Yoshiko Tachibana

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Spring Quarter in Japan - Any student with available funds can spend all
of spring quarter in Japan.  You should be able to take some classes and
either Japanese 103 or a special conversational version of Japanese 101,
both taught by resident Japanese teacher Tachibana-sensei (she's also our
club advisor).

--Dylan Hall, email to MNAMembers, 20 Nov 2000


Yoshiko Tachibana was the club advisor from 1991 to 2007. She taught Japanese.

Other quotes

Yoshiko Tachibana, who teaches elementary Japanese at Cal Poly,
has served as the interpreter for the group since they have been at Cal Poly. She sits in
on their classes to help clarify misunderstandings. If anyone in the group has problems
— personal or health-related — they go to her.
She said, “the most important thing they learn is who they are.
Because they have so much freedom here, they grow up a lot emotionally."

--Article in the Mustang Daily by Amy Alonso, 5 Feb 1991 (Link here: [1])