Nik Kamachi
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Revision as of 16:46, 26 June 2008 by Moroboshi ataru (Talk | contribs)
Officer Positions
2003-2004 | President |
2002-2003 | President |
2001-2002 | Vice President |
What He Says
Hmm, kinda strange writing about myself...I was VP in 2k1 and I was pres in 2k2 and 2k3. We showed an all-time high number of shows from R2s in 2k3. I learned to do just about everything for club administratively and technically. Notable achievements: Made 90 Inuyasha scripts through three years, made scripts for first three Inuyasha movies, still providing Inuyasha R2s for club. How do you spot me: six foot asian + glasses + visor = Nik...'nuff said Currently working at Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Paso Robles, CA
--Nik Kamachi, email to MNAMembers, 23 Dec 2005