confused you (I know it did) feel free to ask me to clarify via
e-mail at Ruroni16@<removed for spam reasons> or ask me in person before the tourny.

Happy Gaming
-Nik Kamachi

MNA - The Last Great Halloween Email 11/3

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov  1 10:15:11 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Well, hopefully you've already had all the halloweeny stuff beaten into
your head repeatedly enough such that you know what's going on better than
I do.

But, if not then go here:


That page has all the details nicely laid out.

Take note that the schedule there (for everything) isn't 100% accurate,
but it's as close as you're gonna get.  The only changes that I can
currently confirm would be replacing the 5:05 AMV (Anime Music Videos)
with "Hellsing", a new show which is appropriately titled for this event
(and I'm not even sure on that).  Just know that we will always have
something playing between 3 and midnight with the exception of a few

>From Nik's last email it appears as though the Capcom vs SNK 2 tournament
will be at 5:30 and the GGX tournament will be at 6:30.  For those of you
who would prefer to play GGX on a good controller, I will be bringing my
PS2 version of GGX and making rallying call against playing on the
Dreamcast (much to the chagrin of Nik).

As for DDR (Dance Dance Revolution); we can provide the modded-PSX's and
the games, but we need dance pads.  So, please, please, please bring your
pads so that we can keep on dancing!

Sodas will be the usual $0.50, and we just went out and bought a ton, so
we'll have all the varieties back in stock.  Remember to bring pizza money
if you haven't paid yet.  We will probably also have candy (as if you
won't be hyper enough after 9 straight hours of anime, pizza and DDR)

So, in summary:

Go to the schedule website:

Come to the MNA Halloween Bash on Saturday from 3PM - midnight

Remind yourself that there it's only 11 days until the next MISDT (eien ni

Know that the 80's truly were the golden days of anime

go to the MNA website and try out "Ray's Practice Eye Game II" (which is
much easier than his first version, I actually answered everything
perfectly on the first pic this time)


Dylan Hall
Jimukan (secretary)


Corrections on tournament

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov  1 15:11:36 2001)
I would like to clarify that the CvS2 tournament will be from 5:30 to 7:00 
and that the GGX tournament will be from 7:30 to 9:00.  Please ignore the
times that were given in the previous mail (sent by Dylan) were incorrect.

Also I would like to remind you that BOTH tournaments will run on
Dreamcast.  You are more than welcome to bring controller adapters if you
want to use playstation controllers, but the tournament will run on the
DREAMCAST versions of Capcom vs. SNK2 and Guilty Gear X.
(sorry Dylan, my tournament my rules =P)

-Nik Kamachi

Minna No Manga

(Minna No Anime, Tue Nov  6 11:38:55 2001)
Ah the aftermath of Holloween, nothing like it...

Anyway, you know the drill...

Tuesday, 8:00 pm.

I also want to personally thank my good friends Nur Monson, and Matt Magee
for helping me with the two tournaments.  Without their help, I would have
been screwed.  Thank you guys!

-Nik Kamachi

MNA - First Tsurugi trip of the year

(Minna No Anime, Wed Nov  7 07:52:16 2001)

I know that a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting it, and now the time
has finally come.  This weekend is a three day weekend due to Veteran's
Day, and what better way to celebrate than taking a trip down the the
local Japanese restaurant.

Place:  Tsurugi Restaurant, Tatami Room
Date:   Monday, November 12th
Time:   6:00 PM

Because of the size of the Tatami room, space is limited to 16 people.  If
you want to be one of the people there, you need to reserve your seat!
Simply reply to this email and let us know you want to come.  Seating is
first come first serve, and we'll try to fill any extra seats we might
have at club this Saturday.

If you have never gone out with us to Tsurugi's before, all the more
reason for you to come.  Great food, great atmosphere and greats friends
sums it all up.

Ben Leinweber
MNA Kaichou/President

PS  If there is enough interest, I shall try to reserve the other back
room as well.  I can't promise anything though.

MNA - The End of an Era 11/10

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov  8 21:54:37 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

That's right, it's time for an end to an era:  No more Kurumi digisubs (at
least for a while).  We got in our fansub tapes and they are better than
you can imagine.  We also got in some more fansubs for the library
including some classic Maziger super robot stuff and (insert dramatic
music here) more Excel Saga! (I'm sure that will be shown during some
unofficial time; wink wink)

Also this week we will be trying all of our live-subbing on our VP Nik's
computer, which you guys don't get more celebrity jeopardy unless he has
some on his computer.

Remember that in addition to the Saturday meeting there will also be MISDT
and a trip to Tsurugi's monday at 6PM.  I hope you all have been
practicing your Ichinose-san laughs and have your party fans ready.


5:00 Rave #1 - New show currently airing in Japan.  It's got a wierd
snowman looking guys as a main character...
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #33 - Nuriko, The Eternal Farewell

Why do I get the feeling something bad just happened to Nuriko?

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #9/10 - Ooh, pretty  colors....
6:30 Black Heaven #6 - Walk Away

The only quesion is whether the improved video quality is worth the loss
in translation quality

7:00 Inuyasha #5 - The Episode For Which I Didn't Make The Script!
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #6 - That Kid's My Rival; Midterm Exam of Love.

Ach!  Let it be law from now on: No show may use the dreaded word
"Midterm" in an episode title!

8:00 KareKano #6 - Your Voice That Changes Who I Am
8:30 Trigun #18 - Goodbye for Now

My advise is as follows:  It's always best to say 'goodbye' while wearing
pants.  It just seems to be the sensisble thing to do.

9:00 Berserk #6 - Zodd the Immortal
9:30 Gasaraki #6 - The Puppet

That's all for Saturday

Sunday!!! More MISDT!!! Yeah!!!
You know you love it.

Come join us Sunday from 5 to 8 PM as we continue our binge through one of
the best shows of all time (and definitely Takahashi's best anime).

When: Sunday, 5-8PM
Where: The Silo (our normal room)
Why: cuz it's Maison Ikkoku

And remember Monday night is Tsurugi's.

Random Ramblings:

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the Halloween
festivities last Saturday.  As far as I know, most things went off without
a hitch.  I had a great time and hope the rest of you did too.  We'll
probably continue the tradition next year and do our best to make it
better than this years.  An extra congratulations to our Grand Prize
Winner (add echo effect) and longtime member Coreen Chang; while she
didn't win everything, she placed in the top 3 for everything and that was
good enough for us.

This site has lots of links to manga translations and many pages with
scans of the manga too.  Lots of good stuff for a lot of series.

This site is great.  The author has collected a list of many great manga
series that most American fans aren't aware of (myself included for many
of these titles).  Definitely go check it out.


Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary, and resident import DVD addict)

as always, the only website that makes a habit of making disparaging
comments about me.


MNA - Meeting of 11/17/01 And That's it!

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov 15 22:38:09 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

I don't have anything special to announce this week, so I'll keep it
pretty short.

Tshirt design contest - to be held on the second week of winter quarter,
so there's no excuse for not having one done!

No meeting next (Thanksgiving) Saturday,  there may be some kind of Sunday
night meeting, but nothing that Saturday.

And now, what you're all been waiting for:

The Schedule

5:00 Mahoromatic #1 - The newest (and currently airing) Gainax show
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #34 - Guardians of Ice

Well, they couldn't get any lamer than killing off my favorite character.

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #11/12 - mo' booty
6:30 Black Heaven #7 - In Need

Don't go Kachou!

7:00 Inuyasha #6 - The Episode that follows episode 5
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #7 - Madoka's Private Life?! A Spark-Colored

Play that flute like you love it Madoka

8:00 KareKano #7 - What Esranges Them
8:30 Trigun #19 - Hang Time

Finally Wolfwood comes back!

9:00 Berserk #7 - Sword Master
9:30 Gasaraki #7 - Return

Time for the Gasaraki musical!  Everybody dance like you're Yushiro!

I'm kinda tired and annoyed at the stupid Poly internet crap so I'm gonna
cut it short this week.

No annoying commentary!
No aggrivating webpages!

Dylan Hall

Minna No Manga

(Minna No Anime, Tue Nov 27 11:24:25 2001)
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and what better way to get back
into the grind than joining your officers for a night of shooting the sh*t
and bragging about how much cash you spent on anime and manga this break

In case you forgot:
Tonight at the Business building, room 112 or 113 8:00 pm.

-Nik Kamachi

MNA All The News That Matters 12/1

(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov 29 20:25:08 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Nothing real special to announce this week, so I'll make something up:

Ben has decided that we will show nothing but Maison Ikkoku next quarter!!

How's that for inciting.

On to the schedule:

5:00 Fansub o' - Hannyaku Maids (or something else, I'm not sure).
Because we didn't get enough fan service last week.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi - #35 - Hell's Mirage

Miaka got as nekkid as the censors would allow last time.  This week she's
back to prove that she won't let "The Man" keep her clothes on.

6:00 Kurumi #13/14 - I was hoping for more fanservice last week...
6:30 Black Heaven #8 - Alright Now

This week we get Tanaka's shower scene, get the camera ready.

7:00 Inuyasha #7 - My Brother,  The Jerk
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #8 - You're Smiling!  A "Shutter-Chance" at the

This week we get all the KOR girls at the beach in swimsuits... sinful

8:00 KareKano #8 - Her Daily Life
8:30 Trigun #20 - Flying Ship

La la la
An Ocean of Blood
Let's begin the killing time!

9:00 Berserk #8 - Conspiracy
9:30 Gasaraki #8 - Inferno

Fire! Fire!! FIRE!!!!  yeah, fire is cool and stuff.  And so is
politics... well, maybe politicians being attacked by mecha, then I'd
watch CSPAN 14 hours a day.

Websites and Random Ramblings:

ust who does take my money?  Aside from the IRS these fine stores are
known to have gotten a dollar or two from me now and then:

used import dvd/cd/ld... really cheap (great quality) used cd's! (all

My comic store in Santa Cruz.  They always know just what I need...

awesome online store.  UPS shipping usually reaches me in 1-2 days; great
selection and they will always find that out of stock item for you.

Hmm... now to ramble.  The destroyer of my productivity in college: Grand
Theft Auto 3.
Best game of the year, no contest.  Just don't start playing unless you
want to extend your graduation date quite a bit.

After Maison Ikkoku... We have the silo for every Sunday next quarter,
although we will probably continue with the every other week MI binging.
However, MI will end at some point and we'd like to keep showing more
stuff then.  We have been considering showing more full series (subbed) or
possibly showing a bunch of raw stuff.  If you have any suggestions,
please share them with the group.

Winter Break - need that anime fix?  We'll let you check out any whole
series for (tenatively) a $40 deposit (you get it all back when we get all
the tapes back).  So, if you wanna binge of Marmalade Boy, you can go
crazy this break.


Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

PS - you should all go read the great stuff Ray has put up on the Minna

MNA - State of the Club Address 12/8

(Minna No Anime, Thu Dec  6 17:15:04 2001)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Well we've finally come to the last meeting of the quarter.

Here's my Quarterly wrap-up:

Well, we started off nicely with Golden Boy #5 and kept that pace with last 
week's Hannuyaku Maids.  On the other side of fan service we did have the
Guts and Griffith naked water fight.

Live Subtitling - This little project was first conceived of after my 
(mostly) successful efforts with the Utena movie last year.  It took us a
few weeks to get it right for all the shows, but I'm really pleased with
the results.  This has been a lot of effort for a lot of people to do,
everyweek we have to setup the episodes, create scripts if they don't
exist, bring a computer and get it too work with the system.  So, just
know that this is something that I doubt any other anime club in the USA
is doing.  We will continue to show anime in this way for as long as it
remains feasable (technically and financially).  We are looking to expand
it and show more shows this way next quarter.  If you would like to help
in this endevor we are always accepting.

MISDT - Because just adding the 5 o'clock hour to the schedule wasn't
enough time, we started up this 'little' (another 6 eps of live sub every
other week) project.  We've now shown through ep 62 (IIRC) and *only*
have ~30 eps left... sigh.  In my opinion, this show is Takahashi's best
work and one of the best shows of all time.  Next quarter we have the
silo reserved for every Sunday and will probably show some other shows on
Sundays opposing MI; we'll keep you posted on the situation.

Halloween - Things went great this year, even better than I had hoped.
Folks didn't watch too much anime, but there was more fun stuff going on
(like DDR 'till 2am).  We'll do this again next year and try to make it
better than this year's.

Engrish - The ranguage of a kings.  From the Kurumi subtitles ("It's
hard!") to many of the OP and ED sequences we've had more than our fair
share of it this quarter.  Hopefully, this will continue into next year -
I'm looking forward to more Japanese->Korean/Chinese->English

T-shirt contest - we will be having our annual T-shirt contest the second
week of winter quarter, so get to work on your designs.

Library checkout - if you wanted that full series over break, be sure to
bring your cash this weekend and a backpack to carry your stuff.  We have
some series reserved already, but others are still available.  A list is
at the bottom.

And I guess you'll want to look at the schedule too...

5:00 I, Me, My, Strawberry Eggs - a reccomended show from our librarian is supposed to be not as 'H' friendly as the last one... but that's just his word
5:30 Steel Angel Kurumi #15/16 - The tape looked to have been recorded with some bad cables; hopefully it won't be present on the other eps but we've got to suffer with it for now

Poorly Recorded Break

6:00 Inuyasha #8 - My Sword, the one that my father hid in my eye; you could've just asked the neighbors to look after it.
6:30 Black Heaven #9 - Hitoribocchi no Sekai (My Own World)

My Own Break

7:00 Kareshi Kanojou no Jijou #9 - Atonement of Moratorium
7:30 Trigun #21 - Out of Time

Out of Breaks!

8:00 Ah! My Goddess - Movie - repeat after me: Pretty, pretty colors...

MISDT - None this week; sorry we'll get caught up at the beginning of
next quarter (you don't have anything better to do at that time anyway)

Random Ramblings/Web pages

Speaking of Engrish:
And for those troublesome Berserk OP/ED lyrics:

Wow, the animation on "Hannuyaku Maids" was unbelievaby... sucky.  All
the effort they put into that 3 color (computer colored) hair(note the
extreme sarcasm).  I yearn for a return to the '80's when things were
actually well animated.
Fortunately there are still some decent productions and tons of great
manga.  One manga I'd love to push on everyone is "Blame!".  Awesome
beyond words, and not much text in it - even a person who could read no
Japanese could get the main story.

I'm sure I've written far too much this week, but you won't be getting
much from me for the next month so I figure a little OD won't hurt too much.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

The ever entertaining MNA webpage:

List of series still avalible for checkout over the break:

Akazukin Chacha vols 1-6
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku Vols 1-3
Armitage III Vols 1-4
DNA^2 Vols 1-4
Future Boy Conan Vols 1-7
Giant Robo (Dubbed and missing last tape) Vols 1-5
Legend of Galactic Heroes Vols 1-12 (All thats out)
Lupin III Shows & movies (9 tapes)
Maison Ikkoku Vols 1-21
Marmalade Boy Vols 1-19
Miracle Girls Vols 1-8 
Slayers Next Vols 1-8
To Heart Vols 1-4
Revolutionary Girl Utena (complete)
Vampire Princess Miyu Vols 1-7
Ghibli Movies (13 Tapes)
        -Gauche the Cellist
        -Grave of the Fireflies (Dub)
        -Laputa: Castle in the Sky
        -Mimi o Sumaseba (Whisper of the Heart)
        -My Neighbor Totoro
        -My Neighbors the Yamadas
        -Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
        -Omoide Poro Poro
        -Pon Poko
        -Porco Rosso
        -Price Horus
        -Umi ga Kikoeru (I can hear the Sea)
        -On Your Mark Music Video
Email mnalibrary@<removed for spam reasons> to reserve your series today.

Winter 2002

MNA - The First Meeting of Winter 1/12

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 10 17:32:18 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

It's been a long time since I last annoyed everyone on this email list, so
I'll make sure to annoy you plenty (got to make up for lost time).

First: The Recap Episode
"The Fall of Decency"  (interpret it whatever way you will)
We started off the year with a "bang" during our pre-meeting with the
infamous Golden Boy Episode 5.  We followed that soon after with Steel
Angel Kurumi and nearly ended the quarter with Hannyaku Maids.
And don't forget all about Kasuga's lecherous friends (ya gotta love the
bedroom decorations).  Black Heaven has had plenty of bathroom scenes and 
naughty magazines.  Inuyasha has... ears and Berserk has
nekid-morning-l33t-water fights.
All I have to say about Gasaraki is:
 "Do you know?"
Yukino was busy keeping her sisters away from Asaba "The Shepard" while
Vash was singing about "beginning the killing time", 'genocide', "Endless
Pain" and what not (whatever that means).

T-shirt Contest: I know you are all tired from spending your whole
vacation working on your designs, but I ask you to give it just one more
week of effort.  Our contest for this year's MNA tshirt will be held next
week (not this Sat).  If you have any questions, please ask Ben.
Remember: more panties = more votes (just kidding... I think).

MISDT:  More Maison!  (about damn time).  Yes, the rumors you've been
hearing all over SLO are true - we will be showing more Maison Ikkoku this
quarter.  All the excitement happens from 5-8PM Sundays in the Silo.  Be
there or be Yotsuya's roommate!! (Now, that is a scary thought)

Webpage:  It's true, Raymond "Webmaster" Lee has left us.  Fortunately Nur
"I don't like people trying to single me out at club" Monson has agreed to
take over.  So, we may see a new style of webpage - possibly with a higher
Poop joke to Dylan joke ratio (but I don't really forsee that happening).

And finally, the schedule(Saturday 1/12 in the Silo):

5:00 Space Pirate Harlock #1 - He's a very 'Roman' man
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #36 - Trampled Love

Space Pirate Miyaka versus the US dub of Robotech

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #17/18 - Mo' Booty, Mo' Bouncy, Mo' Money
6:30 Black Heaven #10 - The Mysterious Ten Years

I'm ashamed that so few people in the audience got the "Ventura, Ventura,
Space People" joke last time.  We need to culture you people up a little
with Urusei Yatsura.

7:00 Inuyasha #9 - Rub my ears for good luck; rub my... nevermind
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #9 - Kurumi, I'll Teach You How To Date.

That little monkey thing reminded me of Mokona far too much

8:00 KareKano #10 - Everything Starts Now
8:30 Trigun #22 - Alternative

I just had the "What if..." thought of switching Vash and Guts.

9:00 Berserk #9 - Assassination
9:30 Gasaraki #9 - Storehouse

Don't forget MISDT!!!  We'll be enjoying episodes 65 - 70, hope to see
you all there.

And now for everyone's favorite part of the email:

Q: What did you do this winter vacation?
A: I watched a lot of anime, consumed alcohol and played Final
Fantasy X (not neccessarily in that order).

Q: Just what did you watch?
A: 4 Gundam Movies, 51 (all) eps of Hana Yori Dango, 25 eps of You're
Under Arrest, 3 Tylor OVA eps, 16 eps of Sexy Commando Masaru-san, and
more (of course that was all before 12/20/01)

Q: What is the Japanese term for Gundam otaku like you (dylan)?
A: Gun Ota (it's true!)

Q: Who is asking these questions?
A: No comment.

Q: Will you give us a webpage so we can stop reading these stupid
A: No. (http://www.adventurers-comic.com)

Q: Go away
A: That's not a question!

Cranky Racoon
Jimukan (Secretary and purveyor of annoyances)

Everyone's favorite source for poop jokes:

MNA - Please Save My Foliage 1/19

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 17 20:57:38 2002)
Konbanwa Minna-san,

Osu Osu Osu! Time for another MNA email, which means that it's nearly time
for another meeting of everyone's favorite free Saturday night club -
Krazy Kenny's Occult Hour!  Or maybe not.

T-shirt contest this week!  Yes, it's finally time for the long awaited
MNA Tshirt design contest.  Everyone get's to show off their artisic (or
lack thereof) talents.  The contest will probably held at 9PM (but maybe
8) so you'll still have a few minutes to add more fan-service shots to
your art!

And now, the schedule in semaphore!


Well, I'm all tired from that, now I'll just write it out:

5:00 You're Under Arrest! OVA #1 - live sub (if I'm not lazy) - The
most crack-coccaine addictive show ever!  I must watch more!
5:30 Fushigi "for me to poop on" Yuugi #37 - Bewitched Warmth

Break to say that F-Yu actually is pretty great.... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!
(now I'm angering Ben and infringing on Nur's territory)

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #19/20 - More Hardcore Doujinshi scenes!
6:30 Black Heaven #11 -  The "Wanna do it" Feeling

Break to mourn the fact that we only have 3 more weeks of Kurumi and 2 eps
left with Our Hero.

7:00 Inu "Nik doesn't like my episode titles" Yasha #10 - Inuyasha, your
coat is so big (while remembering that scene in Spaceballs)
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #10 - A Foreboding Dream?! Hikaru is Dying.

Come on, you can't say you were really surprised that the kidnapper was
Hatta's older brother.  I really got to get myself a copy of that dating
video he had though.

8:00 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou #11 - The End of the First Trimester
8:30 Trigun #23 - Paradise

End of the first trimester??? When did Yukino get pregnant?? Or maybe it's
someone else and the show will change into a NBC afterschool special (I
wouldn't put it past Hideaki Anno)

9:00 Berserk #10 - Nobleman
9:30 Gasaraki #10 - Kugai

Bdea, bdea, bdea that's all folks!

Or is it...

More MISDT!!!

That's right, because we know you have no school Monday we have another 3
hours of the most beloved romantic comedy series of all time.  This time
it's episodes 71 through 76 bringing us within 20
episodes of the end.  

I truly do laugh mockingly at everyone who skips out on this show.

You know the place and time.

Rants/Raves/Wasted Bandwidth

After looking through the links section I noticed that my favorite anime
DVD review site wasn't there.  I knew I had to remedy the situation, so
here it goes:
I love this guy.  He's always absolutely manical in his reviews, dislikes
most of the stuff I dislike, and actually knows how to spot all the crappy
DVD's that the US companies put out.

If you are one of the pathetic, impotent losers who doesn't come to MISDT,
I must insist that you see "The Fellowship of The Ring".  This movie is so
manly and good in every way that is good that it hurts.  I wish a plague
of locusts on anyone who hasn't seen this yet.

Anyone else interested in actually having a MNA Basketball Challenge?
(Those of you who are man enough to have watched all the way to the end of
Marmalade Boy a few years ago will get the reference and feel really old)
If so email me with times you'd want to play.
dhall@<removed for spam reasons>

Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

PS - Be sure to avoid the Harlem area!

your online Fun Fecal Facts Forum

MNA - Can We Make This Any Bigger? 1/26

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 24 20:49:52 2002)
Konbanwa Minna-san,

Well, through the process of random luck the final decision on this year's
Tshirt was made last week.  This means that we will hopefully get the
shirts out before the end of the quarter.

Other than that I have no major news for you (sorry, I'll make sure to
commit some random act of violence next week so that there will be no news
shortage).  But, in place of actual useful information I will provide you
with the favorite game - Name that seiyuu (voice actor)!

Ye Olde Skedulee:

5:00 Full Metal Panic #1 - Another new show from studio Gonzo.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #38 - Dawn of the Heart; Crack of the Ass.

Tasuki = Guts = Parn (Lodoss TV) --> Hayashi Nobutoshi
Yui = Mihael = Rin (PSME) --> Touma Yumi

6:00 Steal Angle Kurumi #21/22 - Will this feature more doujin action than
last week?  Will Kurumi's larger breast size be explained?  Will Dr.
Ayanokouji take off his mask and reveal his true identity (Old Man
Witherspoon)?  All this and more explained (or not) this week.
6:30 Black Heaven #12 - Into The Arena

Kurumi = Kotoko = Yukino --> Enomoto Atsuko
Yokko = Miaka --> Araki Kae

7:00 Inuyasha #11 - Reborn in the Present, the Cursed Nou-Mask (Note that
that is the first time I've actually given the correct episode title since
ep 4)
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #11 - Don't Ring the Wedding Bell!

Kagome = Milly = Ropponmatsu Gou (ExlSga) --> Yukino Satsuki
Jingoro = Myouga --> Ogata Kenichi
Madoka = Meryl = Asuna (MI) = Bulma (DB) --> Tsuru Hiromi
Kasuga = Amuro Rei (if you don't know...) = Mamoru (SM) --> Furuya Tohru

8:00 KareKano #12 - A Place Where Happiness Is
8:30 Trigun #24 - Sin

Tsubasa = Haruko (FLCL) --> Shintani Mayumi
Wolfwood = Shion (PSME) = Yamamoto (Tylor) = Max (Macross) --> Hayami Sho
Chapel = Noah Bright (The Eternal Captian) = Saitou (RK) --> Suzuoki

9:00 Berserk #11 - Battle
9:30 Gasaraki #11 - Ties

Casca = Asuka (eva) --> Miyamura Yuko
Princess Charlotte = Mokona (MKR) = Tsubame (RK) = Nanami (Utena) -->
Shiratori Yuri
Misuzu = Menchi (ExlSga) = Chu Chu --> Koorogi Satomi

Maison Ikkoku Sunday Dinner Theater (MISDT).  Sunday. 5-8PM. The Silo.
Episodes 77-82. Be There Or Be A Loser Cuz You Think You're Too Good For
Rumiko Takahashi.

Mitaka = Ryo (City Hunter) = Roy (Macross) = Ashram (Lodoss) --> Kamiya
Yagami = Anthy (Utena) = Fuchizaki Yuriko

Char Aznable (The Best) = Hiko (RK) = Ikeda Shuuichi

Rants/Raves/Wastes of Time

Well, I hope you found the seiyuu thing at least a little entertaining.
If you want to find out what other roles people have done, the site is:

Here's another waste of time courtesy of my crack dealer Kira Shinji
(owner of AMOTokyo and our only overseas newsletter reciever.  Imagine
that, not even the mighty Pacific Ocean can protect people from my

Kuromi Info (reprinted with permission):
> Any idea if and when more Anime Runner Kuromi will be coming out? 
> I had heard a rumor that they were working on making another couple of
Last year end, I have met the president of Yumeta Company (The studio of
Kuromi). According to him, the next episode will come out in 2004.
It is very late,,, Totally, 4 episodes are planned.
However, Kuromi chan is very important for Anime market (I believe.).
Because Kuromi chan is released with skipping of Big maker, distributer.
Normaly, Anime is selled like this way.
Studio => Maker,Sponser (Such as Bandai, Pioneer) => Distributer => Shop

The problem is that maker get a lot of profit, and Studio (Include
Creaters, director) can get really a few profit. In a lot of cases, the
maker hold the Copy right and no matter how the film selled, Creaters
get really a few reward even none. This is not good at all for Anime
industry. You cannot imagine how Anime creaters are poor.

As you may already know, Kuromi chan 2 will be English subbed, Region
Free. (Region free is agreeded when we met at the first time.)
Anyway, when Kuromi-Chan 2 will come out, I will strongly request to
include Distributer. If Yumeta Company have difficulty to include
distributer, I will bring the president at least CD Japan. 
We Anime fans (Not only oversea, but Japanese) need to get success in
this new way of selling ANime for bright future of Anime.

Ooto, I have talk too much. Anyway, if you have chance, please ask a
support to Kuromi chan 2 to the Anime fans in San Luis Obispo.
So, that's the word on more Kuromi.

The web site of the week is a wonderful review of the great show "Love
Hina".  I love that show almost as much as I love Gundam (note the
exceeding amount of sarcasm).

Quote of the Week:
"I can't even submerge myself into self-hatred peacefully" - Godai Yuusaku

I guess I'll let you all get back to your waiting for Saturday night.
I've still got to put the final touches on my Berserk, Karekano and Maison
Ikkoku shrines.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary and waster of your time)

The Web Site Without New Poop Jokes:

MNA This is the end... 2/2/2002

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 31 19:41:26 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Yes, it is the end.  Not the end of everything just Kurumi and Black
Heaven.  After a loving 13 weeks of each it's time to say goodbye and move
onto new shows.  So, be sure to be there for the big finales of these
great shows.

COWBOY BEBOP MOVIE - We will be showing this movie in club, live subtitled
next week!  Come and share in the joy that is Bebop.


5:00 Battle Royale:  Onegai Teacher #1 versus Excel Saga "Animation USA"
round 1 - Fight!
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #39 - Bewitched Illusions

6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi #23/24 - Nooo!! This can't be the end.  I need
6:30 Black Heaven #13 - The End

Well, I guess that was "The End"... Boy, talk about finality.  Here's a
note: Takahashi Naohito - director for both Kurumi and Berserk.  What a
change in styles... Mmmm... Berserk

7:00 Inuyasha #12 - Tatarimokke and the Little Evil Spirit
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #12 - Study Abroad in America.  Good-bye,

Did anyone else catch the instrumental version of "Sound of Silence" that
played in last week's ep of KOR?  Simon says listen better next time!
(that was a bad joke)

8:00 KareKano #13 - The Next Episode
8:30 Trigun #25 - Live Through

Only one episode of Trigun left.  Remember to bring your donuts next week.

9:00 Berserk #12 - Two People
9:30 Gasaraki #12 - Unravel

No Maison this week!  Bah, what a waste of a Sunday night.


Well, I just got a large package from Japan and had to watch my disks of
the Cowboy Bebop movie and the new Rurouni Kenshin OVA.  My first
thoughts are as follows:  Holy Crap.  I can't wait to put them up on the
big screen.

Sunday Nights - Since we'll be finishing showing Maison Ikkoku this
quarter (every other Sunday) we have some more space open to show stuff.
Suggestions have been made to show whole OVA series, more fansub o',
movies and whole TV series.  What are your thoughts?  Gimmie the lowdown
on what you folks would like to see on Sundays.  If I don't hear anything
I'm assuming you want to watch a lot of raw R2 DVD's... You're Under
Arrest, Arjuna, Gundam, more Gundam.

May the Manga be with you - With all the anime and video entertainments
that people watch I think we've been neglecting the written material far
too much.  I encourage everyone to go buy some comics/manga and read them.
Most of the American comic industry has moved away from the 10 year old
audience to writing for a much more educated and older audience.  There
are many extremely talented writers in comics these days: Kevin Smith
(Clerks, Mallrats), JM Strazinski (Babylon 5), Bendis, etc.  While the
comic industry has shrunk much over the past decade; mostly because of the
influence of video games, it has also gained much in terms of quality.  If
you want any reccomendations (or would like to borrow something) just ask
me and I'll be glad to help you find something you'll love.  Also, the
amount of english translated manga has been increasing steadily over the
past several years, and the quality of production (ie - reproduction,
translation, localization)  has been increasing as well.  So, please go
read a comic, you video junkies!

Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

MNA - 'Ai' love Cowboy Bebop 2/9

(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb  7 14:07:26 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Well it's finally happened; we managed to end 2 shows last week.  No more
Kurumi; no more Oji; no more fun, it's all over.

Yeah right, like we couldn't find something else to put in the schedule?
So, starting this week we have the excellent, classic "Video Girl Ai" OVA
series.  We'll show all 6 episodes of this great show this quarter.  Also,
starting next week (in the 6 o'clock hour with Ai) will be "Sexy Commando
Gaiden Sugoiyo! Masaru-san".  This is a newer show from everyone's
favorite director Akitaro Daichi (director of Kodocha, Jubei, Now and
Then, Animation Runner Kuromi, etc).  We guarantee a great time will be
had by all with the addition of these two shows.

What about Trigun?  Yes, that too is ending soon and will be replaced with
one of the best shows I have ever seen (yes, its even up there with
Gundam) "Here and There, Now and Then".  So, make sure you check out this
masterpiece of animation.

COWBOY BEBOP MOVIE THIS SATURDAY - Yes, we're finishing up the script
right now and will be livesubbing it on Saturday at 8PM.  You know you
want it, you know you love it, so come one, come all and share in the love
that is the Bebop.  

Please note the odd schedule this week due to the movie (in case you're
one of those losers who doesn't stay the whole time ^_^).

This week's screwy schedule:

5:00 Excel Saga "Animation USA" - We'll try this one again
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #40 - Deceptive Love

Break for me to go rent my own video girl... and never return her.

6:00 Video Girl Ai #1 - A Soothing Girl
6:30 Kimagure Orange Road #13 - Everyone's Looking! Hikaru's Super

Break to have everyone say "Cross Crash!" (Your voice is too low!)

7:00 Berserk #13 - Fight to the Death
7:30 Gasaraki #13 - Disembark

Break to the Death (which is a shame, 'cuz then you'll miss the movie).

8:00 COWBOY BEBOP MOVIE - Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Sunday - Maison Ikkoku!!
Yeah, yeah, more Maison.  We're down to the last 2 meetings of our showing
of the TV series.  Once we finish Maison we'll start showing something
really good - like... like... like  Love Hina (note the brain-hemmoraging
level of sarcasm).

Rants/Raves/Wastes of Time

I demand a lowered vocabulary and drastically reduced language

Here's some sites that may assist:

Is anything funnier than non-english speakers speaking the language?

How about some commercials:

And make sure to go check out Nur's links on the MNA webpage before I
freak out all over the place (and then wail on my guitar).

Just like artificial butter,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)
Minna no Anime


MNA - Meeting of the Tri-gone 2/16

(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 14 18:08:24 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Time for another fun, fact filled email!


5:00 Cyborg 009 - Supposed to be really great, I'm looking forward to it!
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #41 - Sunlight of Rebirth

Fact: I am Excel, you are dog.

6:00 Video Girl Ai #2 - Present
6:30 Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoiyo! Masaru-san #1/2 - Masaru and
Beards / Masaru and the red-white caps

Fact:  'Gaiden' means 'outer story' (but there is no 'inner story' for

7:00 Inuyasha #13 - Inuyasha versus Miki; ear-splitting attack!
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #14 - A Foreboding Dream!  Madoka and Kyosuke,
Breaking up at Last!

Fact: 'Kimagure' translates to 'whimsical'; but that sounds really lame.

8:00 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou #14 - Recap Episode!
8:30 Trigun #26 - Under the Sky so Blue

Fact: We now have no more Trigun to show!
Fact: 5 of tonight's shows have '1'&'4' in the episode #.

9:00 Berserk #14 - Bonfire of Dreams
9:30 Gasaraki #14 - They forgot to animate my nose

Fact: The Bebop movie kicks ass!

Fact: No Maison Ikkoku this Sunday.
Fact: That sucks!


Well I hope you all enjoyed Bebop movie last week; I certainly did.  Last
Friday I managed to see 'Metropolis' at a theater (in San Jose) and I must
say 'Wow'.  The animation technique was awesome, excellently directed and
well scripted.  I wish The Palm would get this movie, but I have no
influence with them.

Open House - we're looking at doing things a little differently this year.
We'll probably only be selling sushi and will have a classroom opened with
some anime, DDR and general wastes of time going on.  We'll have more info
as we get closer to Open House.

New Section: Library Reccomends

This is a new section in the email where I will continue to waste your
The first reccomendation:
Maison Ikkoku - Yes, I know you all ignore my email rants for MI, but you
should watch this show.  It is the archetype romantic comedy: KOR, Tenchi,
Love Hina, etc, etc all follow Takahashi's masterpiece.  This show also
have some of the most complete people as cast members; they are so well
written and thought out characters that I believe them to be actual
humans.  This series is one of the all-time classics and most beloved
shows ever produced.  So do yourself the favor and watch this show (or at
least read the manga).  This is one of my top 10 favorite manga and anime,
super reccomend!

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

Ye Olde Web Site

MNA - Open Hours Tomorrow (Sunday 2/17)

(Minna No Anime, Sat Feb 16 22:55:41 2002)
Konbanwa Minna-san,

Since we have the silo on Sundays we decided to have an open programming
schedule tomorrow (Sunday) night from 5-10PM.

For those of you who have never been to a MNA open hours session it
1) Bring stuff to watch
2) Put something on
5) Watch it

Real difficult, huh?

So, come to the Silo tomorrow from 5-10 (or any time in between) and watch
more anime.

I know you don't have class on Monday!

Love Me Do!
Dylan Hall

MNA - Now and 2/23, Here and Meeting - Meeting 2/23

(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 21 12:44:11 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

It's that time of the week again; time for your weekly dose of annoyance
and aggrivation.

News Flash - NEW SHOW - THat's right, another new show this week.  This
time it's the exceedingly excellent "Now and Then, Here and There".
Probaly one of the best shows ever made, so please come and watch this
work of art.

News Flash - FREE STUFF - We'll be holding a give away this weekend, so
bring your MNA member card cuz we've got some good stuff (DVD's, CD's,
etc).  Ah the benefits of membership...

News Flash - NOT SO FREE STUFF - We're also gonna try and schedule our
quarterly trip to Tsurugi's.  We'll be limiting seating to the tatami
room only 16 seats; first come first serve.

And Now: The New and Improved Schedule (which looks strangely like the old

5:00 Raxyphon #1 - The new show from Studio Bones (Esca movie, Bebop
movie), GEKI YABEE!  With opening song by Yoko Kanno!
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #42 - Unbreachable Wall

Break to draw moustaches and breach walls

6:00 Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoi-yo Masaru-san #3/4 - Masaru and the Proof
of Man / Masaru and the Contract
6:30 Video Girl Ai #3 - The Commemorative Day when Ai had a date wearing
the dress that Youta gave her.

Break to check whether or not that was actually the longest episode title

7:00 Inuyasha #14 - Inyasha and the kawarinojutsu (he didn't switch
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #15 - Madoka's Ultimate Decision!  Putting a
Period to the Love Triangle.

Break to laugh at Kyosuke's folly

8:00 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou #15 - One Day, One Thousand Leaves
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #1 - The Girl who Watches the Sun

Break to wonder why we've got so many great shows this year

9:00 Berserk #15 - Decisive Battle
9:30 Gasaraki #15 - Decisive Doujinshi

Break to "just accept this" (copyright Mei Yuu)

MISDT - The End of the TV series (we've got the OVA and movie after this
Sunday).  I've noticed a startling correlation between the intelligent,
good looking members of this club and those who attend MISDT.  Coincidence
or connection - You make the call!  You know where/when it is!


You people are seriously sick.  No kidding; I really don't see what's
funny about Russian Roulette or a field full of brutally murdered people.
The fact that you people laughed at both of those scenes bothers me; don't
you have any sense of humanity?

On the lighteR side of things, a certain store in TokyO managed to ship a
certain Disk to this city, so this certain thing may be put on during
after hours this week.

And... for those of you who didn't come last Sunday for the open
programming here's what you missed:
5:00 Dragon Half Part 1
5:30 Dragon Half Part 2
What, did you think we'd break the streak?
6:00 Steel Angel Kurumi (OVA) #25/26
6:30 Steel Angel Kurumi (OVA) #27/28
What, did you think we'd not watch Kurumi?
7:00 The Maxx
7:30 The Maxx (cont)
What, did you think we'd limit ourselves to just Japanese animation?
8:00 Lupin III Movie - Fujiko's Unlucky Days
What, did you think we'd forgotten about our pal The Wolf?
I truly pity everyone who skipped out.

Library Reccomendation

Tenshi ni Narumon! (I Wanna Be An Angel) - This is the most bizarrely cool
show I've seen (probably ever).  I'd say more but it would probably only
disinterest you; however, this show is definitely worth watching!  

Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

MNA - Why don't you #!~@(% join the Meeting 3/2

(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 28 13:44:34 2002)
Konichiwa Minna-san,

Tsurugi's - Remember to come Sunday at 6 if you signed up last week!

What's going on the rest of the quarter?  Here's the info - we're gonna
finish Video Girl Ai this quarter, and show the movie Jin-roh on
3/16.  Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

I hope everyone enjoyed the giveaway last time, we'll do another one next
quarter.  We're always accepting any prizes donations.

Let's Schedule Time!

5:00 Fansub o' - Mystery Meat! (ie - has yet to be determined)
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #43 - Farewell Reunion

Break to say "Farewell"

6:00 Sugoiyo! Masaru-san #5/6 - Masaru and Beauties / Masaru and the
Masked Man (part 1)
6:30 Video Girl Ai #4 - Confession

Break to confess

7:00 Inuyasha #15 - Kagome gonna Kikyou butt!
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #16 - Do You or Do You Not Believe It.  Madoka
Saw a UFO.

Break to ressurect

8:00 KareKano #16 - Recap free episode!
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #2 - The Boy and The Mad King

break to recap

9:00 Berserk #16 - The Conqueror
9:30 Gasaraki #16 - Kugai in yo' Eye!

break to conquer

Everyone Eat At Tsurugi's Sunday Dinner (EEATSD)!


Note: Do not attempt to write newsletter while listening to the song that
plays when Wolfwood gives his farewell speech in Trigun.  (Guess what I'm
listening to now)

Life After Maison: Yes, life will go on after Maison; sad as it will be.
We only have one more week of Maison, and that's the OVA and Movie.  Next
quarter we have the silo reserved on Sunday's and we'd like to keep
wasting away our lives in there, so we'll be showing some new stuff.  If
you have any ideas of what we should show or how we should show things
please tell me (Dylan) or Ben.

Website of the week: After a absense it's back! here's a few cool sites
I've found:

Arm the Homeless!

Manga shopping guide!

The most detailed maps of Japan on the net (that I've found)

Hmm... I hope that fills your day with... something.
Next week: Dylan's GEKI YABEE manga reccomendations! 

Library Reccomendation:

Hyper Police - Beastmen detectives in a future world! A sexy voiced Kyubi!
Cat girls! What more could one want!  Really cool show, much better than I
thought it'd be.  And if you check it out, you can bug the librarian to
get the rest of the fansubs!

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

MNA - Sayonara Otonashi-san - meeting 3/9

(Minna No Anime, Wed Mar  6 22:58:16 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Time for another meeting, time for another email.  You get it a little
early this week because I had it done early.  This means you have more
time to read all my GEKI YABEE manga reccomendations!

No big news to announce this week, but I do have a couple of notes to

Attendance - I've noticed a drop off in attendance this quarter for
whatever reason.  This is a bad thing because more people means more
people who are involved and willing to put in the time to keep this club
running.  So, if you've been skipping out now's the best time to come back
to the fold.  If you have a friend you think might like the club, tell
them about it and make them come - you don't get any cheaper Saturday
night entertainment than at MNA.

Sunday's - This week marks the end of our fun with Maison Ikkoku.  As I
have previously mentioned, we have the room reserved for Sunday's next
quarter as well but don't quite know what to show.  So if you are like me
and think only one night a week in the silo isn't enough anime, then tell
us what/how/when we should show something on Sundays.

And now for ze skedyull

5:00 Raxyphon #2 - I believe this is the first time this year we have
shown "episode 2" of anything during fansub o'.  Banzai Bones!
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #44 - Moment of Battle

Moment of Break

6:00 Sugoi-yo! Masaru-san #7/8 - Masaru and the Masked Man (part 2) /
Masaru and the Trendy Boys
6:30 Video Girl Ai #5 - Vanishing Ai!

Vanishing Break!

7:00 Inuyasha #16 - Kagome Kidnapped!  The Plot of the Mysterious Meso.
7:30 KOR #17 - A Summer Seduction!  An Out-of-the-Blue Double Date.

An Out-of-the-Blue Double Break! (not really)

8:00 KareKano #17 - His Return
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #3 - The Feast in the middle of Darkness


9:00 Berserk #17 - Moment of Glory
9:30 Gasaraki #17 - Chaos

Break to chaos while waiting for the next episode of Berserk.

Saigo no MISDT!!!  This week we have the movie and side story OVA.  We may
put on the rest of "The Maxx" afterwards (approximately 6:30)


The end of Maison Ikkoku - To all of you who didn't watch this show I only
have this to say: You stupid bastards.  Honestly, what was so important
that you couldn't take 3 hours out of your week to watch one of the best
shows ever made?  If you were working on a cure for AIDS or cancer then
I'll excuse you; otherwise you can go @(~%_)#*&^!*! yourselves for all I
care.  You all missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity to see
Maison live subbed from perfect quality DVDs on the big screen.

As promised here are some GEKI YABEE manga.  I'll break this up into
a few categories.

Available in English:

Nausicaa of the Vally of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki's best work, no
question. At least 100x times better than the Nausicaa movie and anything
else he's done.

Blade of the Immortal - Possibly my favorite manga art ever.  The story is
excellent - a revolutionary new style samurai manga.  I guess it could
(very) loosely be called a mixture of Kenshin and Berserk.

Battle Angel Alita - Futuristic action manga with girl android heroine.
The anime version of this is utter crap, the manga is 1000x better.

Maison Ikkoku - You've heard the whining about the anime, now hear it for
the manga!  This is Takahashi's masterpiece work.  Every person I have
convinced to start reading this manga has been hooked and finished it
within a week.  The best romantic-comedy-drama ever written (as far as I

Akira - awesome, revolutionary manga.  The anime covers about 1/20th of
the story (about the same for Nausicaa), and makes lots of changes.  Post
World War psychological action manga.

There are lots of other really great manga out there too (these are also
all available in english):
Ah! My Goddess
Silent Mobius
Ranma 1/2
...and many more!

Second Category - No commercial US release, many of these have fan
translations available (ask me for any info if you're curious)

Rurouni Kenshin - The reason I taught myself Japanese.  I know you're all
dying to know what happens after Shishio's demise.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou - You'll definitely want to read this after
finishing the TV series.  The manga is still running and continues to get

Blame! - Subterrainian Cyber Adventurer Killy!  Visually incredible, dark,
disturbed, must read manga.

Berserk - No matter how much I love the anime, the manga is still better.
The anime is one of the best adaptions I've seen, but it is still not
quite as good as the manga.

MPD Psycho - really freaky urban detective comic.  Not reccomended for the
weak of stomache; great art though.

Hmm... I'm being overwhelmed with thoughts of titles so I'll stop here for
now.  For every anime in Japan there are easily 10 manga series;  I
couldn't read all the manga that comes out even if I could get it. 
If you want other reccomendations feel free to ask me at club during
breaks, or send me an email.  Maybe Nur will put some other manga
reccomendations up on the webpage.

Webpage of the Week:

Japanese Baseball terms:

BTW - If you don't like what I write, you are more than welcome to take
over the job next year and write your own commentaries.  We'll be
having elections towards the end of next quarter.

Ja mata,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)


MNA - Hey Brother, Minna no Anime Club (meeting) 3/16

(Minna No Anime, Thu Mar 14 14:18:38 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Well, the dreaded day is finally upon us: the last meeting of the quarter.
We'll be finishing the quarter off with the recently released movie:

Jin-roh.  Directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, Urusei
Yastura, yada yada yada).  Full Cell Animation!! Yatta!

Please note that the schedule has been signifigantly changed this week to
accomodate the movie (as is standard for movie nights).  Specifically note
that KareKano has been moved to 6:30; as you will definitely not want to
miss this episode.

Other news:
Open House - April 20 - For open house this year we will be making a few
changes from years past.  First, no Teriyaki Chicken - the California
rolls sold so well last year we are going to try only selling them.  This
means we're gonna need some wrappers, cutter, helpers  yada yada yada.
We'll train you (as best we can) and let you enjoy yourself.  Also, we've
reserved a couple of classrooms in the EE bldg (bldg 20) and will be
running anime, DDR, etc during open house (rain or shine).  So, we're
gonna need some helpers there too to keep things running and protect the
equiptment.  These events run all day, help is always appreciated at any
time of the day.

Tshirts - Ben and Nur got backed up with other project so this has been a
little delayed, but don't fear you will get your shirt.  We'll be taking
preorders the first week back (4/6/02) for Spring quarter.  Shirts will
probably be ~$13 (don't hold me to that number) and available in whatever
size you want.

Also, on that Saturday (4/6/02) it's quite likely that we will be kicked
out of the silo.  We'll try to see about not having that happen, but it's
beyond our control.


5:00 Alien 9 #1 - first ep of ova, supposed to be really good.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #45 - Light of Divergence

Ai don't go!

6:00 VGAi #6 (finale) - Ai(sorrow), Ai(name), Ai(love)
6:30 KareKano #18 - Evolution

Masaru where did you go?

7:00 Now and Then, Here and There #4 - The Happy Fun Musical (Not)
7:30 Berserk #18 - Tombstone of Flames

Jin row the boat ashore.  Hallelujah.

8:00 Jin-roh (movie)

Break till next quarter. (Adam Driscol in the house!)

But wait, there's more...
Special Sunday Night Open Programming 5 - 10 (maybe longer)
If you are like me and don't have any finals until Wednesday, take a break
with us Sunday night in the silo and bring something to watch (we'll have
a computer in case you want to show a digisub).


To start things off, here's a random web site dedicated to  those
otherwise uselessly annoying furry creatures.

And if you're still with me after that page I'll give you this week's
library reccomendation.

Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy) - This was the first popular show from now
famous director Akitarou Daichi (Now and Then, Masaru-san, Fruits Basket,
etc).  A unexpectly excellent show about a child TV star and her
classmates.  We put it on in club starting back in '99 but haven't been
able to show much lately because the fansubbers haven't subbed more yet.
Super Reccomend!

(Aside - we placed our request for the last 8 episodes of Excel Saga, so
we should have those for next quarter)

Editorial Rant - Why do I love manga?
  Since this is my last email for a week, I figured I'd toss in a nice
long concluding statement for my own personal enjoyment (and I guess
anyone who reads this).  If you've read any of this section you'll notice
that quite often I mention my love for comics and manga, so I figured I
give some of the reasons why I believe it's so damn good.
  Comparing manga to anime, manga is a much freer art form.  While it is
still a commercial art, I don't see it being any less of a legitimate art
form than commisioned piece of art.  Because producing and distributing
manga has a much lower overhead than a TV show and it is such a large part
of Japanese culture (ie - a large portion of society reads at least some)
there is a great variety of products.  From childrens titles to adult
businessmen there is something for everyone.  Thus, there are many art
styles, storytelling types and greater freedom to try something new than
in a more restricted commercial medium.
  The artist himself (or herself) has a lot more input to the finished
product than does a script writer or director.  Manga is, generally,
created, written and drawn by one person (with a small staff of
assistants, usually less than 5, and an editor).  When that one person
stops, the manga is finished unless the creator decided to start again.
Again this leads to less mediocracy and compromise in the work and a
finished product closer to the original creators vision.  The only
limiting factor is the author's writing and drawing skills and any
additional restrictions placed by the editor (which may vary depending on
the target audience for the manga). 
  Because of the commercial success of manga, many authors are allowed to
continue series for long enough such that signifigant changes (mostly
improvements) in the authors talents can be seen over the course of a
series.  In terms of the art in them, some manga strive for the look
common in anime where everyone is a beautiful person and the backgrounds
are not very detailed. However many take wholly different approach and
draw ugly people and very non-human art styles to tell their story.
  Another aspect of manga that is unique to it is the way in which words,
sounds and pictures are intertwined.  In manga there is a great emphasis
placed on sound effect; and there is an equally great variety (I'll send
out a link to a site showing this next week) of them.  Some authors will
even use kanji to denote a sound, and sound effects are often used to help
create the scene in the reader's mind.  The placement and usage of text
can also create a mood, Japanese kanji allows the author to choose the
level of clarity and comprehension his audience recieves in a way that is
not easily illustratable in English.  It is also not uncommon for authors
to place text in locations outside the 'speech bubbles'; which adds
another layer of creativity and originality not found in other
art/entertainement forms.
  It is this unique combination of art, language and layout that makes
manga so appealing and has allowed it to not only stay popular over the
years, but continually improve in both content and form.  So, I hope you
all had fun reading this and go out and try reading some manga.  If you
have any desire to get ahold of some, just email me: dhall@<removed for spam reasons> and
I'll be glad to help share the love that is manga.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Jimukan (Secretary)

The Most Promptly Updated Website on the Web (j/k Nur, I know you've been

Spring 2002

The Return of the Rurouni Meeting 4/6

(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr  4 16:06:10 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Time for another quarter of Minna no Anime, everyone's favorite drug free,
alcohol free, money free Saturday night entertainment.

What now that Ai's done?  Well, we have more great OVA's for you this
quarter:  Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen OVA, Here is Greenwood and Read or
Die.  We will be showing all episodes of all of these wonderful OVA's live
subbed for your viewing enjoyment.

Other News:

Tshirts - Preorders this week!  Bring your booze and movie money this
Saturday and we'll get you your new MNA club shirt in a few weeks.

Open House - April 20 (3rd Saturday of quarter).  As always we will need
help setting up, running the booth, cleaing up and yada yada yada.  We're
going to be making california rolls this time around and will also have a
couple of classrooms in bldg 20 (Eng East) for those who want to suffer
through a day of DDR, anime and no sunburns (I can't imagine why...)

And now...

5:00 Fansub of Mystery - Hmm... Maybe livesubbed Mahoromatic...
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #46 - Boy of Fact & Fiction

break to pose.    ...trendy...

6:00 Sugoi-yo Masaru-san! #9/10 - Masaru and the Ultra Price Sale / Masaru
and Isobe and the Strange Dudes 
6:20 Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen #1 - New Kenshin OVA!!! Rejoice!!!
Furuhashi-san's best work yet; the direction technique is awesome.  MUST

break to recover from Kenshin

7:00 Inuyasha #17 - Inuyasha versus the phallic symbol
7:30 KOR #18 - Madoka's Challenge!  A Haunted Beach's Big Wave Legend.

break to repeat after me "I love '80's anime"

8:00 KareKano #19 - 14 Days 1
8:30 Now and Then #5 - Man Killer

Break to cry

9:00 BERSERK #19 - Farewell
9:30 Gasaraki #18 - Rear Window

break till next time...

Sunday - Ben and I have a lot more work this quarter, but we may be able
to work something out.  Talk to Ben if you're interested.

Random / Ramblings / Reccomendations

Live action Cowboy Bebop movie is in production!!!

Good anime info page (shows, seiyuu, etc... good info on original show air
dates etc.)

Library Reccomendation:
Irresponsible Captain Tylor - One of my top 5 all time anime (TV,ova or
movie... and yes, that does include Gundam).  A truly excellent anime of
it's own merits and even better when you get the references they make in
it.  This show was one of the most popular shows of last summer and when
it aired in Japan.  I highly reccomend this excellent show, I truly pity
anyone who hasn't seen this masterpiece.  Ahh if only all shows could be
as good as Tylor.

Rant time - Hmm talking about "top 5" anime made me want to put together
one of those little list things, so here goes (be reminded that these are
my choices, not some academy's vote):

Top 5 Movies:
Macross - Do You Remember Love
Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro
Gundam Movies (I, II, III, Char's Counterattack - yeah, I know that's four
movies, but you wanted to see something else on the list too)

Top 5 OVA:
Please Save My Earth
Rurouni Kenshin Tsuiokuhen
Here is Greenwood
Shamanic Princess

Top 5 TV (limiting to TV original work, not based on manga or novels)
Z Gundam
Cowboy Bebop
Tie: Now and Then / Infinite Ryvius

Top 5 Manga:
(... and then Blade of the Immortal, Gunnm, Nausicaa, KareKano, Maison
Ikkoku... but I guess that's over 5)

Wow, I really hate creating lists like that, someone remind me to never do
that again (or at least make it top 10)

Back to your non-anime lives,
Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime

MNA Additional Meeting info for 4/6

(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr  4 23:31:29 2002)
Konbanwa Minna-san,

After consulting with my colleages, we decided on the fansub o':

Figure 17 Ep1

I wouldn't mention this except that the episodes are long, so we will be
starting the show around

4:45PM, Sat

The show is the newest (and currently airing) creation of Takahashi
Naohito (director of BERSERK, Kurumi, To Heart).  The reason the episodes
are long is because they have one ~40 minute episode per month air.
While I'm all for new show formats and inventions, it can cause some havoc
in the schedule.

Be there or be on the wrong end of Gatts's sword.

Ja ne,
Dylan Hall

MNA Everyone bring your Charmpoints! meeting 4/13

(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 11 15:53:02 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

This week's meeting should go much better than the ill fated meeting last
time.  Because of the technical problems last time (that we solved as best
we could) there will be two episodes of Fushigi Yuugi this week to keep us
on track to finish by the end of the year.

OPEN HOUSE - Saturday April 20 (next Sat).  Come on out and help us make
California Rolls and promote the club.  We'll be located in the parking
lot between the Math & Science (#38) and Library parking lot.  Did I
forget to mention there will be no club meeting that Saturday?  All the
more reason to come out and get some sun on Saturday.

Also... we will be having a practice California roll making session on
Thursday April 18.  If you want to help out rolling early Saturday morning
then you're welcome to join in the fun.  Please talk to Nik or Ben on
Saturday for more info
TShirts - Preorders this week, we promise. Obviously we were distracted
last week, but we promise there will be time for that this week.  $13 for
club members, $14 non-member (plus we'll sneer at you).

Elections - While still ~5 weeks off, they are coming up.  So, be thinking
and ask any of the current officers any questions; we'll provide more info

Ye Schedule:

5:00 Fushigi Yuugi #46 - The episode we were supposed to show last week
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #47 - Two episodes in one night!

break to be thankful we get the silo

6:00 Sugoiyo! Masaru-san #11/12 - Masaru and That Bastard / Masaru, Susan
and the Mysterious Inventor Group
6:30 Here is Greenwood #2 - The second episode of this masterful OVA
series from Studio Pierrot


7:00 Inuyasha #18 - His Name is "Inuyasha" not "Inu Yasha"!
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #19 - An Experience for Two!  An Island of
Forbidden Love.

popsicle stick break

8:00 KareKano #20 - 14 Days 2
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #6 - Another Shiny, Happy Day

heart break

9:00 Berserk #20 - Sparks
9:30 Gasaraki #19 - Wails

No Sunday, too tired, too much work, not enough time.


Straying a bit from my usual diatribes I'm going to promote some
literature that doesn't have pictures!

Since Cal Poly claims to be a place of higher education I'm going to
reccomend that everyone read the best author I've ever read (and he's not
even Japanese!).  If you graduate from this, or any, university without
having read at least some of his works I feel that the university entirely
failed in its goals.  So without further asides, go and read:

PLATO (yes, the long dead Greek guy)

I would most highly reccomend "The Republic", but I'd be happy if everyone
read and carefully considered any of his writings.  I think he's good
enough that I've actually read his stuff instead of Berserk.

So do yourself a favor and read something that might actually advance and
improve your life rather than whatever filth you're currently wasting your
time reading.

Aside from that I'd like to reiterate that the best anime production ever
is (original) Gundam.  I truly pity anyone who doesn't appreciate the
beauty of Tomino and Sunrise's masterpiece.  There have been a few other
productions which are close to Gundam, but I have yet to see one that
surpasses it.  I really do hope I live to see that day and I hope that all
the anime creators in Japan are constantly working and trying to overcome

Ganbare Tomino-san! Ganbare Daichi-san!
Ganbare Anno-san! Ganbare Takahata-san!
(If you don't know who those people are hang your head in shame then go

Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - Thursday Sushi Training / Open House / T-Shirts

(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 15 20:16:03 2002)

As I said in club, this Thursday we're planing to have a sushi training
session in preparation for this Saturday.  I first wanted to thank all of
you that volunteered to do this.  The training session will be at Nik's
(Vice-Pres) place this Thursday at 6 o'clock.  I hope all of the people I
talked to are able to make it.  Nik lives in Mustang Village  Bulding 11
Apt 86.  

On Saturday we want to make all of the Sushi in the morning so
that we don't have to keep the customers waiting for us to roll.  So if
you aren't a morning person, there are other ways you can help us out!
We'll be needing people all day long at the info booth, recruiting the
young impresionable incoming Freshmen.  We also have a DDR/Video Game
room, and an Anime Screening room set up in the EE building.  Just stop by
the booth and we'll tell you where it is.

Speaking of which, the booth is in a different place this year.  This year
it's in the parking lot between the Math & Science building and the
Library.  Come any time during the day, and I'm sure we'll be able to put
you to work, even if it's as simple as watching anime in the viewing room
(Oh, god no!  Don't make me do that!)

And finally info on T-shirts.  If you wern't able to make it to club this
weekend but want to Pre-order a shirt, please reply to this email telling
me your name and size.  T-shirts are $14 as a pre-order, and $15 after
they come in pluss there is a $1 discount for bringing the pre-order price
down to $13.  We'll collect the money as we hand the shirts out.  Please
respond a soon as possible as I'm putting the order in really soon!

Ben Leinweber
MNA Kaichou / President

Open House (Last time... I promise)

(Minna No Anime, Fri Apr 19 19:54:07 2002)
Ok minna, this is it!  Tomorrow is open house!

Now I know I told you that we were in the parking lot between the library
and the Math & Science building, and while that is the same zone, they
actually put us out in the perihery of that zone.  So in all actuality, we
are in between the EE building (20) and the Math & Science building (38).
This is where the rotunda used to stand, and where a hot dog stand resides
during the weekdays.  Not too many of us out there, so it should be easy
to spot us.

Those of you helping with sushi, arive any time you can after 7:00-7:30  
in the morning and we'll put you to work.  If you're feeling very giving
with your time (or if you just can't sleep), you COULD join us at ~6:30 to
help us get the stand up.

Other than the sushi and setup, just show up any time during the day and
hang out and talk with fellow otaku, show us your DDR moves, or bring by
an anime you'd like to show the future otaku of Cal Poly.

Mata Ashita,

Ben Leinweber
MNA Kaichou / President

MNA - Everyone, Freeform Meeting! 4/27

(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 25 15:09:59 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

It's national concise email day!

Elections in 2 weeks.

Tshirts this week, bring money.

5 - 10PM Open Programming (Bring anything you want to have put on)

Fanime this week, thus open programming.
We will resume normal schedule next week.

I'd like to thank everyone who came out and helped on Saturday.  I hope
you all enjoyed yourselves at Open House as much I as enjoyed myself not
at Open House.

Dylan Hall

MNA - Meeting of the Fates 5/4

(Minna No Anime, Thu May  2 16:00:21 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Here are a couple of quick reminders:

Tshirts - This week! I promise! You bring money, we bring shirts!

Elections - not this week! Next time 5/11/02.  You two can yield some of
your free time to help keep this the most badass anime club in the USA.
Feel free to ask any of the current officers if you have any questions
about the jobs.  BTW, the positions are: President, Vice Pres, Secretary,
Treasurer, Librarian.

Library - I realized I had far too many tapes and DVD's, so I went and
donated a big ole' pile of stuff to the library.  In honor of this
occasion or gracious librarian Josh has volunteered to bring in this pile
of goodies to club this week.  So, come see what's been added and rejoice
that you too can now watch the classic ova "Outlanders" as part of the MNA
library.  Ahh the days of dub only vhs, how I wish to return to them...

And now for something completely scheduled...

5:00 Tokyo Underground #1 - new show, new city, new underground, uhh that
didn't really make any sense...
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #48 - Even Wagering on This Life

Only 4 eps of FY left after this week

6:00 Sugoiyo! Masaru-san #13/14 - Masaru and the Boss / Masaru and the
Moustache Soul
6:30 Here is Greenwood #3 - This is my all time favorite Studio Pierrot
show (and they've done a lot of shows; including 2 of our regulars this

next week is our last week of Masaru-san! NNOOOOO!!!! (although the show
has ~50 eps, we only have subs for the first 16)

7:00 Inuyasha #19 - The Dog, The Demon and the Fire Rat Cloak
7:30 KOR #20 - Hikaru Witnesses!  The Camp is Full of Dangers.

both of these shows have at least another 30 episodes, so no need to fear
their demise

8:00 KareKano #21 - Darkness of Profound Lamentation
8:30 Ima, sokoniiruboku #7 - Running's Night

Both of these shows will be ending at our last meeting of the quarter

9:00 Berserk #21 - Confession
9:30 Gasaraki #20 - Whales

That's all folks!


For everyone that wasn't at fanime last week and didn't show up to club:
great shame on you.

We showed two of the best anime films I've seen in a long while direct
from the (kindly) english-subtitled import dvd's (which were both
flawlessly encoded).  Just what were these movies?

Porco Rosso - 1992, Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli.  The best Miyazaki movie
ever?  Quite possibly so.  I wouldn't call it the best ghibli movie, but
it probably surpases Mononoke as my favorite Miyazaki movie.

Goshu the Cellist - 1980, Takahata.  This man is the second greatest
director of anime (next to Tomino); his skill far surpases that of
Miyazaki.  This movie was made before Studio Ghibli was formed (where
Takahata and Miyazaki are the primary directors).  While the story for
this is somewhat simplistic its artistic beauty puts it well within my top
10 movies and quite possibly into the top 5.  There is a copy of this in
the library and I highly reccomend for anyone who loves and appreciates
anime as a valid art form to watch this masterpiece (and all of Takahata's
other works as well).

Also, wholly unrelated to those two films I just watched "Hoshi no Koe 
- Voice of a Distant Star".   This new production is the best single
episode ova I have ever seen.  I really hope we can show it sometime this
year; if not I'll make sure it gets on next year.  We'll have a short, 5
minute, done by the same director put on during some break this week (it
has english subs) - be sure to watch!

Remember, if you want to have a free forum to voice your opinion of...
whatever... you too can run and be secretary next year.  Then you can talk
up whatever shows you think are the greatest (although I would be sorely
disappointed if it wasn't Gundam) and berate those deserving it (although
I would be sorely disappointed if it wasn't Love Hina).

And now let's all take a break and raise a glass in praise of the best
animation studios.

Sunrise Banzai!
Gainax Banzai!
Ghibli Banzai!

Back to your grind!

Mata ashita yarou,
Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - Meeting of the Last Commando 5/11

(Minna No Anime, Thu May  9 15:23:11 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

News for the week:

Elections - We need you to run this club next year!  We will be having
elections in the following order: President, Vice Pres, Treasurer,
Secretary, Librarian.  I hope everyone shows up, runs for and office and

DDR hardpad construction - Do you want your very own arcade style metal
DDR pad?  If so, please contact our friend Chris Perluss at
cperluss@<removed for spam reasons>.  He will be holding pad making sessions (probably)
next weekend and needs to know who is making what and when.

Library - there has been a lot of stuff donated recently - Kenshin, Key,
Boogiepop Phantom, Gundam, etc; you may want to check the website or ask
our current librarian Josh what's new with the library.

And now for the schedule:

5:00 Abenohashi Mahou-shoutengai #1 - NEW GAINAX!! NEW GAINAX!! I don't
think I need to say any more than that.  Come, watch, enjoy.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #49 - Wedding Celebration

break to pray to the gods of Gainax

6:00 Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoi-yo Masaru-san #15/16 - Masaru and the Guts
Tournament / Masaru and the Teacher with the Nice Glasses
6:30 Here is Greenwood #4 - Mitsuru and the Ghost

I'd like a moment of silence in memory of our running out of subtitles for
the funniest anime I have ever seen.  Arigatou Daichi-san.

7:00 Inuyasha #20 - The Inuyasha Afterschool Special: Inuyasha discovers
his feminine side.
7:30 KOR #21 - Kyoske Thrown into a Pinch!  Sweet Soft Nothings at the
Wuthering Heights.

Answer to last week's trivia: Fushigi Yuugi and KOR are the two regular
Studio Pierrot shows we have playing this year.

8:00 Karekano #22 - 14 Days
8:30 Ima sokoni iru, boku #8 - Hitoribocchi no futari (Solitary pair)

What are the 2 directors from whom we have showed 2 regular shows each
this year? (hint: one of the shows ended earlier in the year)

9:00 BERSERK #22 - Infiltration
9:30 Gasaraki #21 - Exfoliation

Bdea, Bdea That's all folks!


Okay, I screwed up in last week's email.  I falsely stated that Porco
Rosso is my favorite Miyazaki movie.  The (obviously) correct answer is:
Lupin III, The Castle of Cagliostro.  Duh... boy do I feel like a retard
for forgetting that that movie was actually made by humans, not simply
handed down from the gods.

Why are elections important?  
I'm sure you can all give a textbook answer,but that's boring.  The reason
 club elections are important is because without new blood (literally) and
new ideas the club would stagnate and die.  Originally an anime club may
have been the only way to see anime outside of Japan.  However, with the
mainstreaming and easy accessability of anime these days the function of
the club has (as well it should) changed.  No matter how much we tried to
show the newest stuff people will always have watched it before.  This
year we made a constant effort to try and bring you shows in a way you
will never have been able to see them, and never will be able to again -
ie live subbing import dvd's and putting them up on a nice 20' projector.
Because we couldn't possibly compete with speed, we chose to go for
quality.  We also tried to maintain a good balance of new/old and
shoujo/shounen (girl/boy) anime.  We also have to deal with trying to find
shows that are of excellent quality, somewhat unknown, and still available
How will things be run next year?  
I have no idea.  Someone could always decide to change formats - for
example we could switch and show the newest episodes of the latest
digisubs whenever they become available.  Or we could switch and show 4-5
hours a night of the same show and finish it in a month.  We could show
less anime and devote more time to social events, manga, group discussion
of themes, meanings and artistic value of certain productions.  Time could
be devoted to examining other aspects of Japanese culture and creating
origami or writing kanji; the possibilities are unlimited.
So, please give your imput regardless of whether or not you run for
office.  A club is nothing without its members and their ideas.

Ja mata,
Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - Read this meeting email Or Die 5/18

(Minna No Anime, Thu May 16 16:46:01 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

No, that wasn't an actual death threat, just a tie in for our Masaru
replacement show:

Read or Die.

This 3 part OVA has been a favorite of the after hours crowd for the last
year, and we finally bring it to you if MNA live-subtitled fashion.

Thanks to everyone who participated in elections, both volunteering for
positions and voting.  Next year's officers are:

President: Nik Kamachi
Vice Pres: Shane Lile
Treasurer: Coreen Chang
Secretary: Jamshid Ahmad
Librarian: Josh Cohen

(odd how all those titles took the same space...)

ANYWAY... here's the schedule:

5:00 Nur's Choice Fansub 'o - This week the webmaster makes the call.
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #50 - Atonement

Only 2 eps left of F Yu.

6:00 Read Or Die #1 - Finally! Live Subbed! Super quality new action ova!
6:30 Here is Greenwood #5 - Kimi o Sukideyokatta (zenpen)

doh, only one ep left of Greenwood

7:00/7:30 Inuyasha #21/22 - Double length episode.  "Inuyasha versus the
impossible foe: Sekushuuaru Toransumittedo Deeshiisu"

A truly unbeatable demon...

8:00 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou #23 - 14 Days 8732
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #9 - Into the Chasm

this break brought to you by life. Ah yes, cool, refreshing life.

9:00 Berserk #23 - Ceremony
9:30 Gasaraki #22 - Screaming Moose

(my brother was bit by a moose once)


During my rants I usually try to talk about things that I enjoy about
anime/manga and related things.  However, seeing as how I should be losing
this free rant forum very shortly I'd like to take my turn talking about
what anime related things I dislike.  To all those of you who disagree
with anything contained herein I say this: "Convince me that I'm wrong."
If you can do that, then I'll gladly restate anything here with a
correction.  Until that time, rant on!

Dylan's list of things that SUCK:

Digisubs - I hate this foul disease that has decended on anime fandom
within the last 2 years.  Why?  Because the only goal of digisubbers is to
get their encode out on the net faster than the next person.  They take no
care or pride in the fan community; they have ruined any image of the
'honest fansubber' in an exceedingly short period of time.  Their subs are
usually bad translations, and they make no effort to remove titles from
distribution after a domestic commercial release is announced.  They do
not release scripts to the public so that someone who LEGALLY BOUGHT THE
PRODUCT can enjoy it with english subtitles; that would mean that whoever
was watching it wouldn't have to look at the group's logo throughout the
whole video (I have never seen this on any fansub tape).  

The digisub community is a community of thieves (yes, this includes YOU if
you actively support the digisub community).  Digithieves pride themselves
on the size of their collection, regardless of whether the encode is of a
non-US licenced show, or a rip off of a US dvd.  In fact many digithief
collectors don't even know that many of the shows they have digi's of are
from US dvd's, and when they find out have no remorse and are proud of
their collection of stolen material.  I would be overjoyed if the Al-Quida
destroyed the IRC networks that most of these groups operated from; I'd be
happier if they destroyed their computers and literally burned all their
cd's.  It's quite unfortunate the stain these groups are leaving on all of
fandumb; there are still decent, ethic abiding groups and individuals.
However most of them have been so discusted by the actions of the majority
of these theft rings that they have stopped contributing to the community.

The least we can do is what I, Ben, Nur and Nik do on a weekly basis,
which is to take 3-6 hours per 20 minute episode and create a script for
legitimate use.  I would be much happier if the digitheft community would
do the following:  subtitle, encode and distribute ~4 eps (of a 26 ep
show); then create and distribute timed scripts for the later episodes.
With the ease of importing and playing DVD's with a timed script, this
would leave no one angry.  Cheap fans could still see the first couple of
episodes and figure out if they like the show, then WAIT (I know, patience
is hard) and BUY (or rent) the US release.  Those who can't wait can spend
the money to legally import the show and watch the rest of it before a
domestic release.

Until this utopian relationship is implimented I encourage all of you to
say "Screw off, you F*(#ing A$(hole!" when ever you are offered the chance
to watch a digitheft of something.  As Chris Beverage (owner of
animeondvd.com) says:  Anime is a priviledge, not a right.

Next Rant:  Love Hina

This show is crap.  Definitely one of the worst I've ever seen, and it is
popular because it is crap.  I know, you're thinking: "Dylan, oh great and
wise one, just why does this show suck so much?"  Well, it sucks for a
number of reasons:
2)  The animation is poorly done and it is obvious that the animators
themselves do not give a p00p about this show.  I trust the judgement of
the actual creators of anime better than any critic or fan (especially
American fans).
3)  The show lacks anything enjoyable.  I have the first vol of the manga,
and it is actually a fun read with some good art.  Everything that made
the manga enjoyable was sucked out of the anime (art, jokes, continuity).
4)  This show is a poorly stolen idea.  The creators said "Hmm... we need
to make money, so lets take every teenage boy's wet dream and have it like
some pathetic wanker."  I'm not going to pretend that this isn't the
premise for 40% of all anime made, but I think all of those shows are crap
(with very, very few exceptions).  They tried to steal from the best
romantic-comedy (Maison Ikkoku) and failed horrifically.  The main
character (Keitarou) has no likable qualities, as do none of the Hinatasou
5)  Enough already! This show's first episode or two were actually mildly
entertaining, but that was apparently the limit of script ideas.
Fortunately the show has finally had its last production (hopefully);
which means its popularity should start fading in Japan as they move onto
other crappy shows.  Unfortunately, I live in the US and fandumb here
doesn't like to move on as quickly as Japanese fans do.  I pray that
people stop liking this show before I'm out of the military (but I'm not
counting on it).
6)  This show appeals to the lowest common denominator.  This show makes
no attempt to even show any remotely interesting points on human nature,
or have well constructed scripts; it is merely a simplistic spooge mop for
fanboys the world over.
7)  The music is horrific.  From the opening songs, ending songs and
everything inbetween this show's music makes me wretch.  At least most
of the music is quickly forgotten.

In summary, this show is a perfect example of everything that is wrong
with anime and has been wrong for the last 10 years.

Next Rant: Megumi Hayashibara

Just quit already.  Really, I've had enough of your mediocre voice acting
and bad singing.  Hayashibara-san has done some great roles and a few good
songs, but the last time she did anything artisitically creative was
Evangelion (7 years ago now).  Her best songs were the one's she did for
Nuku-Nuku (even older), and her best roles (Eva exception) were all before
'93 (VG Ai, Gundam 0080, Ranma).
There are plenty of great voice actors out there who actually try to
create something new with each character, and who don't just recycle roles
for 10 years (see VG Ai and Nuku-Nuku).  Her singing voice is okay, but
every song I hear sounds exactly the same as the last one (it's
unfortunate that she sung the ending theme to the otherwise great
Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai).

Next Rant:  Studio GONZO

They are the largest crap producing studio in existence.  From their
stellar start with Blue Submarine No. 6 they have done nothing but go
downhill.  Their shows are 'entertaining' but nothing more.  As a studio
they have stretched themselves to thin and thus their products suffer from
a lack of care.  I believe they could actually put out some great shows if
they would cut back and only produce 1 or 2 shows at a time.  

Next Rant:  "If it's not new it's crap"

I know who you people are, you're the same one's I was just ranting to in
the digitheft section.  It's my opinion that anime reached a peak in 1988
and has been declining since.  There are occasionally great years ('99)
and occasionally great shows, but in general the quality of production has
been in constant decline.  The Japanese know this is true; among Japanese
fans the '80s are properly referred to as The Golden Age of Anime.  Nearly
all great shows from the '90s have been commentaries, parodies and
retellings of shows from the late 70's and 80's (Eva, Nadesico, Tylor,
Bebop, etc).
Many people are also under the misconception that newer
animation is better.  This is a complete load of garbage.  I dare you to
find any movie from the 90's or today that compares to the human effort
and care placed into any of the big movies of the 80's.  With the advent
of computers, better looking products can be made cheaper and with less
human effort.  I think this is a step in the completely wrong direction;
without the efforts of the animators giving life and human expression to
the characters and backgrounds anime loses its right to be called an art
form.  There have been occasionally expectional productions, but they
still lack the time, money and effort put in in the '80s.  This is not
entirely the creator's fault; the Japanese economy has been down for the
last decade which has lead to the necessity of reduced budgets.  The
counter to this was the use of computers, a cheap way to increase apparent
quality for a low cost.  I don't think that the use of computers is
entirely wrong, but the results become very mediocre when care is not used
(Gonzo productions versus Hoshi no Koe).  I hope that anime producers
figure out how to keep the art in anime even with reduced budgets and a
recycled creative staff (new staff that haven't seen the all time great
shows and don't know their history).   Until that day I'll keep rewatching
all my Gundam, Ideon and Maison Ikkoku.

Well, I think I've finished ranting for today (be thankful I kept my
rants limited to anime related things).

I hope you at least had a good laugh at the expense of the time I spend
writing this email every week.

Mata Ashita,
Dylan Hall

MNA - Voice of a Distant Meeting 5/25

(Minna No Anime, Thu May 23 17:15:41 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

No new and/or exciting news this week.  Sorry, I'll make sure to think up
some exciting lie for next week's email.

Until then...

The Schedule:

5:00 .Hack//Sign #1 - Hmm... new show... good, bad, poopy? you make the
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #51 - Entrusted Hope

Encrusted Rope

6:00 Read or Die #2 - Superfly, Omega-bitchin'.
6:30 Here is Greenwood #6 - I'm Glad to Love You (Finale)

NNOOO!! Dammit, no more Greenwood.  Well, I hope you love the ending to
this show as much as I do.

7:00 *EXTRA SPECIAL SHOWING* Hoshi no Koe - (one ep ova) If you don't love
this, then you lack all appreciation for what is great in anime
7:30 KOR #22 - An Adult Relationship?!  Madoka Secretly Returns Home in
the Morning.

An Adult Break?  Dylan Secretly Returns During KOR.

8:00 KareKano #24 - A Different Story From Before
8:30 Now and Then #10 - Into the Unknown

A Break Different From Before

9:00 Berserk #24 - Eclipse
9:30 Gasaraki #23 - The Alpha and Omega of Nijuusan

Next time: Last episode of BERSERK, Fushigi Yuugi, ROD


Hmm... How can I possibly top last week's extensive rants?
I can't think of an easy way other than encouraging everyone to come to
this week's meeting and enjoy the art that is the majority of the shows we
have on.  This year's schedule is by far the best one we've ever had; in
terms of shows and show quality.  In the short time of 2.5 years we have
moved from an all VHS (and mostly fansub) to nearly all DVD with many
titles being shown directly off the import DVD's.  I'm really happy with
the progress this club has made and hope it continues to find some purpose
for anime fans in the future.

Check out the website!  Our illustrius webmaster should be putting up the
infamous end of year polls soon.  Express your opinion as to whether you
think there was more gratuitous shots in Kurumi or VG Ai.  Should Miaka
die by fire or stake?  What is a Meso?  Could you rock enough to save the
galaxy?  You make the call!

Peace Outside,
Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

WEBSITE -->  http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub

MNA - Journey Into the Unknown 5/26

(Minna No Anime, Sun May 26 12:45:17 2002)

Not being able to get enough of this club, or the facilities that we have
at our disposal, Matt and I have decided to put on another Sunday Dinner

Unfortunatly, being the organized souls that we are, we haven't quite
hammered out the schedule yet.  So here's our best guess at a schedule
starting at 5:00 this evening:

- A movie (quite possibly another Miyazaki, or something Matt gets from
Studio Video)

- Matt's show of Primary and a few Secondary colors

- Excel Saga (getting really close to finishing it off)

You bring dinner, and we'll provide the company and the anime.  Hope
to see you there!

Ben Leinweber
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - Forever Berserk meeting 6/1

(Minna No Anime, Thu May 30 14:48:10 2002)
Konnichiwa Minnasan,

We've finally come to the end of a long journey.  Don't fear, we still
have a meeting next week and will finish off the rest of our stuff along
with the omega-pimptastic movie:
If you've seen it on a TV I know you're jonzing to see it on the big
screen.  If you haven't seen it, you are in for a treat.

Rurouni Kenshin (Seisouhen) - Finally, we come through on our promise to
bring you this 2 part OVA series in its full live-subbed quality.  This
will be the last Kenshin production of any sort (unless Watsuki decides to
write some more manga) and it is a truly fitting end to one of the best
shows of the 90's.  I guarantee that you have never seen a better
production than this; it surpasses even the first OVA (Tsuiokuhen)
series.  So, be sure to be there at 6:30 (of course be there the whole
night) and sit back and enjoy this piece of art.

As can be seen we have FY, ROD, BERSERK, Inuyasha and KOR ending this
week; we will finish Gasaraki, KareKano, Now and Then and Kenshin next
week.  Be sure to show up early next week, because we will be finishing
all of those shows before 8:30.

4:30 ROD #2 (reshowing from last week)

5:00 Something Cool (not so sure, maybe subbed, maybe raw, maybe an Op/Ed
5:30 Fushigi Yuugi #52 (last episode) - For My Loved One

Well, it's finally over; after 2 years we have finished the MNA showing of
Fushigi Yuugi.  Love it, hate it, whatever - it's anime and we finish what
we start here!

6:00 ROD #3 (last episode) - Supa' Bichin' Yo!
6:30 Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen (First Half) - Finally, the wait is over!

Remember: Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale...

7:00 Inuyasha #23 (final ep of year) - Inuyasha and Kamachi Kick Jimukan
For His Past Sins
7:30 Kimagure Orange Road #23 (final ep of year) - Kyoske and Madoka in a
Big Fight!  A Three-Legged Race of Love.

We will be continuing both of these excellent shows next year; we're
halfway done with KOR (TV, there are OVA's and movies) and Inuyasha is
still being made (in both manga and anime).

8:00 KareKano #25 - A Side Story in the Middle of a Story
8:30 Now and Then, Here and There #11 - Murderous Land

Berserk Banzai!  Gutts Banzai!  Caska Banzai!  Griffith Banzai!  Miura
Banzai!  Takahashi Banzai!

9:00 Berserk #25 (last episode) - Eternity
9:30 Gasaraki #24 - Penultimate Doom

What's left?

After Hours Special - "You Too Can Help Us Make Scripts"  We'll be having
a quick training session for anyone who wants to help us make the scripts
that you folks enjoy every week.  It's a pretty simple process, that only
requires a low speed PC and a few small programs.  So, if you want to help
out the club, here's an easy way for which you can watch the results of
your hard work along with everyone else in club.

Sunday Theater:

Whisper of the Heart (Mimi o Sumaseba) - DVD!! (1995 Studio Ghibli)

Yes, the R2 (english subbed) DVD just came out a few days ago, so we're
gonna show it Sunday evening (not quite sure what time).  If you haven't
seen this movie, then shame on you.  If you have seen some crappy quality
fansub, come and enjoy (probably) my favorite Studio Ghibli movie.

Plus, we'll probably find some more stuff to put on and avoid doing


Well, we finally finish Berserk this week.  Bummer.  Oh well, at least
they did as much as they did and did it as well as they did.  The manga is
still running; it started in 1989 and is still one of the top selling
manga in Japan.  I am amazed that Miura-sensei has been able to
continuously work on Berserk for the last 13 years without suffering a
mental breakdown or a drop in quality.
Berserk is the best manga I have ever read. I highly reccomend everyone
read the whole manga (not just the parts that follow the TV series).

Anyone want some comics? (American, Japanese (both in english and
japanese)  I've got a bunch and would like to get rid of some of them.
If you're interested gimmie an email (dhall@<removed for spam reasons>) and I'll send you
a list of what I've got.  I guarantee you will not find my prices

Gee... only one more rant session after this (unless Nik lets me continue
for part of the summer).

MUSIC - that most crucial element of any great production.  There are many
great composers for anime; and I'd like to give 'mad props' to a few of
them here.  Also, another easily overlooked aspect of music is the
placement of it in the show.  Sometimes it plays in the background nearly
the whole time (very American; always needing some audial accompanyment)
to only a few minutes in the show.  For an extreme example look at
Berserk; music usually only plays for less than 4 minutes an episode, yet
each episode feels as though it is full of music.

Yoko Kanno (Arjuna, Macross Plus, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Please Save
My Earth, Turn A Gundam, Brain Powerd, various other works)- the most well
known composer in anime for a damn good reason.
She's the best.  Probably one of the best, most varied composers I have
ever heard.  One day she's writing symphonies, the next its jazz, and then
into some odd etherial stuff followed up by Jpop.  She does it all; she
does it better than anyone else, and she makes it look easy.  Here are
some of my favorite albums of her's (mind you I own ~25 CDs of her's):
Arjuna into the another world - excellent beyond compare
Cowboy Bebop - (ost 1) This is one of the best jazz albums ever made and
the most musically interesting of all the Bebop CD's
Turn A Gundam (ost 1) - Her best symphonic cd ever (this includes Mac+,
Esca, Brain Powerd).  Truly a master craftsman at her peak.

Hajime Mizoguchi (Escaflowne, PSME, Jin-roh, lots of other stuff) - An
excellent, varied composer. In fact, he and YKanno co-wrote most of the
music for Escaflowne, and he did most of the compositions for Please Save
My Earth.  Anytime you hear someone playing an excellent chelo piece, it's
probably Mizoguchi-san (all the chelo in Esca is him).  His music always
has a certain sadness to it that makes it beautiful

Taku Iwasaki (RK OVA, RK OVA2, Now and Then, ROD, etc) - His music always
has a very distinct sound to it; sometimes it's changed by a change in
instuments and is not easily recognized.  His work is probably the most
consistently depressing OST music I've ever heard (try listening to the RK
ova soundtracks and not crying).

Shiro Sagisu (Eva, KareKano, Mahoro, various Gainax works) - He's Gainax's
house composer; and is damn good.  My favorite composition of his is "End
of Evangelion", but all his stuff is real good.  Besides, you gotta love
all the rediculous stuff he made for KareKano

Susumu Hirasawa (Berserk, Detonator Orgun, personal works) - He's not a
soundtrack writer, he just got asked to do those (and agreed).  He's been
a professional musician for 20 years and has been a constant innovator in
the musical usage of computers.  The Berserk soundtrack is similar to many
of his cd's in that it sounds somewhat familiar to other works, but has a
sound completely its own.

Shinichi Mitusmune (Utena, FLCL, etc) - An easily overlooked excellent
composer; please note that he didn't write the dueling songs in Utena nor
the Pillows songs in FLCL.  Excellent work creating complex and
interesting piano pieces that all seems to have some strange flow to them.

Kenji Kawai (Patlabor, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma 1/2, Tylor, Ghost in the
Shell, etc) - He's been probably the most consistently prolific composer
for anime.  His stuff is never monumental, but he always manages to find
the mood of the show and write music that carries it.  His compositions
are often stupid pop-ish keyboard stuff, but they amazingly always work
well.  He has proven his musical talents with the many interesting pieces
he wrote for Ghost in the Shell.

Joe Hisashi (nearly all Ghibli) - We've all heard the variety and quality
of his stuff for years.  He has his musical styles, and is excellent.  I
can't say that I wouldn't love to hear someone else do the music for a
Ghibli production; but I've never been dissapointed by his work.

Other composers (aka other stuff I've liked)
Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun)
[I don't know the composer's name] (Kokoro Toshokan)
Tetsuya Komuro (Cyborg 009)
Ali Project (Noir, Hack.///Sign)
Noriyuki Asakura (All Kenshin TV)

Oh, here's a favorite website of mine:
If you want to read an actually (mostly) accurate technical video review
of an anime, go here.  See just how craptastic all those ADV dvd's
actually are.  Plus, I love this guy's rants (and he makes me feel as
though I don't spend that much on this stuff... right).

Dylan Hall
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - The End of an Era meeting 6/8

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jun  6 16:28:51 2002)
Ore no saigo no "Konnichiwa Minna-san",

Well, another year has come and gone for us at Minna no Anime.  But, do
not fear, we will be having a summer schedule run by our newly esteemed
leader Nik Kamachi to be followed by more MNA goodness in the fall.

News - 

Schedule Calamity - Please read the schedule carefully, as it is much
different from our normal schedule.  We are finishing Gasaraki, KareKano,
Now and Then and Kenshin this week along with showing the super-sexy movie

Anime Expo gave MNA 30 free weekend passes.  We will be giving them out to
the first 30 people who correctly answer the following question:
"In 100 words or less explain all the reasons why Dylan loves Gundam and

Library - I've noticed that everyone seems to love my Escaflowne tapes (I
see at least 4 tapes exchanged every week).  We have lots of other new
stuff in the library too!  We've been adding many dvd's as well (mostly
through the donations of 2 people and a club purchase of Now and Then).
If you need it on VHS I'm sure you could convince the librarian to run
off a copy for you (if you ask real nicely and slip him a $5).  Here are
some newer additions:
Berserk (1-5, dvd), Now and Then (all, dvd), Key the Metal Idol (all,
dvd), Mahou Tsukai Tai! (Magic User's Club) (all ova, dvd), Gasaraki
(1-13, dvd), Maison Ikkoku (all 94 eps, ova, movie as part of "operation
screw Viz").
Our library kicks ass.  You'll never find anime cheaper than this!

As stated in the title this week marks the "end of an era".  Our President
and Fearless Leader Ben Leinweber will be stepping down and handing the
chains... I mean reins to Nik Kamachi.  I hope you punks all appreciate
the efforts Ben has put into this club for the last 3 years (he was
Treasurer/unofficial VP before Pres).  As a friend and fellow Minna member
I say thanks and good luck next year in Japan (you lucky turd).

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for...
The MNA 2001-2002 Final Schedule:

5:00 TOMINO - I will force some excellent Yoshiyuki Tomino anime on you
people; if you're lucky it will have subtitles.
5:30 Gasaraki #25 (end of series) - Lament, Cement, Repent.

If you liked the end to Berserk, you'll love the end to KareKano...

6:00 KareKano #26 (end of series) - 14 Days 6
6:30 Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen (final part) - This episode is ~45 minutes
long, so note that Now and Then will be starting late

You will find tissue in the bathrooms outside

~7:15 Now and Then #12 - Murdurous Lands
~7:45 Here and There #13 (end of series) - Ima, sokoni iru boku (Now,
There is where I am)

After breaking your heart repeatedly we counter with the always enjoyed
MNA Giveaway!  That's right, we have far too much stuff just sitting
around, so we're giving it away.  Be sure to bring your membership card.

8:30 Metropolis - an amazing animation based on manga by OSAMU TEZUKA the
god of manga and anime.  A production that actually uses computer graphics
excellently (see, I'm not all anti-CG).  Please note that this movie will
run past 10:00 (probably closer to 10:30, but you didn't have anything
else to do anyway).

I guarantee some great afterhours stuff this week.  It might not all have
english subs, but those are overrated.

Final Rants/Raves/Redemption

Before you all begin completely ignoring me I'd like to bring attention to
someone else's work.  Club member Nikki Biggers found the ending to
Berserk unsatisfactory and set out to do something about it (wow, what a
concept).  So if you too found that the ending was not what you had hoped
for (or if you want to see how someone else decided to end things) check
this link out:
(just a note, but I've only ever seen "BerSerk" spelled officially in
Japanese or English with an 's')

Now for my opinion on the TV ending of Berserk.  Having read the manga
(which is still being written),the only way they could have ended it 
'better' would have required that the show was a minimum of 10 episodes
longer; and that they went and redid, or expanded on the first episode.
If they had tried to do anything other than that they would have had to
stray significantly from the original manga, which would leave me much
more upset than leaving Gutts' escape from that living hell up to the
imagination of the viewer.  I truly commend Takahashi Naohito, Kobayashi
Shichirou and the rest of the crew that worked so hard to make the
animated version of Berserk not disappointing to fans of the manga.  They
accomplished a nearly impossible task and made it look easy.

I can't wait until you folks see this weeks' episode of KareKano (maniacal
laughter ensues).

This is the funniest (also probably most offensive and crudely written)
webpage I've seen in a long time.  But, it confirms my long hidden
thoughts on this subject (reader beware; this is highly graphic):
(please tell me if you don't get what's funny about this page).

I promised Nur I'd make a good effort to offend anyone I missed out on a
few weeks ago, so here goes:

First topic:
People who talk during club - GGAAHH!!!  There have been several times
when I have wanted to call up Gatts and dispense justice.  I'm not talking
about people who talk during breaks, or even quietly during openings and
endings.  I'm not talking about people who laugh at APPROPRIATE situations
(aka - situations intended to be funny).  I'm talking about the people who
have to make comments throughout the show, eat loud food or make other
noise continuously and laugh as someone is being disemboweled.  This isn't
your house, this is a place where a large number of people come to watch
anime and enjoy their Saturday night; if your enjoyment requires the
stopping of enjoyment for others then get out.  I stopped enjoying Fushigi
Yuugi a while ago, and thus stopped watching it and having the potential
to annoy others who do enjoy it.  If you do have to make noise, play your
Gameboy or laptop computer please go sit upstairs by the water fountain
and don't bother me.

Next topic:
People who slip the 3 words of Japanese they know into sentences - I
haven't heard this lately, so good job to those of you who aren't doing
this.  To those who are: You sound like dumb apes. Pick a language for at
least one sentence at a time.  I admit it seems like a cool thing to do
when you learn a few words, and it's okay for a while (a few weeks), but
then it must stop.  Take this quote I grabbed off and internet message
board:  "...i'm not a ko-gal, but i think it's totemo kakkoi to see girls
portrayed...".  See what I mean?  It just makes you look dumb; so stop now
and save yourself future embarrasment.

Next Topic:
You are what you eat - If you watch stupid shows, read dumb books, talk
like an idiot, it makes you stupider.  Even if you are trying to make fun
of the stupid show while you watch it, it will drag you down.  I've tried
my hardest to make sure that at least some of the shows we at MNA are
thought provoking, not mind numbingly stupid.  A perfect example of dumb
anime was last weeks fansub o' Tokyo Underground.  Along with a mind
numbingly stupid script this show managed to steal from every show I've
ever seen (poorly too).  I'm glad we show crap like this once in a while
though; it really makes you appreciate the quality of our regular shows
(even when they do go on way too long).  Back on topic - please just
remember that watching Dumb and Dumber or Beavis and Butthead 4 times a
day will have an effect on your mental capacity.

Next topic:
People who are wasting their lives - I see you everyday.  You sit around
playing video games, reading bad books and watching cable TV all day.
Grow up. Get a life.
If the best thing you've found to do with your life is watch (as my mother
calls it) the idiot box all day and masterbate, then do me a favor and go
drown yourself.  I'm not entirely against TV (after all, I like my anime
too) as an occasional sedative and distraction.  But at some point you've
got make your stories and live your own life.  I know I've wasted more
than my share of my life doing such things, and I still do watch TV, read
comics and enjoy entertainment that others have created.  However, I truly
pity people who deny themselves of genuine life experiences for the
numbing joy of video entertainment.
Get in a fight.  Fall in love.  Get dumped.  Write a song.  Write a book.
Destroy your most valued possesion.  Drink.  Smoke.  Break a bone.
It's never too late to change your life and do something about it.  If you
wake up one morning to find you hate every decision you've ever made let
that day be the first day of your new life.  As Americans, as citizens of
the wealthiest nation the world has ever known, there is no excuse for not
making something of your life.
Do not fear failure; embrace it.  It may hurt, but this must be accepted
and you must not regret participating in the situation.  As long as you
tried your best to succeed the outcome isn't important; there will be
other days and other battles.

But, don't worry I'm not talking about you; of course you aren't wasting
your life.  It's everyone else; you're a special, unique individual ^_^.

For those of you who don't like anything I've said in any of my rants, I
give you two choices:
1.  Confront me and I'll be more than happy to discuss anything I've said
in any of these emails with you.
2.  go to the following website:

With that I'll say my final goodbye's and leave you all wondering just
what kind of mailing list this really is.

Saigo no 'Ijou',
Dylan Hall
motojimukan, motofukukaichou, ima wa tada no kumishita
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club
(Nur, hurry up with those polls; you know I'm a information hound)

Summer 2002

Cut loose this Saturday!

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jun 20 15:43:03 2002)
Hey everyone!  Hope you're enjoying summer break.  If not, then what
better way to improve it by watching several hours of anime!

That's right, we have the silo during the summer as well, so keep your
Saturdays open.

What's showing you ask?

For this week, I'm going to show a bunch of stuff and depending on what
the crowd's reaction is, I will continue to show it, or I will replace it
with something else.

Without further delay...

5:00-6:00(maybe even 7:00)- Kenshin power battles! (I'm going to show a
major battle from Kenshin each week.)

This week's battle will be Kenshin vs. Aoshi (my personal favorite).  Each
week I will hold a vote in club to see which battle will be shown the
folowing week.  And yes, these will be shown off of the R1 DVDs, so it
should be FAR better than those icky fansubs we showed the last few years.

Next is a list of the potential shows for this summer...

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
Angel Links
El Hazard

This list may get longer by Saturday, so don't feel that you've been short

Also this week Dylan will treat us to Memories (2 hour movie, supposed to
be quite good).

That's all for now,

Your new dictator....er I mean President
-Nik Kamachi

MNA - MNA at Polycon this weekend

(Minna No Anime, Wed Jun 26 14:13:57 2002)

Every year Polycon has their big convention right here in Trinity hall,
and the last two years I've worked with Lee of Games People Play to put on
an anime room at Polycon to help spread the word (and to give people some
crash space).  For better or worse, Lee and Mike Bunting (a bigwig of
Polycon) assumed that I would do it again, and talked me into it.

Polycon is this coming weekend.  It starts at 1:00 on Friday and goes
until 5:00 on Sunday, though I don't think the Anime room will be open the
whole time.  I'll get the details worked out in the next couple of days.

website: http://www.polycon.org

While it costs money to register at the con itself, if you just are coming
into the anime room, nobody should check for a badge, so MNA members are
welcome to join if they want.                               

Last year I got a few people from Minna no Anime to help out last year.
I'd like that again this year if possible!  Here's what I need:

*Volunteers to take shifts of being in charge of the room
*A larger than 20" TV screen, if you can part with it for a weekend
*Anime from your collections.
*Suggestions on what we should binge on!

Lee will be bringing his LD/DVD Player (and TV if we can't get a better
on), and I'll be bringing my laptop, so even digi's might be a

So if our standard 5-6 hours on Saturday just isn't enough and you're
interested in coming, then just show up! If you'd like to help
out a little then please, by all means drop me an email at my personal
address: benl@<removed for spam reasons>

Ben Leinweber
Minna no Anime                   


(Minna No Anime, Thu Jun 27 16:01:52 2002)
Hi all!  Seeing that not many of you enjoyed Angel Links last week, I have
opted to replace it with the Tylor OVA.

Here's the outlook this week

5:00-6:00  Kenshin Battle Hour

This week it's Kenshin vs. Saito

6:10-7:00  Dual ep 2 and Tylor OVA ep 1

7:10-8:00  El Hazard ep 2 and BGC 2040 ep 1

8:10-9:00  BGC 2040 eps 3 and 4

9:10-10:00 Evangelion eps 1 and 2

With any luck this will be our schedule for the remainder of the summer.
If not, then...*shrug* we'll show whatever I feel like showing (no dubs of
course e*cough*Dylan*cough*)

See you Saturday!

-Nik Kamachi

P.S. for those of you who miss Dylan'a brand of weekly e-mails, fear not,
for they shall return next week.


(Minna No Anime, Wed Jul  3 13:24:27 2002)
Hey everyone!  AX is this week, but Matt has been kind enough to show
sstuff on Saturday.  So if you're stranded here, go watch some stuff
courtesy of Matt.

-Nik Kamachi

MNA - A Return to Form Meeting 7/13

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 11 15:36:00 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

It appears as though through some fault in the laws of nature I'm writing
another email.  Why am I doing this you ask?  I don't know, really, I
guess I'm just ill.

Well, seeing as how I just got back from a fun filled weekend in Long
Beach for the 11th annual AnimeExpo I'll give a minor report (on the
things I found interesting) and send everyone to
http://www.animeondvd.com/ax2002/ for any other news.

Everyone go to:
What is this?  Raijin Comics will be the first WEEKLY MANGA publication in
the United States.  Lots of great manga, delivered to you weekly (just
like the major Japanese publications), and they want your input!  Along
with the manga will be a insert containing up to the minute information
on the latest anime, manga, and other cool info (remember, this will be
able to keep up with the latest info because it is WEEKLY, not monthly).
So, please do the American thing and put your money where your mouth is
and subscribe to this great revolution in manga publishing.
In case you weren't aware, the US probably has the least amount of manga
published of the major industrial nations.  France, Italy, China all
publish way more manga than the US - let's not let them beat us any
longer!! Join my crusade to help put manga in the mainstream US culture
(which means more, cheaper, faster manga for everyone).

Hmm... I guess I'll put my other thoughts in the usual location

Ye Olde (New) Schedule

5-10pm Stuff.

If you've been coming you know the approximate schedule; we are intending
on showing the following this week:

Tylor's War (Part 2/2)
El Hazard #3
Evangelion #3-6 (we will be showing all of Eva, director's cut of eps
21-24, and the movies this quarter)
Ranma 1/2 #3-4
Dual #3

That's as detailed as I'm gonna get on the schedule; show up and watch a
lot of really damn good shows (many of which are on my all time favorite


Yes, 'Rines' or 'Lines' as those non-engrish enabled people would
pronounce it.  There were a lot of lines at AX; some lines went where they   
were supposed to at about the right time; some lines went to the wrong
places; some lines went at the wrong time; some lines really never went
I think the best way to judge how successful a con is, is by checking the
ratio of "time in line: time at events/doing something that isn't standing
in line".  If the ratio is any worse the 2:1 (ie 1:1, or god forbid .25:1)
the entire con was a complete failure.  AX was great this year because
everything I wanted to go to was scheduled far enough apart such that I
could be assured a long wait in line every time I wanted to go do
anything.  They made sure to minimize time spent standing around the
dealers' room or wandering aimlessly without a line in site.

In commemoration of the glorious lines I will be commisioning art for a
Tshirt design (there will of course be a line to submit your design).

The Three Goddess Cosplayers:
Belldandy - Goda (OMG director)
Urd - Masunari (ROD director)
Skuld - Mashimo (Tylor, Noir director)

Yes, these are all Japanese men at least in their thirties; none of which
have the body for the goddesses; but this was their idea!  (They said they
feel sorry for however is Keiichi).

Also, I would like to note that all of the creative staff for ROD are
complete, total and utter fanboys!!  Finally, some men of my caliber
making anime for people like me! (H Kurata told people to buy more of his
DVD's so he could get more royalties and buy more disks)

Now to go work on my costume... hmm... I know I have the body to do
Kurumi, I just wonder if I can pull off the hair.

Saraba da,
Dylan Hall
Motokonna (ranma o misugimashita)

The website without summer updates:

MNA - We Put the Meet in Meating 7/20

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 18 18:57:45 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Yet again I mysteriously appear at the author's seat for this email.

No super cool news this week, so I'll just proceed with the non-schedule

Ye Olde Schedule

5-10pm Saturday, 03-213 (The Silo)

What stuff?

Hmm... well, we've started up more stuff than we can possibly finish, and
Nik being the (foolishly) kind El Presidente has mentioned to me that we
may possibly involve some sort of populous input as to which shows we
continue.  So, show up earlier rather than later if you care what we put
on this summer.

Potentially shown:

More Kenshin TV Best Fights Collection
El Hazard #4
Ranma 1/2 #4,5?
Evangelion #7-10
Tylor OVA #1 (or #3 depending on how you count)
Dual #4

Nasubi Part 2


I just spent the last two days watching 28 episodes of "Nadia: The Secret
of Blue Water".  This show was the first TV show made by GAINAX way back
in 1989, and is a truly amazing piece of animation.  Hideaki Anno is a
true genius of animation and direction; his presence is truly missed and I
yearn for his return to the art of anime.  If I have my way you all will
be enjoying this wonderful show in the fall (along with Ryvius... mmm...
Ryvius) Ahh... natsukashii...

Here's some websites in yo eye:

AMO Tokyo - Everyone's favorite place to buy your import anime and cd's.
You know you want your copy of 'Sen' faster than the US release.

Bestprices - my favorite (US) retail store, cheap prices, fast shipping,
accurate online stock count

Anime Music Videos (.org) - The place to find your favorite video and find
many a new video.
(Everyone should search for "Ambiguously Yaoi Duo")
if anyone wants to recommend a video, send me an email and I may include
it in next week's email (dhall@<removed for spam reasons>)

Overman King Gainer - The newest show from my personal god Yoshiyuki
Tomino; it starts airing in September! (See, I'm keeping you all on top of
the coolest new shows)

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - NEW GUNDAM TV SERIES.  Mecha designs by Yamane
(Bebop, Ryvius) character designs by Hirai (Ryvius).  I don't think I need
to say any more.

Afternoon Official Site - the official site for my favorite Japanese
monthly manga magazine (OMG, Blade, Blame!, Abenobashi, Eden, Yokohama,
etc).  Get the latest info on the coolest series.

Hmm... what else is cool...

Viz is making a quarterly release of the new "Gundam: The Origin" by
Yoshikazu YASuhiko.  The first issue is out, be sure to pick up your copy

Dylan Hall
gun-ota ni naritai

Nasubi Desu!

MNA - The Meeting with No Name 7/27

(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 25 17:20:27 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

I'm gonna keep this short and to the point.  Last week it was decided to
cut the Kenshin fights and to try and show as much as possible of the rest
of the show we have been showing.



The usual suspects at the usual times

Dual 5-5:30 (or 6 maybe)
El Hazard at 5:30 (or 6 maybe)
Tylor OVA's #3-4
Ranma 1/2 #6-7
Evangelion #11-14

This weeks random info:


what a great site; loads of reviews of the worst movies, games (and
H-games) ever along with lots of other useless but entertaining content.



MNA - Enough of this crap! Meeting 8/3

(Minna No Anime, Thu Aug  1 22:11:45 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

As yet another eventful week in SLO comes to an end I ponder the meaning
of this email... or not.

Anyways, after writing this thing nearly every week since way back in
September of 2000, it appears as though the official new secretary is
ready to take over.  So, if you want your weekly dose of my special brand
of annoyance you're gonna have to bug me on Saturdays  (or the other days
of the week like my friends do).  Koko's getting angry! (Seinfeld

The (very rough) schedule

5:00 Dual #7
5:30 Dual #8

Break from the "5-10 whatever" style schedule

6:00 El Hazard #6 (of 7)
6:30 Tylor OVA #4 (of 8)

Break to consider the ramifications of Jinnai and Tylor switching places

7:00 Ranma 1/2 #8
7:30 Ranma 1/2 #9

Break to remember that Ranma aired 13 years ago

8:00 Evangelion #15
8:30 Evangelion #16

Break your mind

9:00 Neon Genesis Evangelion #17
9:30 Shin Sekai Evangelion #18

That's it for the important stuff

Rants/Raves/Reccoa-shoi! (Zeta Gundam reference)

Well, I was informed that I soiled my perfect record by providing a false
link last week!  Bah!  Feh!  How could I do such a thing?  Well, I'll
correct it here with the link I was trying to send out:
This is actually the funny site I wanted to send the link to last week.

And here are some other fresh links in yo eye:
You want some recommendations of stuff throughout the years?  This site
has a great recommendation section of all kinds of anime (I think this
guy has good taste in anime, of course I'd have to add some and remove
some, but overall it's really a great list) 

New Ghost in the Shell TV series!  The only bigger movie in (American)
anime history is Akira.  The TV series looks to take more from the manga;
most notably with the inclusion of the fuchikoma's.  Super high budget,
Yoko Kanno soundtrack, supposedly already licensed and produced by Bandai
Ent USA.

And as one final website I'll once again post some of my favorites:
My favorite online comic:
Want to read good reviews? this is the place; especially check out the
review of 'Sen'.
Where to buy your anime!  Anime Runner Kuromi is coming out in a region 0
release; this means that it will play on any dvd player (PS2, Xbox as
Where to buy your out of print anime/cd's.
Where to get your scripts.
Where to waste your time (stupid forums).

And for one final rants I'll direct you to the following links:
Stupid Buena Vista/Ghibli!  They really majorly screwed up this one.  My
opinion is that they screwed up and don't want to bite the bullet and
recall 6 million copies of this movie (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi).  If
they wanted to try and 'calibrate' this for high end equipment they should
have made that some kind of special release and not made it the only

Oh well, at least I can read my manga and not worry about color tint
problems.  I hope.

"If you told me 25 years ago that someday I would be standing here about
to solve the world's energy problems, I would've said 'you're crazy'.  Now
let's push this giant ball of oil out the window." - As Eric Clapton said
"see if you can spot this one".

Dylan Hall
Seinfeld addict
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

MNA - Better late than never meeting 8/10

(Minna No Anime, Fri Aug  9 13:51:43 2002)
Konnichiwa Minna-san,

Yes, the newsletter is a little late.  But it's not my fault!  I was
busy... uhh doing other stuff... yeah...

Anyway, here it is and because it's late I'll give you guys a special
treat:  The first live sub of the year!

Yes, that's right we will be live subbing an hour of this weeks programs;
read on to find out more.


5:00 Dual #9
5:30 Dual #10

break to search for the real me in this world

6:00 El Hazard #7 (finale)
6:30 Tylor OVA #5

break to test for super powers

7:00 Ranma 1/2 #10
7:30 Ranma 1/2 #11

break to see if anyone at the meeting has been to Jusenkyo

8:00 Evangelion #19
8:30 Evangelion #20

break to see if anyone is still sane

9:00 Evangelion #21' - Live Sub Directors Edition from R2 DVD!
9:30 Evangelion #22' - Another Live Sub Directors Edition episode of Eva!

The 'Directors Edition' versions of these episodes have ~5 minutes of
additional footage not before seen in the US!  You know you're jonzing for


Not much news this week other than that I managed to get all the classes I
wanted!  Wow, my last time dealing with the wonder Cal Poly priority

The schedule for the upcoming school year is almost finalized; we've begun
the arduous process of creating scripts for the, literally, hundreds of
episodes we're going to be live subbing this year.  If you want to help
we're glad to take it.  Please email any of the officers (email addys on
the web site) or talk to any of us on Saturday (or anytime you see us
wandering around confused because we don't have a bunch of kanji in our

"One never admits to the mistakes of youth" - Char Aznable (aka The Pimp
With that said, I'm outta here.

saraba da,
Dylan Hall
gunota desu
Minna no Anime, Cal Poly Anime Club

===[MNA] Sat, Aug 16 schedule

(Minna No Anime, Fri Aug 16 16:03:02 2002)
Okay... now perhaps my computer wont reboot everytime I hit the ctrl or
shift keys? 

This weeks schedule:

5:00 Dual #11
5:30 Dual #12

6:00 Tylor OVA #6
6:30 Tylor OVA #7

7:00 Ranma 1/2 #11
7:30 Ranma 1/2 #12

8:00 Evangelion #23-Directors Edition Live Sub
8:30 Evangelion #24-Directors Edition Live Sub
(both with ~5 minutes of new footage)

9:00 Evangelion #25
9:30 Evangelion #26

This weeks rant(short one):

I'll keep this weeks rant short and far from the point. I'm the new
secretary (ie 'weekly mailing b!tch') for our illustrius club, and I have
no idea how to spell anything. For those of you who don't know my name, it
is Ahmad Jamshid Amini. Thats it. "K" is just a nickname. "Tommy" as well.
"James" was just because my roomate couldn't pronounce my name without
making me cringe. If you hear me being called anything else, well... it

Anyway.... well, Dylan has forfeited this job to me (woohoo!) and I have
to figure out this whole "keeping my computer from locking up when on"
thing. The fact that I'm running windows doesn't help, the fact that I'm
overclocking doesn't help, the fact that I think the cat left me a
'present' in my case really doesn't help. 

And one last bit of randomn information. For those of you who don't know,
Spirited Away is premeiring this Sept. 10th (tuesday) here in the US. You
really need to go see this movie, this isn't a recommendation it's a
demand. Also, if you wish to go see the premiere in Hollywood (Miyazaki
himself will be there) then then come talk to either Paul or myself and we
can arrange a carpool perhaps. nausicaa.net should also have more info on

And of course, a couple websites for you to check out:

www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub   - Our website!

www.seanbaby.com/nes.htm    - Because you know you owned an old school NES

-Ahmad Jamshid "K" Amini
-"Lalah-sun Watashi no Haha ninattekurerukamoshirenakatta josei da." -
Char Aznerable (a request from Dylan, something about someone's mama).

[MNA] Thu, Aug 22 Meeting

(Minna No Anime, Fri Aug 23 21:24:57 2002)
Sorry for being late this week, but here's another schedule:

5:00 Dual #13
5:30 Dual #14 (Finale)

6:00 Tylor OVA - From Here to Eternity (part 1)

~7:00 Tylor Ova - From Here to Eternity (part 2) - the end of (animated)
Tylor (sniff)
7:30 Ranma 1/2 #14 (if time permits)

8:00 End of Evangelion (Movie, 1997) - Live sub from the R2.

Come see the theatrical version! You know you're in dire need of a whole
hellova lot of confusion. 

Also, this is our last official meeting of the quarter. We will officially
be back Sept. 28 (I think?) with our awesome lineup for the fall. 

I don't have much to say this week, but I'll leave you all with a nice
video game link that you should probably read again and again...


That's all folks!
-Ahmad Jamshid "K" Amini
-Minna No Anime "mail-bitch"