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Show Type TV
# Episodes 24
Vintage 2004-2005
Shown By MNA 2006-2007 @ 8:35
Episodes Shown All
Shown On R1 DVD (Geneon)

Capsule Description

  • You might want to break out your glasses for this one.
  • The beginning of the end theme is often the cause of a collective "DAMN IT!" as most episodes end in huge cliff-hangers.

Member Reviews

Once you get over the acid trip that is the moving layered textiles, this show is completely awesome. Until a little past half way through, it actually remains pretty close to the Count of Monte Cristo storyline, minus of course the setting. The setting is quite awesome too; the combination detailed scifi with the whole French Rococo aristocracy feel is incredibly detailed. And I'm probably weird for saying though, but I *like* the richness of texture.

Particularly when you factor in the Count. The Count MAKES this series (to be expected!) One of the few characters wearing large blocks of solid color, he has more reason to stand out than simply the blue skin. His voice, belonging to Jouji Nakata, is incredible. I describe him like a Japanese James Earl Jones. It gives him presence, and still causes you to question his alignments. And he's uber-pimp. There's more reason to love this show. The other voices are perfect for each character, the art is gorgeous, and the story has that kinda dark chock-full-of-emo drama that I love. And lots of shounen-ai overtones, if you swing that way (which were in the BOOK too!)

--Erika 18:37, 1 October 2007 (PDT)

Additional Information

  • Anime News Network Encyclopedia [1]