Wesley Deffenbaugh
From MinnaHistoryWiki
Revision as of 00:25, 16 July 2020 by Comradekhanrad (Talk | contribs)
Wesley, the god of anime. With a mal of over 1000 entries. The only thing larger than the number of anime he has seen is his AMQ game.
He hosted the meme competition during Fall 2019 in the absence of Isaiah Chavez. Was then fired from the position
- A demigod of AMQ
- Only loses to those from the MBN server
During the Carona Panic of 2019-2020, he interacted more with the AMQers from Animage than he did with members of Minna.
Officer Positions
2019-2020 | Event Coordinator |
2020-2021 | Event Coordinator |
"You should take advantage of me."
what others say
"If you play AMQ with him, you will lose" -Conrad Kinsey