Hosaka vs. Kaiji

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In the third round of SaiGAR 2008, Minami-ke's Hosaka faced off against Kaiji's titular character Kaiji in a show down of epic proxyfag proportions. In the end, Hosaka barely beat out Kaiji but it didn't matter because SaiGAR ended up being canceled anyway.

However, the reprocussions of this fight still leave the club in tension as the former Kaiji and Hosaka fans will still butt heads over which is the more gar character. (It is common knowledge, actually, that Kaiji is a wussy, sniveling crybaby who will make you pancakes; not gar in the least. By comparison, Hosaka is so gar that his shirt comes off on its own; he would gladly throw away his life to remove Haruka from harm's way, if need be. Hosaka >> Kaiji) Andyscout 14:52, 13 March 2008 (PST)


On the flip side, while Hosaka is busy molesting fish, Kaiji is involved with epic levels of dangerous gambling. Does Hosaka bet his own body when the need is great? No. He's too busy making his shirt burst off and doing horrible things to fish. Kaiji may cry, but those are manly tears. Manly. And the fact that he can be a super badass in a battle for his life one second and make you delicious pancakes the next is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of awesome. Also, Hosaka fanS? There are more than one in club? OOHHHHHH SNAP. Kaiji >>> Fish Molester Annaliese

However, let it be known that while Kaiji wagered his own ear in a gambling match to earn money for somebody else, all three seasons and the OVA of Minami-ke end with Hosaka going to the ends of the world (in season 2, literally) to prove his undying love to Haruka Minami. While both characters have their share of gar and moe moments, alike, Hosaka has his own theme song. --Dragon bretheren 18:02, 23 July 2009 (PDT)