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The Brohood consists of

  • Aniki -- Court Assassin ($5) of the Highest Caliber.
  • Ashley Berry -- Empress in charge of Creative Writing and Colorful Socks
  • Phyllis Douglas -- Czarina of Art and Computer Science
  • Chris Hamilton -- High King of Shota and Theatre

What Is the Brohood?

The Brohood’s origins are rooted in Mystery, Mist, Misdirection, Meat (or the lack thereof), Monsters, and other things that start with M.

The Brohood is a conglomeration of several different People and one Tree, who are all completely different while being frighteningly similar all at once. They’re Mostly Harmless in the physical sense but, on a deep spiritual and psychological level can be quite damaging. Their main weapons are in-jokes and a variety of food allergies. The Tree is rather large as well and has a habit of waving it's branches in a threatening manner.

The Brohood has several creative pen names which they use for their various projects. Their Light Novel, Crossed Wires is about the personification of various electronics and electronic corporations. They also have a highly successful Alternate Universe fan fiction titled “Lighter Than WHITE.” The Brohood is quite proud of all their many projects. They hope to achieve world domination within the next few years.

Quotations of Great Importance

"What, What, WHAT are you doing?! Look at your choices, look at your life."

"Who DOES that? I don't do that. Not anymore. Not since Tuesday.