Minna no Nur Puppy

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  • Minna no Nur Puppy (MnNP) is the official dance group of Cal Poly's Minna no Anime club.
  • Minna no Nur Puppy won first place at the Haruhi Dance Contest at Anime Expo 2007. As a prize, the members got to dance on stage during the SOS Invasion Tour and will appear on the fourth disc of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. (American release)

  • Minna no Nur Puppy kicked ass at the Fanime 2008 Masquerade, and Minna no Nur Puppy becomes the name for MnA's entries into Fanime's skits. (Videos: [1][2][3][4]) (Open House practice video: [5])

  • MnNP enters into Fanime 2009 Masquerade with a Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) skit. (Video: [6])
  • MnNP enters into Fanime 2010 Masquerade, but the skit doesn't fall through due to costume issues. Instead, they have a walk-on. (Sengoku Basara) (Video: [7])