2000-2001 Emails
From MinnaHistoryWiki
Email announcements from school year 2000-2001 |
- 1 Fall 2000
- 2 Winter 2001
- 2.1 MNA - Super Happy Fun Reminders!!!
- 2.2 MNA Meeting 1/13
- 2.3 MNA - Manga Meeting Tonight!
- 2.4 Minna no Manga - Room Change
- 2.5 MNA Meeting 1/20
- 2.6 MNM - Meeting Tuesday 1/23
- 2.7 MNA Meeting 1/27
- 2.8 MNM - Meeting 1/30
- 2.9 MNA Meeting 2/3
- 2.10 MNM - Meeting 2/06
- 2.11 Japan Trip SOS
- 2.12 MNA - Meeting 2/10
- 2.13 MNA - Library/MNM Meeting
- 2.14 MNA Meeting 2/17
- 2.15 MNM - Meeting 2/20
- 2.16 MNA Meeting 2/24
- 2.17 MNM - Meeting 2/27
- 2.18 MNA - Important Fanime Con News
- 2.19 MNA Meeting 3/3
- 2.20 MNM - Meeting 3/6
- 2.21 MNA Meeting 3/10
- 2.22 MNA - AX01 / MNM
- 2.23 MNA - Tsurugi's / Open House
- 2.24 MNA Meeting 3/17
- 2.25 MNA - Fanime Taihen!!
- 3 Spring 2001
- 3.1 MNA - Manga Tomorrow!
- 3.2 MNA Meeting 4/7
- 3.3 MNA - Manga Tuesday / Open House
- 3.4 MNA Meeting 4/14
- 3.5 MNA - Manga/Open House reminder
- 3.6 MNA - Minna 'NO' Anime / Open House
- 3.7 Minna no Manga Tuesday
- 3.8 MNA - Meeting 4/28
- 3.9 MNM - Manga meeting
- 3.10 MNA Meeting 5/5
- 3.11 Manga / Thank You!
- 3.12 MNA Meeting 5/12
- 3.13 MNA - Manga Tuesday / Summer Anime
- 3.14 MNA Meeting 5/19
- 3.15 MNM / 10 year anniversary
- 3.16 MNA - Spring 2002 Japan Study Program
- 3.18 Minna no Manga Tuesday
- 3.19 MNA Meeting 6/2
- 3.20 MNManga / Reminders
- 3.21 Tsurugi's at 5PM today!
- 3.22 MNA meeting Today!
- 4 Summer 2001
- 4.1 MNA Returns!
- 4.2 MNA - Missing Library Tapes
- 4.3 MNA - Meeting 6/30
- 4.4 MNA - The Return of Open Programming 7/7
- 4.5 MNA - 7/14 Fated Meeting
- 4.6 MNA - 7/21 Choose your own adventure
- 4.7 MNA - Will you be feeling 'Blue' on 7/28?
- 4.8 MNA - Now more blue than ever! 7/28
- 4.9 MNA - I'm free, will you be on 8/4?
- 4.10 MNA - room change this Saturday / extra fun
- 4.11 MNA - Halloween info / normal meeting un-normal location 8/11
- 4.12 MNA - The Penultimate Meeting of the Summer 8/18
- 4.13 MNA - You're gonna carry that weight on 8/25
- 4.14 MNA - last minute reminder for 8/25...
Fall 2000
Note: The first email I have is this halloween email. If anyone has mails for the first few weeks of the quarter, please let me know/put them up here. --MikeWhipp 14:53, 26 December 2007 (PST)
MNA - Halloween fun
(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct 23 11:59:18 2000) Moshi moshi minna-san! Dylan here again with some good news. As you may be aware we will be having halloween festivities 2 saturdays from now (Nov 4). Aside from the normal shows we will be showing halloweeny-type episodes from other series and some movies. How can we fit this all in our normal hours you ask? We aren't! Showing times are being extended from 3PM to Midnight. Other activities: anime pumpkin carving contest anime trivia quiz game costume contest pin the scar on the battousai and more TBA There will prizes for all of these contests, and the winner of the costume contest (who must also participate in the trivia contest) will get the grand prize: $150 (to spend on anime goodies) We will take signups this Saturday. Also, if anyone has access to a sewing machine that we could use we would be eternally grateful. We will also be having pizza (sponsered by the club). We will be taking signups saturday for the low, low price of $2.50 for half a pizza!!! Yes, that is correct. So, if you want to gourge yourself for no money at all bring your $2.50 this saturday. Pre-pay isn't required, but it will make this whole process a lot easier for everyone. Also, we will be starting up our $.50 a soda service again (hopefully this Saturday). Remember: this week we will be in 34-227 (Dexter) So we now return you to your boring lives of homework, study and more study (at least, that's about all I do). See you Saturday, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP)
MNA - Quiz game
(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct 23 17:59:25 2000) Hi again, Here's a repost of the quiz question submission rules (in case you weren't on the newsletter, or delete the email): < Here's the part where you can help; we need questions. We are trying to get enough questions so that everyone who wants to join in the game will be able to. Thus we are asking that everyone who wants to play submit at least 1 question (with answer). Remember, the more questions you submit the higher the chances are you will be asked a question you know the answer to. Of course this wouldn't be a Cal Poly event unless we had a long list of rules and archaic bureaucratic prosses, so here they are: 1. Mark Salcido from AJAS (Atascadero Japanese Animation Society) will be running the competition. Thus, all questions need to be submitted to him at: yaithaven@<removed for spam reasons> Please make "Anime Trivia Question" the subject line of the email. Any questions sent to any address other than that are subject to the will of the cosmos and might not be included in the list of questions. 2. The questions must come from somewhere in the subtitles or in the animation of the show. Credits don't count as subtitles. e.g. no questions like, "What's the name of the voice actor who played: Spike Speigel (Cowboy Bebop), Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2), Papachariino (Photon) and Kagetsu (Shamanic Princess)?" 3. The questions cannot be translation questions, unless the Japanese word is found in the subtitles. e.g. "In Lodoss War, what is the Japanese for 'Scepter of Domination'?" However, "In Rurouni Kenshin, what does Saitou's catch phrase of 'naru hodo' mean?" is a perfectly legit question because it is translated and also left in Japanese. 4. Submit the questions in the following form: Anime from: Nuku-Nuku Question: What color hair does Nuku-Nuku have? Answer: Violet 5. Lastly, try to stay away from the most obscure of references. It's no fun if nobody can answer any of the questions. Also, be creative and have fun, the point is to have a good time. So, party on Wayne, party on Garth. That's about it for rules and regulations. Did I fail to mention that there will be prizes for the top finishers! Money!? Anime goods!? Who knows! But a good time will be had by all. So get to writing and send in your quesions. > So, don't delete this one too, or I'll have to fill up your email boxes again. And one final note: we will have at least some access to a sewing machine, so don't let a little sewing stop you from making your 1:2 scale cloth Gundam! Maybe I won't send out another email today; but then what would you have to look forward to? Be sure to drink your Ovaltine, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - I'll give some kind of prize to the first person to answer all the above questions correctly (without looking up the answers on websites or other locations). Send all comments, questions, whines, demands and threats to: dhall@<removed for spam reasons>
MNA Meeting 10/28
(Minna No Anime, Thu Oct 26 20:56:20 2000) First note: This week we should be in 34-227, which for those of you who don't know building numbers is Dexter Hall, room 227. If for some reason we can get the regular room, signs will be posted. Second note: For all of you who are thinking about participating in the MNA Cosplay on Haloween and have a costume idea in mind, but no means to make it. We have a sewing machine on hand for this weekend for general use. Talk to the officers for further details, or email dhall@<removed for spam reasons> if you are interested. Without further ado, the SCHEDULE (drum roll please): 5:00 Eden's Bowy ep 2 - whatever the title may be 5:25 Maison Ikkoku ep whatever - insert title here... 10 Minute Break - or not for those of you who are just getting in 6:00 Slayers #6 - FOCUS! Rezo's the Real Enemy! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #5 - Bewildered Heartbeat 10 Minute Break - Dare you to say "Fushigi Yuugi" 10 times fast and not sound like a drunk. Better practice, the officers will be coming around and testing you. 7:00 Nuku-Nuku #6 - Phase VI 7:25 Kenshin #58 - Will The Era Inherit Shishio? Kenshin's Most Critical Moment 10 Minute Break - Say goodbye to Catgirl, and hello to Kenshin... he'll be around for quite some time... 8:00 Lodoss TV #6 - Heart - Tears Reborn 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #5 - Escudo, the Legendary Ore 10 Minute Break - Welcome to Lodoss Island vs Chibi Rayearth... the ultimate fight of the year, who will take home the laughter award? Sunday Sunday Sunday!!! err... Saturday. 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #6 - Sympathy for the Devil 9:25 Utena #28 - Whispering in the Dark I thought the mummy man was in Slayers... Spike's too cool to stay down for long though. End. Go home people. Don't you have a home? Are you too good for your home? Shameless website plug #6 brought to you by Engrish.com http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub And remember, always drink your Pocari Sweat and you will be happy life. Nuff, Matt
MNA - Minna no Manga 10/31 and Halloween Reminder
(Minna No Anime, Mon Oct 30 22:12:05 2000) A ghoulish greeting to all, We will be holding a very scary meeting of Minna no Manga tomorrow night. There will be more Cadaver Kana and Eerie Editing, of course this is all preceeded by Ghastly Greetings. Anyways... Same bat place (14-250), same bat time (7PM-10PM), same bat stuff (pencil, paper, manga) Also remember: Our first over-the-top-extravagent-expensive-alluring-intimidating-halloween party will be this Saturday. So be sure to ready your costume (I know of at least 5 people doing costumes, which means that the chances of getting the $150 prize are pretty good) and make your pumpkin. We will have prizes (Cd's, tapes, posters , etc) for every event and also some random door givaway stuff, guaranteed fun for all! So send in those trivia questions and get yourself a roll of gauze tape for your Shishio costume. We have a sewing machine available for use if anyone needs it, just email us. Mata mite ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) dhall@<removed for spam reasons> www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 11/4
(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov 2 19:22:05 2000) We may be a little late, but that doesn't mean our Halloween fest won't be good. Just a reminder, we have an extended schedule for this meeting, and plenty of extra events to accompany the Anime. Here goes nothing... 3:00 - 4:30 Vampire Hunter D 4:30 - 5:00 Violinist of Hamelin Movie 5:10 - 5:30 Tenshi Ni Narumon #1 5:30 - 6:00 BREAK #1 - Pizza for those who signed up/Pumpkins 6:00 - 6:25 Slayers #7 6:25 - 6:50 Fushigi Yuugi #6 7:00 - 7:30 Digi Charat/Mini Goddess (we are not responsible for any insanity caused by Digi Charat-nyu, feel free to use the exits-gema, but do not run, we are also not resposible for injuries caused by fleeing Otaku-nyu) 7:30 - 8:00 BREAK #2 - Costume Judging 8:00 - 8:25 Lodoss TV #7 8:25 - 8:50 Cowboy Bebop #7 9:00 - 9:50 Silent Mobius TV #1 & #2 10:00 - 10:30 BREAK #3 - Prize announcements and final judging 10:30 - 11:00 Fancy Lala 11:00 - 12:00 Ghost Sweeper Mikami Movie And of course, during this insanity we will be having our Trivia contest. This will be starting at 4:30 (end of Vampire Hunter D). We also will have Dance Dance Revolution (complete with Dance Pads, thanks Luke and Fuku) when Trivia isn't running. This will all be in one of the classrooms across the way (room 111), we'll make sure to have it marked. (Editor's note: you can't miss it, just listen for the music and people laughing, also the occasional thumps as people with 2 left feet attempt to dance... no I'm not describing myself... how dare you think that). Also in room 111, we will be having "Pin the Scar on the Battousai," the only time you will ever be able to injure Kenshin, EVER. Wow... quite the day. Hope to see you all there. Mata ne. - Matt
MNA 11/11 meeting
(Minna No Anime, Fri Nov 10 10:39:14 2000) It's that time again. Yes, Minna time, our 'special' time. 5:00 FLCL #1 - Gainax's newest OVA 5:25 Maison Ikkoku - Takahashi's 1987 show 6:00 The break that many think is only the beginning 6:10 Slayers #8 - HELP! Shabranigdo is Reborn! 6:30 Fushigi Yuugi #7 - The ep without a title that we know (mysterious isn't it?) 6:57 Break - I'll break you if you don't like Kodocha (just kidding) 7:03 Child's Toy (Kodomo no Omocha) #29 - Finally!! after 8 months another 4 eps of this awesome show. Hiyama Chichi love-love!! 7:28.5 Rurouni Kenshin #59 - Luck Hasn't Run Out Yet! Kenki Revived Again! 7:59 Break - We like to be precise on our break/show times 8:08 Record of Lodoss War TV #8 - The Scepter of Domination - The Dream of a United Lodoss 8:31 Magic Knight Rayearth #6 - Presea, Escudo and uhh... stuff 8:58 Break - If anyone has a Playstation2 and would like to bring it, I've got Tekken Tag and would love to see it larger than life ^_^ 9:09 Cowboy Bebop #8 - Waltz for Venus 9:28 Shoujo Kakumei Utena #29 - Azure Blue Paler Than Sky Doh, only 10 more eps of Utena left (tears) Also a reminder: Bring rough drafts of your T-shirt designs this week (whatever you've got done). We'll be having our competition on either 11/18 (next Saturday) or the Saturday after Thanksgiving. That's All Folks! Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Minna no Manga 11/14
(Minna No Anime, Mon Nov 13 14:08:40 2000) It's time for another newsletter from your friendly fukukaichou The secret words for the week are "Love" & "Peace" Now repeat after me: "Shousen kono seiki wa Love and Peace da!" And I had always thought we that we build this city on rock and roll. But enough with the bad jokes. This week we will ACTUALLY be starting the katakana, so bring your pencils 'cuz we're gonna cover quite a bit of it. No 'cultural education' this week. When: Tuesday, 7-10PM Where: 14-250 What: Minna no Manga, mochiron! Ja ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 11/18
(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov 16 12:37:00 2000) Youkoso Minna no Anime e, Hoo ra for our weekly anime fix... it is almost here. First a few notes from our dedicated hard-working officer team. We know there are those of you who dream of going to Japan and blowing your life savings on loads of anime ... err... stuff... well, do we have a deal for you! Tuesday November 28, from 11AM until 12, in the buisiness building, room 209 there will be a meeting for all interested in spending their Spring quarter in Japan. Yes, you heard me right, Spring quarter in Japan, you earn units, and get to see the culture. This is open to all students, you don't have to know a word of Japanese either, but it is a great excuse to start learning now. (Shameless Plug o' the Week #1: Also a great excuse to attend Minna no Manga on Tuesday Nights, 7-9PM, 14-250, learn how to read and understand Japanese through Manga!) SUGOI! SUBAROSHI! For those of you who aren't going to be making the overseas trek to Nihon, Fanime Con happens to fall on a perfect day for us Poly students. LUCKY! The last weekend of Spring Break, Fanime will be held in the Santa Clara Convention Center. This means all of you Bay Area Anime goers should have no excuse for not going, and all you from SoCal, talk to one of your northern neighbors. Because of this fortuitous event, we will be taking sign ups so we can get group rates (read: We Save You Money if you Wanna Go). Now, on to the schedule: 5:00 FLCL # 2 From DVD! Your anime FRESH. 5:25 Maison Ikkoku ep whatever... not so fresh, but still cool Break - I wish some company other than Viz owned Maison Ikkoku... 2 TV quality eps on VHS for only $30! What a steal! (for them) *note: the opinions stated herein are those solely of the Fukukaichou and loyal henchman Matt, not necessarily of the club 6:00 Slayers #9 - IMPACT! The Eve of the Menacing Battle! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #8 - Brief Parting Break - This time, Zelgadis and Gourry give Lina an external blood transfusion... 7:00 Kodomo no Omocha #30 7:25 Kenshin #60 - The One Who Permits Victory. Shishio vs Kenshin. Last Battle! Break - Maybe Mummy man will FINALLY go down... or will he. Nevermind, this isn't Dragonball, they can't take 50 eps for the fight. 8:00 Lodoss War TV #9 - The Young Knight - Tested Strength 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #7 - Ferlo in Desperation P A Romance in the Desert Break - Don't EVER challenge Presea to Dance Dance Revolution 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #9 - Jamming with Edward 9:25 Utena #30 - The Barefoot Girl No break, go home ya bums, no more anime handouts... Shameless Plug o' the Week #2 - http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub our world famous site... or so we would like to think. Mata mite ne, Matt
MNA - Minna 'NO' Meeting
(Minna No Anime, Mon Nov 20 17:42:02 2000) Konbanwa minna-san, First the bad news: No meetings this week. No Minna no Manga, and no Minna no Anime. So you all better be eating delicious foods without Lina or there'll be hell to pay. The Good News: Spring Quarter in Japan - Any student with available funds can spend all of spring quarter in Japan. You should be able to take some classes and either Japanese 103 or a special conversational version of Japanese 101, both taught by resident Japanese teacher Tachibana-sensei (she's also our club advisor). Informational Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 28, 11am-12 03-209 (business building) Go even if you are just interested, opportunities like this don't come very often! T shirt contest - I saw a bunch of really cool designs on the front table last week, I wish we had the money to put all of them on shirts. Unfortunately reality gets in the way of anime once in a while; that's why we have contests. This years T-shirt design contest will be on our last meeting of the quarter (also our next meeting), 12/2. So spend this break perfecting your drawings and have them all ready for 12/2. DVD Player - For the last year we have been showing titles from DVD whenever available. This is because we get better picture, sound and we like technology ^_^ (just ask anyone who watched Lain last year). However, as a club we do not have a player; we have been using Ben's player. But, come spring quarter our dignified president will be in Japan leaving us short a player. So instead of cutting meeting hours by a lot or restricting ourselves to stuff we have on tape I propose that the club gets a player. I have done some research on the net and a player suitable for our purposes (Region-free, Macromedia vision-free) will cost us at least $350. As was mentioned previously we don't have the limitless funds that we would like to have, so we need to seek alternate forms of income. Thus I'm asking everyone in the club to put aside a donation to the "MNA DVD Player Foundation" or "NAVI" (mNA dVd player foundatIon). Any donation will help get us a good player. If we get around $500 together we can get a REALLY nice player, and that would be sweet. So take $10 from your Xmas money and put it aside for the club that gives you Nuriko, Yahiko and Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV. More details to come. That's all for now, have a fun break. Sincerely, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Reminders and MNM
(Minna No Anime, Mon Nov 27 13:15:20 2000) Welcome back from break everyone! I hope you all had good breaks and are ready for finals. I would like to say "omedetou" (congratulations) to Abhay and any other graduating members. Reminders: Spring quarter in Japan informational meeting - When: Tuesday (tomorrow) Nov 28, 11am Where: 03-209 (Business Building) T-shirts - Contest this week! Bring what you've got and be prepared for a showdown. Long live the skewer rat! Fukukaichou's note - I want to see a shirt with a bunch of really bad Japanese puns on it. Fanime 2001 - If you want to go to Fanime this Spring break and want to pay a little less (10% discount) bring your $35 to this week's MNM or MNA. It's during the last weekend of spring break, so no excuse for skipping out (even if you are in Japan at the time). Club notes - There will be meetings of both MNM and MNA during normal hours this week. MNM - No lesson this week. Bring in what you've got, because it'll be our last meeting for 6 weeks. Don't be an Usagi-chan this dead week, or in the name of the moon I shall punish you! Take care, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 12/2
(Minna No Anime, Thu Nov 30 12:14:14 2000) Once again reminders: Tshirt contest this week (Bring your designs)! Bring your money for Fanime Con ($31.50). 5:00 FLCL #3 5:25 Maison Ikkoku #whatever 10 Minute Break - What do you think: Godai and Haruko as a couple? Maybe not. 6:00 Slayers #10 - JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble! 6:25 Lodoss TV #10 - Recovery - A Mission Assigned 10 Minute Break - Ashram's worst nightmare: Parn hires Lina as a bodyguard. 7:00 Cowboy Bebop #10 - Ganymede Elegy 7:25 Kenshin #61 - Juppon Gatana. Choice of Life! 10 Minute Break - It's over! Finally Shishio is down for the count, burnt to a crisp, yadda yadda... or is it??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Sandoraaaaaaaaaaaa Note: this thought brought to you by ADV, bringers of Excel Saga if we live long enough to see it in Region 1) 8:00 Houhokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun (My Neighbors the Yamadas - The new Ghibli Release, straight out of Japan with subtitles... released 2 weeks ago. Mmmmmmm fresh anime for visual consumption.) Sailor Fukukaichou says: I hate you CDJapan, taking my money so easily. Wait, I can't stay mad at you. Matt Sez: Sailor Fuku is lucky to have income just for being a student... He is also lucky to have outgo just for being an Otaku... Last Shameless Webpage Plug of the quarter/year, we know yer gonna miss it. http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub Mata mite ne, Matt to Fuku
Winter 2001
MNA - Super Happy Fun Reminders!!!
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 4 13:53:58 2001) Konichiwa Minna-san, I hope you've all been having a nice break from school and have been missing waiting for school to start up again so we can all go back to our weekly Saturday anime binges. So here's the notices and such... Club DVD player - We'll be collection donations for a club player (so we can stop borrowing Ben's player) for the first couple of weekends winter quarter. So, if you have $5 to $50 (or any amount) that you'd like to donate to us so that we can get our own player it'll be greatly appreciated. Of course the player we get will be Macrovision-free and Region-free so that we can continue to show the newest, coolest stuff in the world of anime. Meetings - Our first meeting will be Saturday January 13 from 5 to 10pm (same as last quarter). We'll be continuing the regular series (Rayearth, Bebop, Lodoss, Kenshin, Slayers, Utena, Maison Ikkoku, Fushigi Yuugi) and finishing FLCL (as it comes out) showing Kodocha as it's available and showing the OVA "Please Save My Earth". We'll probably also be showing some "Turn 'A' Gundam" and "Here and There, Now and Then". Unfortunately Utena will be ending this quarter, I'll make sure we keep showing interesting, different anime even without the End of the World. Minna no Manga will probably start up on Jan 16, so keep up on that Kana. Other News and Fun - I went to Japan town, in San Francisco, last Saturday and spent far too much money on far too many cool imports (although I did manage to hold off on buying the Gundam movie DVD's... for now). I highly recommend that everyone watch some UC Gundam (not Wing, or X, or Turn 'A') it's really great stuff. I also suggest that everyone pick up a copy of Kenshin manga books 17 - 28 and either learn Japanese or read along with a translation (there are a few online and one of our members is doing his own translation). The end of the manga is even better than the Shishio saga, really great stuff. That's enough rambling from me, for now. Mata ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 1/13
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 11 16:20:13 2001) Quick note: Maison Ikkoku has been moved to 5:00 and FLCL/Fansub half hour is now second. Come late for your guitar wielding mania and early for drama and comedy, thankfully nobody is "donating blood" by cutting their arm in that show. Second Quick Note: We will be accepting any donations you have for our club DVD player. Ze Schedule (pronounced shed-yuule) 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #30 - Kyoko-san getting married? Tearful Godai-kun moving away 5:25 FLCL #4 - Haruka goes crazy... err... nevermind 10 minute break - What's this? We actually got episode numbers and title for Maison Ikkoku? 6:00 Slayers #10 - JACKPOT! The Great Life or Death Gamble! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #10 - Captured Girl 10 minute break - Miaka's heart is still in pain... Lina just deals out pain. 7:00 Kodocha #31 - Sana goes crazy... err... nevermind 7:25 Kenshin #62 - Kyoto Engraved Memory. Starting with Unfulfilled Feelings. 10 minute break - Fukukaichou note: ERK... must read more Kenshin manga... 8:00 Lodoss TV #11 - Spark goes... sorry. We have sacked the persons responsible for sacking the err... nevermind. 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #8 - The Terrifying Trap of Summoner Ascot 10 Minute Break - We apologize for the sacking. Due to budget constraints we will now revert to our normal credits: 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #11 - Toys in the Attic Music by Llama Kanno 9:25 Utena #31 - Her Tragedy Lead actor: Revolutionary Llama Utena Llama's Wardrobe: Touga "Llama" Gucci Llama trainer: Sandoraaaaaaaaaaa Llama petting zoo: Asapin (KareKano reference) Matt Sez: For all of you wanting even more stuff to suck your time, I highly suggest reading http://www.megatokyo.com. It is a Tri-weekly online comic done in Anime style, darn good fanart too. Shameless Website Plug (you know you missed it): http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub. This has been a Fuku/Matt Production, apologies to any copyrights we may have infringed upon, or any persons we may have injured due to laughing. Mata Mite Ne Matt to Fuku-san
MNA - Manga Meeting Tonight!
(Minna No Anime, Tue Jan 16 15:04:47 2001) Konichiwa Minna-san, Sorry about the late message on the meeting, but...There will be a meeting tonight. Where: 14-250 (we may be in a different room, if so there'll be a note on the door) When: Tonight, 7-10PM What: Katakana lessons (starting over) and plenty of stuff to read and folks to work with. Bring: Pencil, paper, manga, yourself, clothing, uhh sorry I got a little carried away there. Anyways, looking forward to seeing you all tonight. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
Minna no Manga - Room Change
(Minna No Anime, Tue Jan 16 15:44:59 2001) Quick note: We've had our Manga room changed to: 14-246 No change in Minna no Anime room. Ijou desu konkai nara, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou
MNA Meeting 1/20
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 18 22:18:19 2001) First the news: T-shirts - Preorders this week. The price will be $14 for non-members, and $13 for members. Don't say being a member never had any perks. DVD Player Donations - We are still accepting donations for the MNADVDP. We are looking at getting the Pioneer DV-333. Help the club move forward technologically, and help yourself too. Ye Olde Schedule: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #30 - Kyoko-san getting married? Tearful Godai-kun moving away 5:25 FLCL #5 - Bura Bure 10 Minute Break - Maybe this week we'll get ep numbers straightened out. 6:00 Slayers #12 - LOVELY! Amelia's Magic Training! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #10 - Captured Girl 10 Minute Break - PACIFIST PUNCH! <thump> KINDNESS TO ALL CREATUES KICK! <crunch> ... it's all about Phil-san. 7:00 Kodocha #32 - Father! You Were Arrested! 7:25 Kenshin #63 - Legend of the Wishing Fireflies. The Girl who Waits for Her Swordmaster. 10 Minute Break - Last new Kodocha ep for quite a while... <sniff sniff> 8:00 Lodoss TV #12 - Sallying Forth... Pursuing a dark Shadow 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #9 - The Magic Knights' Greatest Crisis 10 Minute Break - Ascot's new monster of the week is a mutant plant-thingie that imbeds itself in a human host and grows tentacles to attack... err... wrong script. 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #12 - Jupiter Jazz (Part 1) 9:25 Utena #32 - The Romance of the Dancing Girls Go home - and PLEASE, don't riot after the Bebop ep. It'll only be a week... <shudder> Yet another nifty website plug: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub You know you love it. Adios Space Cowboys, Matt to Fuku-san
MNM - Meeting Tuesday 1/23
(Minna No Anime, Mon Jan 22 10:53:54 2001) Konnichiwa minna-san, This weeks delectible diet includes a modest serving of Minna no Manga followed by gourging proportions of Minna no Anime. We will actually be restarting our work on Katakana (The Japanese alphabet used to write forign (which are mostly American) words). Ben-sensei will be there as his health has been improving over the last week. Other than that, bring all your translations, new manga and other fun stuff that has lots of kanji in it (we can always do more fan translations of "panty high school"). When: Tuesday, 7-10pm Where: bldg 14-246 What: MNM, bring pen/cil, paper, books We also often have a couple of people from Japanese class there, so if you want someone to work with you on class work they'll be there. Ja ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 1/27
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jan 25 19:43:55 2001) We will continue to take pre-orders on T-shirts, $13 for members, $14 for non-members. We will also continue to collect money for the MNADVDP, (Minna DVD player) in our Stylin' bin, thanks to Fuku-san and his R2 fetish. We are nearing our goal but still need more. Thanks to everyone who has donated money, we appreciate all you have done. Schedule 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #31 - Ikkoku-kan scandal. Godai-kun living with a woman? 5:25 Lupin III TV #1 - The first of many!!! (shown in homage to FLCL from last week) 10 Minute Break - This Lupin III is from 1973, which makes it just about the oldest thing we've shown in club. So it's not Gundam, but it's damn cool too, and at least there are car and guns if no Gundams. 6:00 Slayers #13 - MONEY! Crush Those Bounty Hunters! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #11 - Seiryuu no Miko 10 Minute Break - Boku no Jinchuu mamotte (Editor's note: Bad Fuku pun... bad fuku, sit in a corner, no cookie <with apologies to Martin Woodard>) 7:00 Please Save My Earth #1 7:25 Kenshin #64 - Prince Yahiko born? Debut on High Society. 10 Minute Break - Didn't I see a Dork Tower dealing with this kind of stuff? 8:00 Lodoss TV #13 - Nightmare... The Creeping Dark Power 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #10 - The Revival of Selece, the Legendary Mashin 10 Minute Break - Hermaphrodites and gunshots and grenades oh my... 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #13 - Jupiter Jazz (Part 2) 9:25 Utena #33 - The Prince Who Runs Through the Night Fuku says: Only 6 eps of Utena left after this... (tears) Also, big Minna no Manga announcement for those who weren't at the meeting on Tuesady (shame on you). http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNM - Meeting 1/30
(Minna No Anime, Mon Jan 29 18:52:50 2001) Konbanwa Minna-san, Tomorrows meeting content: null Entertainment value: great Educational value: glorious! Yes it's time for another meeting of Minna no Manga, where we all get our weekly dose of kanji (hopefully with furigana). If anyone needs help reading or writing I'll do my best or send you to someone who can help you. Meeting location: 14-246 date/time: Tuesday, 7pm Also note that this weekend MNA will be moved into 3-112 (the room we were in last week). Yes, yes we know you don't like having to move, but neither do we. I really don't like having to go to the small big screen, but it's better than nothing, honestly. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 2/3
(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 1 23:37:51 2001) Thank you all for tolerating the schedule changes last week... and hopefully thank you in advance for tolerating the ones for this week. Yes, you heard me right, we are not going to be in our usual spot, so for those of you who need to get your weekly anime fix, we will be in 03-112, same room as last week after the move. On a happier note, thank you to all of you who contributed to the MNADVD fund, the 2 of you know who you are... j/k. But seriously, thank you. We nearly had enough through donations alone to buy the player, and the order is being made as we speak. Soon we shall be watching all our great shows (yeah yeah, we are allowed to toot our horns once in a while) on our new MNADVD Player. Future generations of rabid otaku will thank you as well. On a final note, this week is the last week for t-shirt preorders. Bring cash or plastic. Yes we take plastic, we keep it until you pay us cash. And now on to your weekly fix: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #32 - Egg is mystery. Yotsuya's dangerous gift 5:25 Lupin III second season ep #1... jump around, jump around, jump up jump up and get... oh whatever. 10 Minute Break - Now we get to see the red jacket from the '78 series as opposed to the green from the '73. The origin of drastic character changes between seasons. 6:00 Slayers #14 - NAVIGATION! Invitation to Sairaag! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #12 - I Only Have You 10 Minute Break - Imagine: Miaka with the ability to Dragon-slave... kowai 7:00 Please Save My Earth #2 7:25 Kenshin #65 - Find Out Missing Treasure! Great Treasure Hunting Dog, Notaro! 10 Minute Break - Please save my Kenshin... please... anyone? 8:00 Lodoss TV #14 - Doorway...The Truth Proclaimed 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #11 - The Mashin Legend of Cephiro, Another World 10 Minute Break - Who will win this week in the "who tops who" hour: Utena vs. Bebop. Last week was too close to call, any bets on this week? 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #14 - Bohemian Rhapsody 9:25 Utena #34 - The Rose Signet Utena Countdown: 5 eps remaining Ye Olde Website: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub Ja ne Matt to Fuku-san
MNM - Meeting 2/06
(Minna No Anime, Sun Feb 4 23:17:39 2001) "Shiawase yori kanashimi" tte totemo ii kotoba desu ne I hope that has some resemblance to actual Japanese. If you don't think it's correct or you want to know what I wrote come to Minna no Manga this Tuesday. We always have plenty of manga and help for anyone wanting to learn Japanese or just look at pretty pictures. What: Minna no Manga - your weekly impromptu bonus session When: Tuesday 7-10pm Where: 14-246 (Comp Sci bldg) Hope to see you all there! Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
Japan Trip SOS
(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 8 17:51:15 2001) "And now that I have your attention... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" -Labrat I don't think that I could have said it any better myself. As you all probably know, I, your Minna no Anime president, am planing on taking a trip to Japan this spring quarter. Well, unfortunately, we found out this morning that we just don't have enough people to go yet. So I'm desperately trying to contact everybody I know and get them to come along with me. The deadline for my mission is very soon. We need to sign up two or three more people to make the program work. What are we going to do on this trip? How much does it cost? How long is it? Well... I'm glad that you asked these questions. I spent a couple hours this afternoon compiling all that information into a Word document which I converted to HTML and stuck on a web site that I've never done anything with before. I was planning on making it my on-line Japanese Trip Journal, but if I can't go, I can't do that! Anyways, the answer to most of your questions should be at this site plus a list of all the really cool stuff we're going to be doing: http://www.piyo-piyo.org/ It may seem a little expensive, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The professors going with us have tried very diligently to get us the best deal, and there's no way that you could do as much stuff as we're planning on doing for so little. Don't worry about your lack of experience with Japanese. All of the classes will be taught by Cal Poly professors in English, and the rest you can pick up as you go. ^_^ Please, think deeply and hard, and most importantly fast! If you need to, call your parents tonight, and try and arrange your finances. Remember, you can get your financial aide reevaluated for this trip to help you along. There are several people from Minna no Anime going, so you will have lots of friends there to share the glory that will be this trip to Japan. One more benefit to coming on this trip: I will be your best friend for life (that's right, life!), and owe you a million favors! (See how desperate I am?) I've been looking forward to this trip for some time now and will go into a serious depression next quarter if I can't go. ;_; If you have any more questions, call or email me. The numbers are on the web site. So, for my sake, Tony's sake, Labrat's sake, Tim's sake, and for the sake of the very stability of Minna no Anime (I cannot be held responsible for my actions if I am not allowed to go) come join us on a trip and adventure in Japan this Spring quarter! Ben Leinweber MNA Kaichou - MNA President
MNA - Meeting 2/10
(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 8 19:08:54 2001) The "Fuku" edition of the MNA letter: Konbanwa Minna-san, What a concept, no new news except for the fact that we are having a giveaway before the Kenshin movie. Lotsa good stuff, a week you don't want to miss. Don't say we never give you anything. And now, for those it pleases, we proudly present: Schedule, the weekly email 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #34 - Be pushy for love! Grandma Yukari with gold teeth 5:25 Now and Then, Here and There #1 Break - After a few weeks of old school Lupin we go to a cool new show from the director of Kodocha (although this show is very different from Kodocha). 6:00 Fushigi Yuugi #13 - For the Sake of Love 6:25 MK Rayearth #12 - Fearsome Illusionist Caldina Break - Ashram vs. Akio: which one wins the title of 'most suave bad guy' 7:00 Lodoss War TV #15 - An Old Enemy... Reunion With the Black Knight 7:25 Shoujo Kakumei Utena #35 - The Love that Budded in Wintertime Break - Finally the Kenshin movie! Unfortunately this is the last appearance Saitou makes in animated Kenshin (except for the OVA's). I know, I know; it's just not fair to leave you like that, but it's not my fault, honestly. 8:00 Rurouni Kenshin Movie: Ishin Shishi e no Requiem (Requiem for the Ishin Shishi) Will we have more technical difficulties this week? Will we watch an ADV dub of Kenshin? Will Yotsuya give Godai another gift? Will we only have the silo of part of the night again? Will 'Welcome to Lodoss Island' present some great philosophical commentary on the meaning of life? I hope none of those things happen. We're really sorry about all the problems we've been having the last couple of weeks. We appreciate all your cooperation in moving things back and forth and not complaining about the small screen and bad sound system. We're try to keep things in the club as professional as possible, but we have slipups sometimes too. Fuku to Matt-kun Almost forgot... the weekly website plug: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub, bet you thought we would forget.
MNA - Library/MNM Meeting
(Minna No Anime, Sun Feb 11 22:56:05 2001) Konbanwa, Today's edition is a super-special dual part message. Part 1: State of the Librarian Address Our librarian, Paul, will be gone this weekend (as I imagine many of you will be as well). But that will not stop the free exchange of tapes. So if there are any tapes you want for next week email him at: freeknight@<removed for spam reasons> and he'll make sure the tapes get to club this weekend. Part 2: State of the Minna no Manga Time: Tuesday, 7pm Location: 14-246 Activity: Manga translation, sharing, language assistance, what ever else piques your interest I'll leave you alone with those tasty morsels to digest. This weeks Minna no Anime will be back to the regular schedule. Only four episodes of Utena left (sheds tear). Mata mite ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 2/17
(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 15 16:34:24 2001) Thanks to all your donations, this will likely be the last week on the Apex DVD player. We should be moving to the shiny new MNADVD player. I see technical difficulties on the horizon... If you missed it last week, we announced that during the last 6 weeks of spring quarter, we will be showing 2 eps of Trigun in the 5:00 slot. This gives all of you a perfect excuse to skip studying for finals to see "Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action." (with apologies to Nightow and the publishers bad Engrish) Schedule 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #34 - Be pushy for love! Grandma Yukari with gold teeth 5:25 Here and There, Now and Then #2 10 Minute Break - or is it Now and Then, Here and There, or Now and There, Here and Then, or... ow... my head hurts. 6:00 Slayers #15 - OH NO! Lina's Wedding Rhapsody! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #14 - Wolves in the Stronghold 10 Minute Break - Yay everybody, you get to meet Mina Innerz and see her in a wedding gown... should I be frightened yet? 7:00 Please Save My Earth #3 7:25 Kenshin #66 - Happy Kaoru! Kenshin's Proposal! 10 Minute Break - The dreaded/anticipated ring ep of Kenshin. Will he give up his sword for vows? Will evil triumph over good? Or will Kenshin just say "oro?" 8:00 Lodoss TV #16 - The Holy City. Pursuing a Clue 8:25 MK Rayearth #13 - The Most Valuable Thing in This World 10 Minute Break - Happy Deedlit! Parn's Proposal! (in her dreams...) 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #15 - My Funny Valentine 9:25 Utena #36 - And the Doors of Night Open End - How many similarities can YOU find between Touga and Char? Da Website: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub You know you want to go there... read the stuff... mmm... anime website. Enjoy, Matt to Fuku-san
MNM - Meeting 2/20
(Minna No Anime, Mon Feb 19 18:48:05 2001) Konbanwa Minna-san, I hope you've been reading your manga over the long weekend (I know I have) because it's time for another meeting of Minna no Manga. This week's activities, more manga, more "now in English" and Nic comes back with some manga for all of us (hopefully). Confused? Amused? Inticed? Perturbed? Then come join in the fun and look at pretty pictures and borrow manga from the library (I know you all want to read Kenshin). Location: 14-246 Time: Tuesday, 7PM Cost: Free! Sanitary: Yes! Entertaining: hopefully! (last week certainly was) Mata mite ne, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 2/24
(Minna No Anime, Thu Feb 22 20:37:22 2001) We get shiny happy new MNA official DVD player this week! Rejoice! Celebrate! Soshite Shine! "You cannot escape long desk" - Geese Howard And now, without further ado... the boring stuff: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #35 - Operation chase! After Kyoko and Godai's date 5:25 Here and There, Now and Then #3 - For this week's feat, our intrepid hero will stand on the top of the Space Needle... 10 Minute Break - I dunno which is worse, Lina getting married, or Gourry trying to play a role in a Stage Show... gau. 6:00 Slayers #16 - PASSION! Shall We Give Our Lives for the Stage? 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #15 - Return from the City of Death 10 Minute Break - Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Filler Ep End Slice 7:00 Please Save My Earth #4 7:25 Kenshin #67 - Shining Legendary Sword! Mysterious Swordmaster Amakusa Shougo! 10 Minute Break - Eto, ano... Etoh-oo? 8:00 Lodoss TV #17 - Decision... An Option Compelled 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #14 - Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu's Unyielding Wish 10 Minute Break - Now you all remember what Jet said, everyone except old men leave now... we cannot be responsible for what happens to anyone else if you choose to stay. 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #16 - Black Dog Serenade 9:25 Utena #37 - The One to Revolutionize the World (Countdown until Fuku dies from lack of Utena: 2 eps and a movie, we will be collecting donations for his funeral, and yes, we will have the nifty donation box back) Weekly Webpage plug: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub See you Saturday, Matt to Fuku
MNM - Meeting 2/27
(Minna No Anime, Mon Feb 26 07:56:57 2001) Ohayo Minna-san! Waiting for your weekly dose of bizzare Japanese TV, the latest video game info, some translation assistance and something to do on Tuesday night? Then look no further because Minna no Manga is here! Maybe this week we'll see more kids trying to sneak in and see thier favorite celebrities? Perhaps Matt and Nic will talk about video games? Maybe Dylan and Nur will torment themselves discussing Region 2 DVDs? Maybe Shane will more Kenshin read? Maybe Gina will have more doujinshi? Only one way to find out... When: Tuesday, 7pm Where: 14-246 Why: Because it's more fun than studying! Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Important Fanime Con News
(Minna No Anime, Wed Feb 28 19:39:06 2001) Minna, The good news is that we're fairly confident that the only reason that the Fanime con people haven't gotten back to us is that they're completely backlogged. For those of you who signed up for Fanime con through us, you should be fine. Now, as for rides and places to crash. Here's what we've got so far: Crashing: Craig's: Dylan, Lee, Shane, Timmy(cohen), Labrat Gina's: Josh(cohen) Chris's Bro: Chris, Cliff, Ben Don't Know: Tim(b), Tony, Ray, Nik, Bill, Mike - We're thinking(if you're willing) Holiday Inn 2 rooms, you pay your share) Rides(to): Santa Cruz Crew: Dylan, Mike >From SLO: Cliff: Ben, Bill, Nik Chris: Labrat, Tim(b) Timmy(cohen): Josh, Shane, Sean People who we've listed as providing something, please contact me ASAP if you have a problem with something. People who are getting something provided to them, if you have a problem, contact me ASAP also, if it's nothing big, it can wait till Saturday. Me is Gina, your treasurer: celcenter@<removed for spam reasons> If your name isn't listed here and you need something, you NEED to show up to the meeting Saturday and PAY ATTENTION to ALL announcements. If you have no changes to the above info, you don't need to contact me till Saturday. BUT you do need to talk to me Saturday to verify and meet these people. GOT IT!?!? Gina "oukami-kun" D. MNA money-grubber
MNA Meeting 3/3
(Minna No Anime, Fri Mar 2 00:25:40 2001) Well, whaddaya know, no new news. Lotsta stuff is in progress, but for now, all you need to know is that you should come saturday if you haven't been lately, and if you have... good for you. Without further ado: The "Not a single All Your Base Joke Edition" MNA schedule... why? because we care, and figure you all are sick of it already. 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #36 - Sudden storm of kiss! Story of broken hearted Akemi-san 5:25 Earth Girl Arjuna #1 - Digital Fansub! 10 Minute Break - We are trying new stuff here at MNA, to be able to show digital fansubs on the bigscreen... Knowing Fuku-san's track record for getting stuff to work though... (THWACK! <sound of Fuku smacking Matt with interdimensional Baka Hammer>) 6:00 Slayers #17 - QUESTION! He's Proposing to THAT Girl?! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #16 - Sad Battle 10 Minute Break - Gay Sea Serpents and Crossdressing and Lili, Lulu, and Lala... oh my... god. 7:00 Please Save My Earth #5 7:25 Kenshin #67 - A Medallion of Destiny. Sayo and Sano Meet. 10 Minute Break - Maybe this week we'll get to see the intro of Kenshin instead of seeing the tape fast forwarding and rewinding for 5 minutes... 8:00 Lodoss TV #18 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #15 - The Second Mashin: Windam, Lord of the Skies 10 Minute Break - Warning: We are not responsible for anyone laughing themselves until they hurt from the next episode of Bebop. 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #17 - Mushroom Samba 9:25 Utena #38 - The Ends of the World Note: We will be holding an impromptu session after MNA to decide what to do with Fuku-san's extensive Region 2 collection after he shrivels and dies from Utena ending next week. So far Gina has claim on... http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub Be there on saturday, or don't... but we'd rather you be there. -Matt
MNM - Meeting 3/6
(Minna No Anime, Sun Mar 4 23:55:05 2001) Konnanichiwa! It's time for Fuku's weekly rant and rave, also known as the Minna no Manga newsletter! This week;s rant: Why is it that I can't easily output my Utena movie DVD with subtitles? This week's rave: Maison Ikkoku manga, I love it! My favorite work by Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma, Urusei Yatsura, Inu Yasha). The anime takes quite a few liberties from the manga, but keeps everything going well, it presents stories that were never in the manga and gives a different perspective on many of the manga stories. Plus I love Yotsuya's voice actor. You should all come at 5 to watch it, or ask me and borrow my manga. Now to the official business: What: Minna no Manga When: Tuesday, 7pm Why: Because we love the show "What a cool we are!" and discussing Kenshin manga Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou(VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - to the MNM regulars; I probably won't make it till late this week, so have fun without me
MNA Meeting 3/10
(Minna No Anime, Fri Mar 9 01:04:29 2001) Fuku says- (and I quote) "I have now 3 DVD players in my room, 2 of which are region free, I am better than you all." Fuku-san is also not going to be getting sleep due to his procurement of a Playstation 2 and Tekken Tag. What this all means to you dear and gentle readers: 1) Sears had a couple of playstation 2's left after we got ours this evening, so if you want one and rush, it can be yours for retail price, not ebay markup. 2)If you show up at Fuku-san's room at any time of the day or night, you will be able to play Tekken Tag. (PAAAAARTY AT FUKU'S!) This Week's Lineup: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #10 - Dangerous costume party! Kyoko's radical change 5:25 Infinite Ryvius #1 - Sucks to your spaceship-mar... 10 Minute Break - Yet another new show this week, hope you like 6:00 Slayers #18 - RETURN! The Red Priest is Back! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #17 - The Melody of a Meeting 10 Minute Break - No tentacle monsters or cross dressing this week folks... hopefully 7:00 Please Save My Earth #6 7:25 Kenshin #69 - The Place of the Battle, Shimabara! Judgement Day of Who is The Chosen! 10 Minute Break - End of Please Save My Earth this week folks, hope you enjoyed 8:00 Lodoss TV #19 8:25 Magic Knight Rayearth #16 - A Powerful Foe! Lafarga the Swordmaster 10 Minute Break - Will Neece meet Nephew? Will Big Mama meet Dota (or Daughter depending on who you ask)? SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! 9:00 Cowboy Bebop #18 - Speak Like a Child 9:35 Utena #39 - Someday Shine Together Yes that was the final episode, and unlike Gekiganger, it didn't move to a different timeslot and continue for another season unbeknownst to you (with apologies to Akito). I will be bringing a shovel with me and those of us who remain living without more Utena to watch can hold an all night (or at least what remains of it) vigil in memory of those who couldn't. BTW, Gina (MNA munnygrubber) says she has dibs on Fuku's Import stuff. =) -Out Matt http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - AX01 / MNM
(Minna No Anime, Mon Mar 12 10:08:24 2001) Zenryaku Minna-san, First of all, the AX01 info. After careful consideration by myself and Ben we decided that the club will NOT be doing any kind of assistance for Anime Expo 2001. This does not mean that you can't talk and work out arrangements for it during club, just that there will be no official club assistance in getting tickets, rides or housing. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this. And now for something completely different... Minna no Manga - last meeting of the quarter! We can (hopefully) get our fix of "What a cool we are!" When: Tuesday 7PM Where: 14-246 Why: because we don't like studying when there's manga to be read! Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Tsurugi's / Open House
(Minna No Anime, Mon Mar 12 19:26:49 2001) Konbanwa Minna-san, It's time for the second two-part newsletter of the day. This time the subjects are this Saturday's trip to Tsurugi's and Open House. Tsurugi's - due to technical difficulties, we lost the sheet of people who signed up to go this Saturday at noon to Tsurugi's. Please reply to this message ASAP if you want to go this Saturday. Again the information is: When: Saturday, March 17 - Noon (it's best to get there a little early) Where: Tsurugi's Japanese Restaurant, 570 Higuera. (Right next to Tortilla Flats) Cost: lunch will run between $10 - $20 depending on what you get, it's all great food with excellent atmosphere and presentation. Why: to have a break before finals with your friends at Minna no Anime, and to eat delicious foods. Open House: Open House is right around the corner - Saturday April 21. We will have the same booth that we had last year (hopefully in a similar location) and will be running things in approximately the same way as we did last year. Additionally we should have a second booth space for more informational/educational club activities. We will also be trying to sell California Rolls this year. What's this all mean? It means that we need volunteers! Yes, you too can help out your fellow otaku and, hopefully, have some fun while doing it. We will be selling our traditional Yakitori (BBQ'd Teriyaki chicken), club tshirts and California rolls. This means that we need people to help us prepare all these foods. Thankfully, the very nice people over at Tsurugi's will allow us to infiltrate their professional kitchen and show us how to make California rolls the correct way. They will also be providing us with our Teriyaki sauce. So if you would like to help out we need people who want to learn how to make (and eat) California rolls. We will need you on the following dates (note that these dates are approximate for now): April 7 - training session at Tsurugi's to make California rolls April 19(or 20) - late night prepare the rolls at Tsurugi's to sell at Open House We would not specifically require that you come to Open House, but you might as well enjoy in the fun if you've already put in the hard work. We will also need as many people as are willing to come and help us at the booth on Saturday, April 21. This includes people to make rice, prepare and BBQ chicken and other activities. You don't need to stay all day, it will be helpful even if you can only help for a few hours. So, if you want to help with either (or both) of those events, or want to see if there's something else you can do to take up your time please reply to this message. Just say what you can do help and it will be appreciated. Well, I think I'm done annoying everyone for today. Back to your regularly scheduled studying and manga reading. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 3/17
(Minna No Anime, Thu Mar 15 19:23:26 2001) Tsurugi's - Reminder to those who said they wanted to eat delicious foods without Lina, be sure to be at Tsurugi's (570 Higuera) a little before noon on Saturday. Otherwise, just come to watch the anime. Finals? What are those? You don't need to study, you just need to watch anime. =) Schedule du jour: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #38 - Godai-kun's lost love? Kozue approaching Mitaka? 5:25 Vandread #1 - If technical difficulties persist, we'll show Turn "A" Gundam #2... pray. 10 Minute Break - Is Kozue turning to Mitaka's overwhelming smile, or is Godai just doing something stupid again? Only time will tell. 6:00 Slayers #19 - SHOCK! Sairaag Falls 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #18 - A Love Trap 10 Minute Break - We're going to hold a poll at this break: Who do you think the most suave character Koyasu Takehito has played is? (Fuku picks Touga, Matt counters with Hanagata...) 7:00 Lodoss TV #20 - Counterattack... The Stolen Last Hope 7:25 Kenshin #70 - Impact of Rai Ryuu Sen! Kenshin is Sentenced to the Dark! 10 Minute Break - Come see Fuku's new haircut thanks to SPE/Sony Visual deciding not to continue Kenshin through the Revenge Arc and Utena ending... it's almost gone... 8:00 Utena Movie - Adolescence Mokushiroku (Adolescence of Utena) Note: This will be our first attempt at live subtitling (via Fuku's computer - heh heh... Fuku and technology... heh) from a import DVD (higher quality does not even come close to describing the difference). So please bear with us, we hope the final result will be worth our efforts. We'll probably also have some music videos on during breaks, so stick around for the bonus material. That is all, Matt to Fuku-san http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - Sailor Fuku says: "Baka baka" (I've been watching too much Nadesico lately)
MNA - Fanime Taihen!!
(Minna No Anime, Sat Mar 24 02:10:02 2001) To everyone attending Fanime: Anyone wanting contact with the Minna group - for social, housing, rides and other coordination efforts, we will be meeting at: Friday 2:00 PM DDR 4th Mix room (currently scheduled as the "Rutherford" room) This will be the only time we will try and get everyone together, so be there if you need to contact someone (or need to be contacted ^_^). If you don't show up, in the name of the moon, I shall punish you (that's what I get for watching a 6 hour marathon of Sailor Moon, shame on me (and Ben)). Be sure to wear your Minna club shirts at the con! Hope to see you all there! Abayo, Dylan "Fuku" Ben "Kaichou" Tony "The Golden Tiger"
Spring 2001
MNA - Manga Tomorrow!
(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 2 13:22:23 2001) Konichiwa Minna-san, I hope everyone had a great spring break and is ready for another quarter of Saturday nights in the silo... oh yeah, and there's that 'school' thing too. I was surprised at the number of MNA people who came to Fanime, and the large number of those who also wore shirts. I counted about 25 folks who who were associated with the club there. I hope everyone who couldn't make it to Fanime gets down to LA for Anime Expo this summer. The web page is: http://www.anime-expo.org/. We will not be doing any kind of group arrangement for tickets, housing or rides. But we may try to have some kind of meeting like we did at Fanime. Now to business. Open House is coming up really soon - April 21. We will have more info really soon. We will need help that Friday (booth setup) and Saturday (booth operation, food preparation). Anyone who wants to help out for any period of time on Saturday is more than welcome and will be greatly appreciated. Once again, more info will be coming very soon. Minna no Manga When: Tuesday 7PM Where: (another room change, same building) 14-253 (it will be the same room for the whole quarter) Why: to get all the latest info from Fanime, read manga, work on any project(s) related to club, talk about club stuff and socialize. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub "Did you ever notice they call us 'fanboys' and not 'fanmen'?"
MNA Meeting 4/7
(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 5 19:11:29 2001) Konbanwa minna san. Last week before break marked the end of two series. We finished both Please Save My Earth and Utena, and are doing something ambitious. We are attempting to finish a 15 Ep series (including two 1.5 hour eps...) in a single quarter! This week we start Key the Metal Idol, and we will finish before the quarter is over. We will also be starting Trigun in 4 weeks. I am personally VERY excited by this, and I hope it gives you all an excuse to come early. As was stated before in club, we will be showing the first half before regular hours, and starting next year with the recap episode. Open House information should be surfacing this week, so we will be sure to interrupt your 10 minute breaks with boring officer stuff. =) (Fuku Says: it is not boring, we need your help, and you get to make Sushi and Yakitori) Without further ado - Ze Schedule 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #40 5:30 FLCL #6 10 Minute break - Thank you Nur, Thank you Nur, Thank you Nur, Thank you Nur... 6:00 Magic Knight Rayearth #17 - The Truth About Inouva and the Return of Memories 6:30 Slayers #20 - TROUBLE! Rahanimu, the Furious Fish Man! 10 Minute break - And maybe this time Fish-boy won't be eaten... 7:00 Fushigi Yuugi #19 - Breaking Down Love 7:30 Lodoss War #21 - A Vow... A Step Towards the Future 10 Minute break - Fushigi Yuugi: Sex, Drugs, maybe no Alcohol but lots of Tea... 8:00 Rurouni Kenshin #71 - Kaioh's Conspiracy! Shougo Trapped 8:30 Cowboy Bebop #19 - Wild Horses 10 Minute break - At least we aren't trying to show you Maison Ikkoku on Beta... though getting to delve into ruins to find one would be cool. We could sing the Aestivalis Marching Song... (Fuku promised to make me one) 9:00 Key The Metal Idol #1 - Start Up 9:30 Key The Metal Idol #2 - Cursor I Key's a cool show... and stuff (that was Fuku's highly technical intro to the show ^_^) <Rant> Oh, I almost forgot to say "Damn you SPE for not animating the end of Kenshin correctly!!!". </Rant> (Nik, please disregard the previous comment) Mata ne, Matt to Fuku-chan
MNA - Manga Tuesday / Open House
(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 9 15:49:23 2001) Konichiwa Minnasan, I hope your second week of classes are going well and that you're all waiting for the next installments of Minna no Anime and Minna no Manga. Once again we'll have another fun and possibly educational meeting of Minna no Manga this Tuesday. When: Tuesdays 7PM Where: 14-253 Why: Because one night a week watching and talking about anime/manga isn't enough! Also, an open house reminder: When: Saturday April 21, all day - also note that there will be no MNA meeting that Saturday night, so get all make sure to stop by and help your fellow otaku. Why: Because it's Cal Poly's 100th Anniversary and we want to stand around all day BBQing and listening to anime music. oh, and make a little money for the club so that we can start licensing anime series and releasing them ourselves (that's a joke, I'm not quite that ambitious). What we need: Mostly YOU! We need people to come and help out the booth all day (mostly from around ~9 to ~5), of couse any time you can help will be appreciated. We need people to BBQ, cook rice, provide information to customers and various other jobs. We also still need a few items. We're looking for: 1 3x3 card table 1-2 utility tables, they are usually ~3x6ft and have folding legs 1 boombox, battery operated - without this we'll be listening to cowboy music all day, please save us! If you have any questions about Open House (or anything) just email me: dhall@<removed for spam reasons> You may now return to your regularly scheduled YF-19 buffing and polishing. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub <Subliminal Message> Sieg Zeon! </Subliminal Message>
MNA Meeting 4/14
(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 12 21:23:10 2001) Reminder: Open House is next weekend - April 21. As a special incentive to help with our booth, there is no meeting (yes Fuku is evil, blame him). Schedule: 5:00 Maison Ikkoku #40 - Maybe the VCR will work this week, or we once again be forced to watch clips of R2 DVD's cut off at the most annoying point? I, Fuku, accept full responsibility for last weeks cutting off of Kenshin movie in middle of the battle MWA HA HA HA (diabolical laughter) 5:25 Zeta Gundam #1 - The Black Gundam 10 Minute Break - Will Godai ever get a spine? Will Yotsuya ever stop mooching? Will Mitaka ever stop smiling <glint>? Will Kyoko get a clue? All this and a boy named Camille. 6:00 MK Rayearth #18 - The Last Rune-God Rayearth, Lord of Fire 6:25 Slayers #21 - UPSET! Gourry vs Zangulus 10 Minute Break - Niwatori! (Fuku sez: what'll it be: Chicken or Yakitori - which we'll conveniently be selling at Open House on Saturday April 21) 7:00 Fushigi Yuugi #20 - Unreachable Hope 7:25 Lodoss War #22 - Liberation... A Path Opened 10 Minute Break - Neese! Neeese! Neese! NEEEEEEESE! Geese (you cannot escape long desk)?!? Police? Fleece? Nanda kore wa? 8:00 Kenshin #72 - Juujikizu wa mada aru ka? (jodan, jodan, boku no warii) 8:25 Cowboy Bebop #20 - Pierrot Le Fou 10 Minute Break - AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOOD EVENING GENTLEMEN! 9:00 Key the Metal Idol #3 - Cursor II 9:25 Key the Metal Idol #4 - Access End... go home ya bums... don't you have lives? =) Fuku says: I hope you all like finishing off the night with 2 eps of Key, we will be showing all of Key this quarter, so don't skip out! Lame Website Plug: http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub ... soon we will have random Officer Info there... you can find out Dylan's 3 measurements, Gina's Age and Weight... and Raymond's size... =) Mata ne, Matt to Fuku PS - If anyone has a long utility table, a small BBQ or a battery operated portable stereo (ie boombox) that we can use, they will be forever honored and enshrined, perhaps even flash frozen for the viewing pleasure of future generations. PPS - I (fuku) will be in SLO this summer running a summer session of MNA, the schedule is pretty open, so if there's something you want to see (even if you don't have it) tell me and we'll see what we can work out.
MNA - Manga/Open House reminder
(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 16 12:28:56 2001) Greetings and may the force be with you, Well, if you can't have the force you can at least have anime and manga, a close second in my book. Which leads me to the point of this message, this week's meeting of Minna no Manga. You can join us for fun and discuss the latest developments in anime, manga or anything else you really want to spend your Tuesday night doing. When: Tuesday, 7PM Where: 14-253 Why: because it's there Reminders: 1. No Minna no Anime meeting this Saturday 2. Open House this Saturday - show up and help out or just buy some food and hang out. We'll be there from 8AM until around 5PM doing various activities, anytime you can help out will be appreciated. We will be located just below the Ag/English building, in the parking lot loop. It's across Perimeter Road from Campus Market; we'll have wall scrolls up Saturday and plenty of anime music to listen to. 3. Be sure to drink your Ovaltine... A commercial? A crummy commercial. 4. Elections - 3 weekend from now on May 5. If you have any questions feel free to ask me (I won't be running for anything, so I wouldn't have any agenda against anyone ^_^) my email is dhall@<removed for spam reasons>, or ask any other officer if you ever see them. If you can't attend that meeting but would still like to run, you can have someone stand in for you. 5. This email - this email is about to be over, I just figured I'd remind you to return to you patient waiting for the next MNA email. And as I just said, this letter is about over. Back to your memorization of all the dueling songs in Utena. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Minna 'NO' Anime / Open House
(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 19 12:37:12 2001) Konichiwa minna-san, This weeks schedule: 8AM - 5PM - Open House! It's finally come: my last Open House reminder email. Which means that Open House must be really soon, probably Saturday. We'll need people to come by the booth all day to help out, hang out and buy delicious foods. Since I've already said everything fourteen times to anyone who reads this email I'll be brief. What: Open House (rain or shine) When: Saturday, 8 - 5 (selling 10:30-4:30) Where: between the Ag bldg and Math/Science bldg in the parking lot loop. Or (alternate instructions) on the campus side of Perimeter where it intersects with Campus Market. Or the second parking lot loop towards the 'P' from the library. If you have any direction questions give me a call. Why: Because I like the smell of my own charred flesh lathered in teriyaki sauce! And it's a fun excuse to not study on Saturday, and there's no anime Saturday night so you've got nothing else to do. How much: Free! except for the food ($3 yakitori sticks w/ rice boat, $2.50 California rolls, $.50 soda). We will have an info booth with plenty of fun anime/manga stuff and plenty of anime music all day. And now it's time for Fuku's Haiku Corner(in case of rain): doyoubi ame kokku mizubitashi sake o nomu (saturday rain) (hard work flooded) (drink alcohol) We have the tatami room reserved at Tsurugi's at 7PM (sat) for all those who slave away the day at open house to have someone else prepare food. So if you help out, join us for the easy part (space may be limited). Well, I guess that's it. If you think of anything you think we should have or something you would like to bring, please bring it. Any questions/comments/threats should be directed to (email preferred and checked more often): dhall@<removed for spam reasons> 756-8876 See you all Saturday, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
Minna no Manga Tuesday
(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 23 20:55:42 2001) Konbanwa Minna, Tomorrow on your second favorite day of the week (second only to pay day) will be the eternally cool Minna no Manga. It's like the ten minute breaks during regular club, extended out to three hours. We at Minna no Manga proudly view the finest in import fighting games, manga, doujinshi (well, some of it not so proudly) and other non-sensical stuff. What cool new stuff is coming out? When will AMOTokyo come back up for order, and what will Nur and Dylan be ordering? Will Dylan still be called 'Fuku' even when he's not the 'Fukukaichou'? (a teaser for club elections in 2 weeks) All these important questions and more may or may not be answered at the next meeting of Minna no Manga. When: Tuesdays 7PM Where: 14-253 Why: To share the love As another reminder, we will be having elections in 2 Saturdays (May 5) from now. The elected positions are: President, Vice President (ooh, that's me!), Treasurer, Secretary and for the first time: Librarian. Sounds fun and tempting doesn't it? Just remember, if you're an officer you too can annoy people with bi-weekly newsletters and other special reports. We decided to make librarian an elected position because it has become much more visible and a part of the club than before; so if you want several hundred tapes, some import magazines and immesurable power at your fingers run for the position. All we require for a person to run is that they be a Cal Poly student (University policy) and have someone state your intention to run during elections on Saturday, May 5. I, personally, hope that everyone who runs comes to all the meetings, takes their position seriously for the entirety of the school year, and loves anime and all things encompassed as much as I do. Well, I guess I'll relinquish my stranglehold on Cal Poly's bandwidth for now. But I'll be back... Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - Sieg Zeon!
MNA - Meeting 4/28
(Minna No Anime, Thu Apr 26 23:33:36 2001) First the boring stuff... thank you to everyone who helped with the Open House booth this year. For those of you who don't know, we sold out of everything, so this means the club has more money. More money is good. K? Elections are coming up soon. If you want to run, let us know, if you don't, shame on you. This is the last week of Maison Ikkoku and the Fansub 'o, next week we start Trigun (YATTA YATTA!!!!) You WILL be there. ^_^ Nyau -Kuronekosama Otherwise, we understand that you need your anime fix and couldn't get it last week, so without further ado: (well, you can at least look at the schedule and drool like the otaku we all are until saturday at least) Schedule: 5:00 - Maison Ikkoku #41 - The last episode of the year! 5:30 - Black Heaven #1 - Boston, you rock! 10 minute break - Come on, you can't tell me that an anime that revolves around a 40 year old washed up ex-rocker working a desk job trying to save the universe as we know it isn't funny. 6:00 - Rayearth #19 - Showdown! The Magic Knights versus Zagato 6:30 - Slayers #22 - VICE! The one who was left behind 10 minute break - Last week's menu: Fried Fish, this weeks' menu: Fried Chicken... don't ask. 7:00 - Fushigi Yuugi #21 - To Protect You 7:30 - Lodoss War TV #23 - Landing... The Terrifying Dark Island 10 minute break - Why is it always the Dark Terrifying place, why can't it be the happy flowering pretty <thunk> -We apologize for the preceeding comment. Matt apparently lost his mind for a minute. It won't happen again. 8:00 - Rurouni Kenshin #73 - Fanboy Shougo 8:30 - Cowboy Bebop #21 - Boogie Woogie Feng-Shui 10 minute break - Spaceships and Jet and a teenager, oh my... god... that is so wrong. 9:00 - Key the Metal Idol #5 - Scroll I 9:30 - Key the Metal Idol #6 - Scroll II "Go Home" - Chipp Zanuff "Go Home Daze" - Fuku (please direct all beatings where they belong, I am not responsible... - Matt) Matt to Fuku-sensei
MNM - Manga meeting
(Minna No Anime, Mon Apr 30 18:39:53 2001) Konbanwa, Your friendly VP here with the latest in meeting information. What: Minna no Manga Where: 14-253 Why: because I don't want to study for midterms! How: walk, ride, drive, fly, teleport, however And now some random info. Elections - this Saturday, roughly 8:30. Be sure to show up and give your input/run for an office. The following positions are up for grabs for next year: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Librarian If you want to know what any of the jobs entail, just email me dhall@<removed for spam reasons> and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. So, if you want to give back to the club that takes away your Saturday nights (and Tuesdays now too) be sure to run for office. Don't be intimidated to run for any office just because you haven't done something like it before; you've got to learn how somewhere, and this is a much more forgiving organization than most (unless you accidentally play the dub track of a DVD, then I truly pity you ^_^). I really appreciate anyone who is willing to take some of thier time to give back to the club; remember, none of the current officers are leaving next year and we will be around to help/usurp power. And now for something completely NEW! I decided to add some new flair to these emails I send out, so I will now be adding a section called "Link of the Email of the Day for the club that watches anime on Saturday and mostly just kinda hangs out on Tuesday" ...Maybe I need a new name for this section. Anyways, here's this week's link: http://www.animeondvd.com/ I'll start with an easy one. This is the definitive anime DVD site, with news, release info, rumors and more for both R1 (US) and R2 (Japan). I think I'm done for now, I'll let you go back to your patiently waiting to see both Trigun and.. Blood: The Last Vampire this Saturday (I know I am) Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 5/5
(Minna No Anime, Thu May 3 20:19:00 2001) Elections this week... make sure not to miss it. You get to vote for the officer crew who will determine what you will be watching next year. Make it good... maybe this year we'll actually have more than one person running for each post. Also, this week is the beginning of Trigun <subliminal message>YOU WILL WATCH TRIGUN</subliminal message>, and also a movie: Blood the Last Vampire. This is straight out of Japan, released last week. Mmm fresh anime. Blood is supposed to be a really sweet movie by the Mamoru Oshii, director of Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, Urusei Yatsura, and tons of other stuff. All must come to watch Blood and Trigun Schedule: 5:00 Trigun #1 - The $$60,000,000,000 Man 5:25 Trigun #2 - Truth of Mistake 10 Minute Break - Repeat after me: LOVE AND PEACE! 6:00 Slayers #23 - WARNING! Eris's Wrath! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #22 - I'll Never Leave You 10 Minute Break - Fushigi Boogie Woogie - Tamahome, Space, Teenagers... kowai 7:00 Lodoss War #24 - The Witch... The One Who Maintains The Balance of Power 7:25 Cowboy Bebop #22 - Cowboy Funk 10 Minute Break - <sign above door> No horses allowed in club 8:00 Key the Metal Idol #7 - Run 8:25 ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS YA YOU GET THE POINT 10 Minute Break - Vote your favorite buffoon into office, throw the club into turmoil... or just vote for Fuku and have the same effect. 9:00 Blood: the Last Vampire - R2, english subs Go home, play GGX, have fun. If you don't have GGX, then find someone who does. If you can't, beat head against wall, lather rinse repeat. Remember... <subliminal message>WATCH TRIGUN</subliminal message> you will watch Trigun or I will send my army of rabid otakus to flog you with their dirty laundry... shudder. Otanoshimi, Matt to Fuku san http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub This week's link: http://www.gundamproject.com Probably the best Gundam site on the english side of the internet. Run by fans, it has all the info on every Gundam production made; very cool site for info on one of the longest running shows in anime (over 20 years now).
Manga / Thank You!
(Minna No Anime, Mon May 7 16:11:00 2001) Konichiwa Minna-san, First of all, Minna no Manga this Tuesday Where: 14-253 (comp sci bldg) When: Tues, 7pm Why: to get the low down on what's happening in anime/manga, hang out and bug people to show "Doraemon"(the little round blue guy selling stuff during Kenshin commercials) next year! I'd really like to thank everyone who showed up for elections last week and especially everyone who ran for an office. Thank you. Ben and I were both really surprised and happy and the turnout, we hope you all keep coming forever and never graduate...just kidding. As far as I know, that's the largest turnout we've ever had for people running for offices. Here are next year's elected officers: President - Ben Leinweber Vice President - Nic Kamachi (ha ha ha, it's not me, I'M FREEEE!!!!) Treasurer - Gina Dolci Secretary - Dylan Hall (doh, I'm not free; dammit) Librarian - Tim Bozarth and the eternally apponted webmaster remains still: Raymond Lee Now that you know our names you can have your choice of who to stalk on the nights you don't watch anime. Just a note, but we don't change offices until Fall quarter, so you've still got plenty of time for me to show more dubs. I was planning on making my own dub for Bebop and showing the rest of it that way (ducks incoming rocks). Hmm... well I guess that's it for now. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 5/12
(Minna No Anime, Fri May 11 01:24:29 2001) Thank you to all of you who showed up for the elections last week. Also, thank you to Nur for bringing Blood. Well, you can't say you don't get what you ask for: It is official, we will be throwing a party in honor of the 10th Anniversary of Minna no Anime. We will be starting club 2 hours early in 2 weeks (that is Memorial Day Weekend), we will be showing retro-anime. There is even rumor of stuff that looks retro too... Schedule: 5:00 Trigun #3 - Peace Maker 5:25 Trigun #4 - Love & Peace 10 Minute Break - Favorite Food: Donuts, Favorite Prhase: Love and Peace, Favorite Activity: Peeping Tom... What isn't to like? 6:00 MK Rayearth #20 (END) - The Unbelievable Truth About the Legendary Magic Knights 6:25 Slayers #24 - X-DAY! The Demon Beast is Reborn! 10 Minute Break - While Rayearth ends this week, Slayers goes on... and on... and on... (2 more seasons... 2 more years. I think some of you will graduate before it finishes...) 7:00 Fushigi Yuugi #23 - Shadow of Intrigue 7:25 Lodoss War #25 - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 10 Minute Break - Kardis? Who cares about Kardis. It's just the goddess of destruction and stuff like that... no problem. 8:00 Rurouni Kenshin #74 - The PCF meetings are held Friday, not Saturday 8:25 Cowboy Bebop #23 - Brain Scratch 10 Minute Break - "Just call me Kenshin, Ikuzo Sanosuke!" That is just so wrong... 9:00 Key the Metal Idol #8 - Goto 9:25 Key the Metal Idol #9 - Return Hmm, Key is a very distinct departure from our usual stuff. A bit more adult in nature, but nothing I would consider inappropriate. However this anime does appear to definitely not be making a concerned effort to have "Love & Peace" be its central messages; and I'm not sure if I can approve of that (just kidding). I really wanna see the next episodes, I've been told that Key turns into a car in the last episode*. *note - that is entirely not true, the only show crazy enough to quite literally turn the main character into a car is Utena. Abayo, Matt mo Fuku (of course the idiocy I (fuku) added was at 1:30AM, so it might not be so well thought out) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub "Because then she just has to."
MNA - Manga Tuesday / Summer Anime
(Minna No Anime, Mon May 14 09:02:00 2001) Moshi moshi mina-san, I'll be brief this week. Minna no Manga: we get some new Newtypes and I've been promised a look at the Lain "Omnipresense" art book; plus the same yahoos who are always there. When: Tuesday, 7PM Where: 14-253 (Comp Sci) Summer Anime - I'm planning on running MNA over the summer here. So far I'm planning on showing the following shows: Escaflowne (all 26 TV) Ping Pong Club (~9 episodes) Zeta Gundam (~18 episodes) Sailor Moon (~9, NOT the english hack job) RAW/fansub (I'd like to have an hour per week of open raw japanese and new fansub shows) There's room for more stuff to show, and we can pull back on something else. I could also finish showing Tylor from last summer (the second half of the show). So, give me some input or I'll go power crazy and we'll end up watching so many depressing drama/mecha series that we all want to go out like Guld (Macross Plus) did by the end of the quarter. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub note: everybody needs to go check out the web site and answer the polls.
MNA Meeting 5/19
(Minna No Anime, Fri May 18 12:23:28 2001) Only one week before our MNA 10th Anniversary Party. We will be extending hours so that we can show some "10 Year Old Anime" or something like that. We might end up going a little later as well, as there will be other festivities, so schedule your saturday next weekend accordingly. Also this week, we debut the Kenshin OVA. Venture into the world of Kenshin's dark past. We hope you enjoy it. Otherwise, nothing much else is new. Come, watch anime, be happy. 5:00 Trigun #5 5:25 Trigun #6 10 Minute Break - Is Vash extremely lucky, extremely good, or just an idiot? Only time will tell. 6:00 Slayers #25 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #24 10 Minute Break - Is it just me, or is everybody wondering if that little "girl" in Fushigi Yuugi last week is really a little girl? 7:00 Kenshin OVA #1 7:25 Lodoss War #26 10 Minute Break - This week's challenge: Defeat a god... no problem for Spark and co. 8:00 Rurouni Kenshin #75 8:25 Cowboy Bebop #24 10 Minute Break - Sayonara Sayo. 9:00 Key the Metal Idol #10 9:25 Key the Metal Idol #11 Otanoshimi, Matt
MNM / 10 year anniversary
(Minna No Anime, Mon May 21 13:51:10 2001) Konichiwa minasan, First of all, I'd like to apologise to anyone who missed any episodes of shows because of the schedule readjustment last Saturday. If you want to see any of the episodes you missed, send me an email and we'll see if we can't work something out during the week (dhall@<removed for spam reasons>). We made a decision we thought would be best for playing order and enjoyment of the evening. Now back to the usual What: Minna no Manga/talk about moving to Tokyo to increase our Otaku factor Where: 14-253 - Where else? (this quarter) When: Tuesday, 7-10PM Why: because we like going to MNM and then starting our homework at 10 10 year anniversary Well, Ben has been working hard at making a Mokona pinata for you all to kill (and then eat it's tasty candy innards!). We'll also be showing some older anime, all on the never dying VHS format. Normal shows will start at 5, but the irregular stuff will be shown from 3-5PM. Also this week we will be showing the grand-daddy of all anime (in the US): Akira (in the subtitled version too). So, for all of you that haven't seen it I say: Watch! and for all those of you who have seen it(over and over again) I say: See it larger than ever before. Also, a note for the future. We're still very much open to suggestions for this summer quarter and next year's schedule. So if you have something that you think we should really show, tell us and we'll look into it. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou(VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - This is a link to a figure out what GE's you need to take if you aren't on the 2001-03 catalog; I wouldn't normally include something like this, but it's a fairly important thing and I thought it could help some folks out. http://www.ee.calpoly.edu/CENGAC/gepre2001.htm
MNA - Spring 2002 Japan Study Program
(Minna No Anime, Fri May 25 11:29:59 2001) Minna, I'm sure most of you remember the desperate president when he heard that the Japan Trip for this year was going to be canceled. Well, with the help of some others, I'm bound and determined to see that we go in 2002. The new program coordinator has been working with a few of us and we have a small informational meeting set up for next week. If you are at all interested, please show up for this meeting. No commitments will be made for quite a while, so just show up and see what the buzz is all about. Below is the information that Ritchie, the new program coordinator, sent to me and the email list. We're going to have a lot of fun! Hope to see you there! Ben Leinweber Kaichou/President --- rleroy@<removed for spam reasons> wrote: > From: rleroy@<removed for spam reasons> > Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 10:04:17 -0700 > Subject: Japan Study 2002 > > Hello > > It was a very unfortunate occasion when Japan Study did not go this > year. With the help of some of you, International Education and > Programs (IEP) Office is determined to see that you get the opportunity > to go next year. We are putting together our first information meeting > before the end of this quarter. This will be a combined meeting with > the Thai Study Program and will offer information about what classes > are expected to be taught next year. > > Below is the mass email going out to the Colleges. We hope you can > make it. > > Ritchie LeRoy > Program Coordinator > > > Here is an opportunity to go on an adventure of a lifetime, while > taking Cal Poly courses. In Spring Quarter 2002 you could be in the > exotic country of Thailand or the amazing country of Japan. Come to > our Information Meeting in COB Bldg. 3 Room 114 on May 31 at 11 am to > find out more. > > Thai Study and Internship program combines a one-quarter study abroad > program offering a variety of courses for all students and an > internship program in U.S. corporations, the American Embassy, and > universities for qualified seniors. > > The Japan Studies Spring 2001 program offers a great way to experience > the language, culture, and business practices of an important trading > partner and ally. Here's what Lonely Planet has to say: "Spring > (March-May), with its clear skies and cherry blossoms, is probably the > most celebrated Japanese season." > > Again, for more information come to a one-hour information meeting at > 11 am on Thursday, May 31 in the College of Business Building (3) in > Room 114. > > If you cannot attend this meeting and would like more information > please contact the Program Coordinator, Ritchie LeRoy at > rleroy@<removed for spam reasons> or call 756-7321 or stop by our IP office (038-145). > > And, check out the Web sites: > http://www.calpoly.edu/~thaistdy > http://www.calpoly.edu/~jpnstdy > > > Tell your friends! > See you next Thursday! > > Ritchie LeRoy > Program Coordinator > Pacific Programs > International Education & Programs Office > Math & Science Building #38 Room #145 > California Polytechnic State University > San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 > (805) 756-7321 FAX: (805) 756-5484 > rleroy@<removed for spam reasons> > >
(Minna No Anime, Fri May 25 12:28:26 2001) Howdy Minna, we are proud to bring you the MNA 10 Year Anniversary Festivities. In addition to our usual suspects, we will be showing Anime from roughly 10 Years ago, and a movie special: Akira. Also, for all you Rayearth Haters, Mokona Bashing. Have a good time splattering the puffy critter and eating it's insides (which interestingly don't taste like Chicken, they taste like candy... okashii). This activity is otherwise known as a pinata. To boot, we will h ave chips and dip, at no extra cost to you! Without further ado, our expanded schedule: 3:00 Iria #1 3:25 KOR #1 10 Minute Break - yes, you will need it to recover from the visual quality that is our KOR tape. 4:00 Sailor Moon #1 4:25 Ranma OAV #1 10 Minute Break - Thus concludes our "DVD Appreciation" tour. If you don't appreciate DVD visual quality after being forced to watch the tapes of KOR and Sailor Moon, something is wrong with you. 5:00 Trigun #7 5:25 Trigun #8 10 Minute Break - Brilliant Dynamites Neon... the only villian I know of that wears Neon Lights on his huge shoulder pads. 6:00 Fushigi Yuugi #25 6:25 Rurouni Kenshin #76 10 Minute Break - Misao in a dress... kowai or kawaii, your call. 7:00 Rurouni Kenshin OAV #2 7:25 MOKONA BASHING EXTENDED BREAK - Time to break mokona. You can build up your anger as you watch Samurai X flash across the screen, then unleash. Think Tension Gauge. 8:00 Key #12 8:25 Key #13 10 Minute Break - Wow, to think that we have almost finished a series in one quarter. 9:00 Akira Note: This will be an extended movie which will likely go until 11:00 or so. What a day. You know you don't want to miss out. Come early, stay late. Have fun. Matt
Minna no Manga Tuesday
(Minna No Anime, Mon May 28 20:07:55 2001) Konbanwa minasan, I hope you all enjoyed your 10 year anniversary and holiday weekend. I was curiously absent last Saturday, and thus I could not screw up the language tracks on any shows. If you, like me, missed out on the festivities you can see some cool pictures on the MNA webpage. Nothing special this week, just the last few meetings of the year. What: Minna no Manga When: Tuesday, 7PM Where: 14-253 Why: because you shouldn't have anything due Wednesday, and if you do you can always put it off till later. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA Meeting 6/2
(Minna No Anime, Fri Jun 1 00:52:45 2001) Well, with the first 10 years of MNA out of the way, we are happy to bring you the beginning of the second 10 years... well, the first 2 weeks of it before we go to break that is. This is the second to last MNA meeting of the regular school year. Now for all you rabid Otaku who are staying for summer quarter, Fuku has some good stuff in store... assuming he can figure everything out (Fuku says: I promise you'll have too much anime to watch, I think everything we'll have on you will either love or hate. I love it all, and I hope you will too). This week: 5:00 Trigun #9 - Murder Machine 5:25 Trigun #10 - Quick Draw 10 Minute Break - A travelling priest, a gunman, and a pair of insurance girls walk into a bar... nah, you've probably already heard that one... 6:00 Slayers #26 (END of 1st Season) - ZAP! Victory is Always Mine! 6:25 Fushigi Yuugi #26 - Star Festival 10 Minute Break - Now technically FY#26 is the end of first season, but we will be continuing until #27 because it finishes the arc. I mean it is bad enough having a cliffhanger for a week, not for 3 months. (ahem, Kenshin last year) 7:00 Kenshin OVA #3 - The Previous Night at the Mountain Home 7:25 Cowboy Bebop #25 - The Real Folk Blues Part 1 10 Minute Break - It is true, what they say about saving the best for last. Last 2 weeks of Kenshin in club ever... we're trying to end it properly by showing the OVA's and letting the TV series die with some dignity. 8:00 Lodoss War #27 (END) - Hero... The Birth of a New Knight 8:25 Key the Metal Idol #14 - System No Break... Key #14 is 1.5 hours long... Well, we may have a small potty break before we start Key, but I doubt you'll want to get up in the middle of this ep. Come, watch, be merry, Matt Or come, watch and be glad that you don't spend as much on import disks as I do (trust me, it's too much) Dylan Go to the website!!! End-of-year-favorite-show-polls!! http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNManga / Reminders
(Minna No Anime, Mon Jun 4 14:13:40 2001) Kooonnniiiccchhhiiiiwwwaaaaa mmmmmiiiiinnnnnaaaaa------sssssaaaannnnn, Well, now that I got that out of my system I can send out the LAST MINNA NO MANGA newsletter of the year. That's right, no more fun will be allowed on Tuesday nights until next fall (since folks that come had said they wanted to continue this waste of time). So, here's all the vital info: When: Tuesday, 7PM Where: 14-253 Why: To avoid studying How: by any means necessary Reminders: Tsurugi's Friday at 5pm. Our reservations are for the ever so early time of 5pm. Come and join us for our last non-Saturday gathering of the year. I guaratantee good food for all who come (and bring money). So, if you signed up be sure to come and get your spot. We may have some extra spaces available if you didn't sign up ahead of time, but I'm not guaranteeing anything. Last meeting of the (normal) school year Saturday. Come and see the ends of 3 great series this Saturday along with the half way points for both Trigun and Fushigi Yuugi. The schedule (like the rest of them this quarter) is a little different than usual, so go to the web site to make sure you're not gonna miss anything (we will be meeting from the usual 5-10pm). http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub Just when you thought you had your Saturday's free... After taking only a week's break, I'll be back to run the summer session of MNA. We'll be showing the following stuff: Escaflowne (all 26 TV eps) Zeta Gundam (however far we get into it) Ping Pong Club (~10 episodes) Irresponsible Captain Tylor* (all 26 TV episodes) * I got the silo for Friday June 22, and we will have a Tylor marathon to remind us what happened in the first 11 episodes again (that's where Ben tells me was watched through to last summer). We should also be have more "Fansub o' the Week". I'd also like to show some raw stuff, but we'll see how that goes. Back to your lives. Remember: only 122 hours and 50 minutes until your last weekly dosage of Minna no Anime for the school year. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukachou (VP)
Tsurugi's at 5PM today!
(Minna No Anime, Fri Jun 8 11:35:28 2001) Hey Everybody (hey Dr. Nick), Just a quick reminder that everyone needs to come to Tsurugi's tonight at 5PM. If you didn't sign up we may be able to make room for you, but don't sue me if you don't get to sit with us. Be there with a full pocket book and an empty stomache! Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou(VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA meeting Today!
(Minna No Anime, Sat Jun 9 09:42:41 2001) Ohayou Mina-san, Well, it's been a great year for Minna no Anime; from Halloween parties and The Juppongatana to Mokona bashing and 'geist' (whatever that is) I've had a fun year. Apparently you did too, because you keep coming back every Saturday. I hope you all return in the fall (or keep coming this summer if you're around) and convert others to the otaku lifestyle. Speaking of summer, there will be no meeting next week. However, to make up for that, on Friday June 22 (the following Friday) we will have a meeting from 5 - 10PM for a Irresponisble Captain Tylor marathon. We'll watch the first 11 episodes to get caught up with where it was left off last summer. Then on Saturday June 23 normal summer meetings will begin - 5 to 10PM. So, just to restate: Saturday June 16 - no meeting Friday June 22 - Tylor marathon (eps 1-11) 5-10PM Saturday June 23(and every Saturday after that) - normal meeting 5-10PM I hope to see you there. Now onto the FINAL SCHEDULE OF THE (normal) YEAR!!!! 5:00 Animation Runner Kuromi - The newest work from Atarioh Daichi (director of Kodocha, Jubei-chan, Now and Then Here and There). Based on a girls who's an anime runner (the most despised position in all of anime production). New import DVD with english subtitles! (ooh, shiny) 5:45 Show Opening/Ending Theme Montage - We'll spend the time after Kuromi watching some the intros and endings of some of the shows that we watched this year. 6:00 Trigun #11 - Escape From Pain 6:25 Trigun #12 - Legato Bluesummers 10 minute break - Be sure to come and watch trigun this week even if you haven't made it previously. These eps take us to the halfway point in the series and leave everyone wanting more. Remember: patience is a virtue, killing your MNA officers is not. 7:00 Fushigi Yuugi #27 - Tombstone Oath 7:25 Cowboy Bebop #26 - The Real Folk Blues (Part 2) 10 minute break - The halfway point in Fushigi Yuugi? Will Miaka ever realize that she's not the center of the universe? Will Nakago do some more dastardly deeds? I say yes, no yes which yeilds an overall "Maybe" - Minna no Anime, your home for solid opinions. And the end of Bebop; something which I'm sure everyone will have an opinion on, and from the looks of the web poll it should be "NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!" for most of you. I hope you've enjoyed watching this show as much as I have. 8:00 Rurouni Kenshin OVA #4 - The Cross-Shaped Wound mini-break - The end of (animated) Kenshin. After 3 years, this will probably be the last episode of Kenshin ever shown at Minna no Anime. I really love this show (I wish they finished the TV series properly, but that's a rant for another time) and wish we could show more. This show was the reason I taught myself Japanese. So, to Watsuki-sensei and SPE I say "otsukaresama" (good job/thank you) on making one of the best manga/anime ever. 8:35 Key The Metal Idol #15 - Exit And the end to yet another show, this time one that we've only been watching this quarter but has been quite a trip. I guess they'll have to actually finish an episode properly tonight (as opposed to every other episode, where they just stopped animating it). So, I bid you all adeu and say thanks for coming out here every week to watch some of the finest shows in anime with us. We're hard at work trying to make next years schedule better than this one. Saigo no Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou(VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
Summer 2001
MNA Returns!
(Minna No Anime, Wed Jun 20 15:04:12 2001) Konichiwa Minna-san, After a long week of no club emails, I get to return to work (Ben's standing over my shoulder now, making sure my back-breaking labor is up to specifications). Oh, Joy! This week we're pulling double duty to make up for the lack of a meeting last Saturday. Twice the time, twice the Tylor. This Friday (June 22) we will be having the first Friday meeting of Minna no Anime in quite a long time. We will be having a Irresponsible Captain Tylor marathon. Episodes 1 - 11 will be shown; to catch folks up with what was shown last summer. Friday 5:00 - Tylor #1 time passes... 9:30ish - Tylor #11 Don't count on our usual good timing for starting episodes this Friday, we start at five and will watch until we finish, with some random breaks for potty emergencies. And now for something completely normal. The (normal) MNA summer schedule. We're gonna run things a bit loose this summer (in terms of what we're showing, not the times), but we'll always be there with some anime on from the hours of 5PM to 10PM on Saturdays. We may even be so kind as to let you know what you may be watching ahead of time ^_^. Without further adeu, the schedule: 5:05 - Tenkuu no Escaflowne (The Vision of Escaflowne) - Episode 1 - "Fateful Confession" 5:30 - Escaflowne #2 - "The Girl from the Mystic Moon" 10 minutes to crazy waiting for the next episode 6:05 - Escaflowne #3 - "The Gallant Swordsman" 6:30 - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon #2 - "Oshiokyo! The fortune house is a youma's mansion" 10 minutes of pain waiting for next weeks episodes 7:05 - Irresponsible Captain Tylor #12 - "The day the Soyokaze vanished" 7:30 - Future Boy Conan #1 - "Remnant Island" 10 minutes of post-Miyazaki contemplation 8:05 - Zeta Gundam #1 - "The Black Gundam" 8:30 - Ping Pong Club #1 - "The anime that needs no introduction, mainly because we don't have the box handy" 10 minutes of wondering what's wrong with Fuku 9:05 - Urusei Yatsura #1 - "I'm Lum the Notorious!" & "It's Raining Oil in Our Town" 9:30 - Vandread #1 - "Boy meets Girl" Everything will be subtitled this week except for Vandread (on purpose). As I stated before, we'll be trying some different stuff this quarter, and one of those things is showing some raw (Japanese without subtitles) anime. These will be (mostly) directly from the R2 (region 2 - the region code for Japanese DVDs). Also, note that Sailor Moon, Future Boy Conan, Urusei Yatsura and Vandread will probably not be shown all quarter long. We're gonna try showing lots of different shows, some new (Vandread), some old (Sailor Moon) and some REALLY old (Future Boy Conan). I hope you all enjoy the schedule and stay the whole time (you all must watch the pretty pictures on the Vandread disc). If you have any questions/comments/rants/raves/ingrown toenails, just tell us and we'll see what we can do (you can just reply to this email). See you all Friday. Saraba, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) (until fall) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Missing Library Tapes
(Minna No Anime, Wed Jun 20 16:11:18 2001) Minna, After doing a complete check on the library, I notice that we are missing a few tapes. Namely 3 Kodocha Tapes, and I think one of my LoGH tapes is missing too. If you have these tapes, please contact us by replying to this email. Arigatou, Ben Leinweber MNA Kaichou
MNA - Meeting 6/30
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jun 28 13:22:04 2001) Konichiwa mina-san, Also this week is Polycon, taking place in Trinity Hall (one of the red bricks buildings). Aside from all the wonderful gaming and whatnot there will be plentiful anime. Ben (our esteemed president) will be there all weekend (Friday through Sunday) showing far too much anime of all sorts and varieties. Ben says: "It's 72 hours of anime madness, but a lot of it is stuff we've already shown. And there'll be some gaming on the side." This week's serving includes: 5:05 Maison Ikkoku - 43 - Kyoko's Hot Spring Heart Stopper: Peeping Wars at the Outdoor Baths! 5:30 Maison Ikkoku - 44 - Godai Breaks His Let! Chance for Love at the HOspital! A full plate of Maison Ikkoku, continuing from where we stopped last quarter (note that this is the last tape we have). 6:05 Escaflowne - 4 - The Diabolical Adonias 6:30 Escaflowne - 5 But wait there's more 7:05 Escaflowne - 6 7:30 Tylor, The Irresponsible Captain - 13 - Be Prepared, Be Smart or Be Lucky And now we journey back in time 8:05 Future Boy Conan - 2 8:30 Zeta Gundam - 2 And now we journey into the weird 9:05 Ping Pong Club - 2 9:30 Vandread - 2 - Soshite boku wa tohou ni kureru We'll try to get subtitles running for this weeks episode of Vandread, but we'll still show it even if that doesn't work. After 21 months straight of Minna no Anime, our president Ben will be taking a short respite. So I say good bye and good riddance! I'll finally be free! Free to... show the same stuff we were putting on already - gee what a power trip. Saraba da, Dylan Hall Fukukaichou (VP) My quote of the week: "You went over my helmet; no one goes over my helmet"
MNA - The Return of Open Programming 7/7
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 5 12:19:34 2001) Konichiwa mina-san, I hope you all enjoyed your fourth of July holiday and did something American - like watching cartoons made in Japan! Well, even if you didn't you can catch up on all your American activities by coming to Minna no Anime this Saturday. Schedule du'jour (I probably spelled that wrong; French isn't one of the languages I speak) 5:00 Open 5:30 Open (you get the idea) 9:00 open 9:00 closed... I mean 'open' I won't even force you folks to watch mecha shows, I promise! Not that I'll stop you if you want to. So, with that open ended statement I'll let you return to your daily grind. Saraba da, Dylan Hall fukukaichou (VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub <insert inside joke here: MoPi 4 the future!>
MNA - 7/14 Fated Meeting
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 12 18:52:52 2001) Konbanwa mina-san, I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the 163 hours a week you spend outside of Minna no Anime. Last week was open programming, and we had fun watching lots of stuff. In fact so much fun that we will be continuing to show more of the stuff we started last week. For those that missed out, gomen! but you only missed an episode. If you can get ahold of me before sometime before club I may be able to help you catch up on anything you missed (dhall@<removed for spam reasons>). And now time for Ye Olde Schedule 5:05 Escaflowne - 7 - Unexpected Partings 5:30 Escaflowne - 8 small break 6:05 Escaflowne - 9 6:30 Future Boy Conan - 4 break of time 7:05 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 14 - Equation of Kindness 7:30 Magic User's Club (Mahou Tsukai Tai!) - 2 time of break 8:05 Zeta Gundam - 3 8:30 Hana Yori Dango - 2 of time; break 9:00 City Hunter - 2 9:30 Blue Submarine No. 6 - 2 - Pilots As you may have noticed, there are a lot of " - 2 "s in the schedule. These were all things that we showed the first episode of last week and decided to continue with for a while. And, yes, finally ALL of Blue Sub 6 will be shown in club. I think it tops the Kenshin OVA's for most partial or unofficial showings. So, just what did we show last week? Well here's the answer: Last weeks showings 5:05 Dragon Half 5:30 Dragon Half (all) 6:05 Ping Pong Club - 3 6:30 Blue Sub. 6 - 1 7:05 Hana Yori Dango - 1 7:30 City Hunter - 1 8:05 Berserk - 1 8:30 Nadia - 1 9:05 Magic User's Club - 1 9:30 Future Boy Conan - 3 Also, we've almost got an easy way to show import DVD's (that don't have english subtitles on the disk) with subtitles!!! Yay! Yatta! What's this mean? It means more cool import disks before the US companies release them (and usually much better quality disks too). This may be the next phase in MNA's evolution. 'till next time. Saraba da, Dylan Hall Kakofukukaichou (past-VP) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - 7/21 Choose your own adventure
(Minna No Anime, Thu Jul 19 10:33:20 2001) Konichiwa minasan, Well, us officers have been working overtime trying to figure out a schedule for next year - and we're almost done. So, I figured I'd take a break and let however comes this Saturday decide the some of the schedule. Let the battle begin! 5:05 Escaflowne - 10 - The Mad Bomber What Bombs Mad at Midnight 5:30 Escaflowne - 11 no choice about this break 6:05 Escaflowne - 12 - Almost halfway done! 6:30 Future Boy Conan - 5 - The Raging Cheeks of hard labor break 7:05 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 15 - Happy Shiny (Deadly) Germs 7:30 Tylor - 16 Captain's orders: take a break! 8:05 Zeta Gundam - 4 OR You're Under Arrest - 1 8:30 Hana Yori Dango - 3 OR Ping Pong Club - 4 you don't get a choice as to when to stop 9:05 City Hunter - 3 OR something else 9:30 Blue Sub 6 - 3 - Hearts So, it's only an hour of your choosing; but it's more than I should be letting you have! (insert diabolical laughter here) I'll let you all get back to your high stakes gambling over whether it'll be Pokemon or Digimon that makes it into the schedule next year. Saraba, Dylan Hall Kako-Fukukaichou http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - Will you be feeling 'Blue' on 7/28?
(Minna No Anime, Wed Jul 25 20:34:25 2001) Konbanwa Mina-san, The newsletter is out extra early this week because: (drum roll please) I just kinda felt like doing it now, that's all. Boy, what a let down. But I guarantee this Saturday won't be! We've got the final episode of one of my all time favorite OVA's - Blue Submarine No.6 (Aonorokugo). It's an extra long ep, so we've got the whole last hour scheduled for it. And because I'm such a nice guys I'll give you a full hour of "Let's not watch Gundam and annoy Dylan to no avail." Just kidding, I like all the stuff we're putting on this summer. Also, if you'd like to help out the club (but most importantly have soda's there this week) you too can play the fun game called: Give Dylan (and all the club stuff) a ride to club. If you want to join in this game send me an email (dhall@<removed for spam reasons>) or give me a call (831-<removed for privacy>). I'd like to get there a little early this week, because Matt had requested that we re-show Blue Sub 6 ep 3 for him (he was gone last week). Now that I've bored you all to the point of deleting this email and returning to... doing whatever it is you were doing, I'll give you the schedule: 5:05 Escaflowne - 13 5:30 Esca - 14 noticing a pattern here? 6:05 Esca - 15 6:30 Future Boy Conan - 6 can anything break Conan? 7:05 Irresponisble Captain Tylor - 17 7:30 Tylor - 18 what will be shown here? 8:05 Choose Your Fate (slot 1) 8:30 Choose Your Fate (slot 2) will I end every break comment with a '?' ? 9:05 Blue Submarine No 6 - 4 - Minasoko 9:30 More Blue Sub 6 - YATTA! For the "Choose Your Fate" slots, we have available: Zeta Gundam #4 Ping Pong Club #5 Hana Yori Dango #4 You're Under Arrest #1 Mahou Tsukai Tai (Magic User's Club) #4 Infinite Ryvius #1 and anything else anyone brings; I'm sure I figure out some fun and confusing way to get you all to pick the shows. Saraba da, Dylan Hall Kako-Fukukaichou (Former-VP) KariKaichou (Acting President) Kusoyarou (really nice guy*) *that's my translation of it at least!
MNA - Now more blue than ever! 7/28
(Minna No Anime, Fri Jul 27 19:42:48 2001) Konbanwa mina-san, This is just a quick message to say that tomorrow, at the club meeting (7/28) we will have a reshowing of Blue Sub 6 episode 3 at approximately 4:30. So, if you missed out, or want to watch it again come early and join us for even more Minna than usual. Saraba da, Dylan Hall kotoba kotoba kotoba...
MNA - I'm free, will you be on 8/4?
(Minna No Anime, Thu Aug 2 13:36:50 2001) Konichiwa Mina-san, This weekend you will be free of my blundering and scheming. I will be placing our esteemed member Josh Cohen in charge of running things this week. So, he can put his own devious schemes into action and force everyone to watch 5 hours of Ping Pong Club this weekend. So, on with the evil schedule: 5:05 Escaflowne - 16 5:30 Escaflowne - 17 break 6:05 Escaflowne - 18 6:30 Future Boy Conan - 6 hut, hut 7:05 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 19 7:30 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 20 wait for it... 8:05 Choose your destiny 1 8:30 Choose your destiny 2 hike! 9:05 Choose your fate 1 9:30 Choose your fate 2 Well, the schedule is going to look a lot like this for the rest of the quarter. You demanded more choices, and thus you shall have more choices. for the open slots, there will be at least these available: Hana Yori Dango 5 Ping Pong Club 5 You're Under Arrest 1 Infinite Ryvius 2 City Hunter 3 Zeta Gundam 4 ...and whatever else anyone brings So, I'll see you (or not) Saturday. Saraba da, Dylan Hall Kako-Fukukaichou (Former-VP) KariKaichou (Acting President) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - room change this Saturday / extra fun
(Minna No Anime, Tue Aug 7 22:06:16 2001) Konbanwa mina-san, I just thought I'd give you all an early heads up about this Saturday's meeting. We will not be meeting in the silo; there is a large conference all throughout the business building that weekend. The meeting will be normal except for the room change. If I recall correctly we should be meeting in room 02-114 (same building area). Please don't quote me on that here, since I don't have that paper in front of me. I will send out the correct room in the normal email, and I will make every effort to put signs up on Saturday too. But, what's this "extra fun" you ask? Well, since I was curiously absent last Saturday (I know it was lonely without me) I thought there could be some sort of club get together Friday for anyone who missed last meeting, or just wants to watch anime, listen to Yoko Kanno music and read manga. So, I'm inviting anyone who wants to to "come on over!" to my place on Friday and have a party. So, if you're interested in the above activities (and who on this mailing list isn't) send me an email and I'll give you directions and answer any other questions you have. There's plenty of crash space (since my roommates aren't here this summer) and plenty of anime/music/manga (since I don't like spending money on things that aren't anime/music/manga). I'll be annoying you with the normal email on Thursday also, so don't worry - you're only halfway done with my emails this week! Saraba da, Dylan Hall Kako-Fukukaichou (Former-VP) KariKaichou (Acting President) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub PS - the last 2 episodes of the Magic User's Club OVA come out this month. Rejoice!
MNA - Halloween info / normal meeting un-normal location 8/11
(Minna No Anime, Thu Aug 9 16:29:06 2001) Konichiwa mina-san, I'll start off with a Halloween reminder: It's coming!! And it's gonna be bigger and better than last year (which was our first try at something like that). Things we'll have this time around(tenatively, of course): - cosplay contest - Dance Dance Revolution room - Fighting game room (Guilty Gear X, Tekken, Street Fighter, etc.) - Trivia competition - FOOD! - lots of other stuff that I don't remember now! Basically, all of the good from last time with none of the bad! So, get to work on your costumes and start writing down trivia questions. If you have any suggestions please tell us (by replying to this email) and we'll see what we can do about it. And now on to this week's stuff. Well, actually last week's "choose your fate without Dylan" stuff: Ping Pong Club #5 Hana Yori Dango #5 Nadia #1 Shamanic Princess #1 I'm thinking I might force you guys to watch all of Shamanic Princess (because it's too good)... Hmmm... REMINDER: Room change this week! (and this week only) We will be in Room 03-114. It should be right nearby to the silo. I'll try and put up a sign to direct you guys to the room. Anyways, on to this weeks stuff: 5:05 Escaflowne - 19 5:30 Esca - 20 break, even though you know more Esca is coming 6:05 Esca - 21 6:30 Conan - 7 break, even though you know more Tylor is coming 7:05 Tylor - 21 7:30 Tylor - 22 break, even though you don't know what's coming 8:05 Open 8:30 Open break, even though I may force Shamanic Princess upon you 9:05 Open 9:30 Open break, until next week So, that's about it from me. The open invite is still good for anyone who wants to come over to my place this Friday (tomorrow) for an evening and a night of anime/manga/music. Just reply to this email and I'll give you all the "vital information" (whatever that is). Saraba da, Dylan Hall Karikaichou (Acting President - only 3 more Saturdays of overwhelming power!) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - The Penultimate Meeting of the Summer 8/18
(Minna No Anime, Thu Aug 16 11:23:00 2001) Konichiwa mina-san, I hope you're all doing well wherever you are. We're certainly starting to wrap things up here at MNA, this weekend we will be left with 2 episodes remaining in 3 of great shows. Why's that, you ask? Well, here's what went on last week (the unscheduled mayhem): Ping Pong Club #6 (we reached a new low) Chikuu Shoujo Arjuna #1 (Raw import DVD, repeat after me: "Ooh, pretty...") Shamanic Princess #2 (and a consensus to finish it this quarter) Animation Runner Kuromi (Time Journeys!!) We also had the usual occurance of being kicked out of the silo for a night for absolutely no reason. Oh well, at least it makes you appeciate the setup we currently have at our disposal. Which leads nicely into this weeks schedule: 5:05 Tenkuu no Escaflowne - 22 5:30 Esca - 23 break and wait... 6:05 Esca - 24 6:30 Future Boy Conan - 24 break and curse... 7:05 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 23 7:30 Tylor - 24 break and break Dylan for making you wait until next week to finish those two shows 8:05 Choose your Hana Yori Dan... err, I mean open programming 8:30 Pick you Ping Pon... umm, yeah, I mean another open programming slot 9:05 Shamanic Princess - 3 9:30 Shamanic Princess - 4 (of 6) And then next week we will finish Esca, Tylor, Shamanic and (hopefully) Magic User's Club (if I have my DVD by then). I have to say that I've really enjoyed running stuff this quarter and have been happy to see most folks enjoying the scheduling madness and all the cool shows we've put on. I hope you all have enjoyed the shows that I forced you all to watch, and that you will continue to enjoy stuff next year too. Us officers have been putting in a lot of time and energy into making next year better than last year, we just hope that it shows. Back to your waiting for Saturday night. Saraba da, Dylan Hall Jimukan (Secretary) Karikaichou (Acting President) Zenfukukaichou (Former VP) Kusoyarou (nice guy) Oobaka (smart guy) Minna no Anime http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - You're gonna carry that weight on 8/25
(Minna No Anime, Thu Aug 23 19:58:10 2001) Konbanwa Minasan, Well, it's finally come: The last week with me running stuff. You will all be freed of the terror that has been my reign as Acting President after this weekend; then you will be subject to the horror that is Ben and Nik running things. (And you will hear me laughing heartily from the bowels of the crowd). But that doesn't mean that you will be free from me entirely. I will still be annoying everyone with emails and the whatnot. REMINDER: After this Saturday (8/25) there will be no MNA meetings until 9/29!!! There may be some sort of impromptu meeting the saturday of 9/22, but that is not certain (and would be open programming, not regular shows). Also, Halloween is coming up and will be bigger and better than last year, so start work on all your Ping Pong Club costumes now! (I want to see the "turtle giving birth" scene acted out in club ^_^) I hope you all have enjoyed the schedule this summer; I made it up when Ben said "You're in charge this summer!" and thus I said "What are my favorite shows?" and ran from there. And after some whining from people I decided to just make it open programming for most of the time. I really love a lot of the stuff that you guys keep picking (Ping Pong Club, Hana yori Dango, Magic User's Club, Shamanic Princess) and forced a couple of my all time favorite TV shows on you people (Esca, Tylor). I hope you've enjoyed watching them for the first time as much as I have enjoyed watching them for the fourth (or fifth) time. Anyways, enough rambling; here's the schedule. Ye olde schedule: 5:05 Tenkuu no Escaflowne - 25 5:30 The Vision of Escaflowne - 26 (the end) MNA will not be providing tissues this break 6:05 Open Programming - 1 6:30 Open Programming - 2 (the end) Break without series ending 7:05 Musekinin Kanchou Taira - 25 7:30 Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 26 (the end) MNA will not be providing tissues this break either 8:05 Mahou Tsukai Tai! - 5 8:30 Magic User's Club (AKA - I Wanna Use Magic!) - 6 (the end) Break for the last time 9:05 Shamanic Princess - 5 9:30 Shamanic Princess - 6 (the end) Break for a month!! WOW! That's a lot of stuff ending. But, I planned it this way. I'm sure you all have noticed the auspicious absence of Future Boy Conan, but I figured I'd give you all a chance to catch those final episodes of Ping Pong Club and Hana Yori Dango (as if you guys would really choose anything else). "But, what about the Tylor movie and OVA's?" - I'll try to find sometime during the year to put them on, if not there's always next summer. I'll be bringing a couple of polls to club; so be prepared to express your love/hate of Ping Pong Club (and all the other shows) in the convenient form of a check mark on a sheet of paper. Saigo no 'Saraba da' (Natsuyasumi nara), Dylan Hall Jimukan (Secretary) Karikaichou (Acting President) http://www.calpoly.edu/~minnclub
MNA - last minute reminder for 8/25...
(Minna No Anime, Fri Aug 24 17:07:08 2001) Konichiwa minasan, I just remembered to remind everyone to please return all borrowed materials at tomorrows meeting. If you forget, I'll force everyone to marathon watch Marmalade Boy! Abayo, Dylan