Brandon Dela Cruz

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He's actually dead inside. Bruh, some of this info is dead wrong.

Officer Positions

2018-2019 President

Random Fact about Brandon

  • Women's fashion intrigues me. In almost all games I have, I play female characters to play dress-up. I also follow Twitter pages and artists that showcase outfits, for both real life and anime characters.
  • He got the job because Cheez-Its was unable to run due to not paying the fees and not being a CP student. Members are torn on whether this was a good thing or not...
  • One time at Hangout, he took all the cheese off a cheese pizza, leaving a little bit of sauce and the crust.


"I'm gonna go to every table and if they aren't eating their salad, I'm gonna roast them." - About those who ordered meals with salads and did not eat them at Winter Goshi 2019.

"I need a quarter. No, not a dollar! No, not a nickel! Dammit David, how were you elected treasurer?! Where's Cheez-Its when you need them?!"

"Yeet ball!"