2015-2016 Emails

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Email announcements from school year 2015-2016
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017


Fall 2015

We are missing content for this period of time. If you have the emails for this quarter, please add them!

Winter 2016

[Minna no Anniversary] Jan 4 2016 Donate to the Great Anniversary of Everyone's Anime

It seems that we meet again, Minna. We can never truly be apart, can we? For you see, it was fate that this email
arrived in your mailbox, and I see, in the future, several more of the anniversary emails to pleasantly pop in
there, too.

Of course, you might be asking, "Who is writing the emails?" Hmmmm... Is it me? You? That other secretary who
keeps trying to kick me out but I know the password to the email account and-


Oh well. It's not a big deal. I mean, they should be thanking me for writing this one! That other secretary has
been sitting on this email for like... a month? And been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X for at least 60 hours. Jeez
What a terrible secretary. I mean, I guess it was Winter Break, but that's no excuse!! Looks like I gotta step in
and save the day, right?

So without further ado, the point of this email: Here's how you can help out with the anniversary festivities!
Sacrifice your body to the Great Festival on February 6 and 7.
The committee's asking for volunteers to help set up stuff in the rooms on Saturday and Sunday. For Saturday,
they'll need people to help set up the Trivia/Eyes buttons and helping with the cake and other fun stuff. And for
Sunday, some "special things" will need to be set up before everyone gets to the lunch, so if you want a sneak
peek into what the committee has planned... email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with your intent to volunteer!
In the email, let them know what day(s) and the time range you'll be available.

Prize Donations!
Some of you expressed interest in donating prizes for the games and events at the party. If you're still up for it,
email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with this info, yo:

description of the prize
estimated monetary value of the prize
any other special things about the prize you wanna let the committee know
Also, you'll need to mail the prize to the committee. They'll need the prizes by January 27, so email the
anniversary account to find out what address to mail the goods to!

And finally, the monetary donation information.
Still wanna help out, but just want to pass on some money instead? We have a PayPal option available as well as
mailing a check or cash to the committee! Mike Whipp will be handling the moneys this year, so PayPal him up at
paypal@castlecagliostro.com, or email anniversary@minnanoanime.org to get the address to send a check or cash to.
The money will be used to get cool stuff for the anniversary, maybe an even cooler cake than what the committee's
got planned already... and y'all are gonna LOVE THE HECK OUTTA THAT CAKE!! If you have any requests about how
the committee will spend your money, let them know via email or the PayPal message thingy.

And that's that for helping out with the anniversary. Gotta head on out - I'm currently checking out the past years
of Minna with the time machine, and maaann there's some good stuff there. Like that Tsurugi dinner where some
people drank too much soy sauce... or that secretary that wrote an email with no pants on... or sequel power
hour.... Yeah. Gonna dig up some more good stuff.

Welcome back to school, students! And here's to a good 2016 year~ 🍻

[Minna No Manga] Where Manga Is 1/7/16

TL;DR: Manga in 10-225, T-Shirt Contest ends January 30th, vote for the simulcast.
Greetings Everyone!
Nice to talk to you all again, it's been awhile! I was going to do a bit this quarter where I had a time machine
and was writing to you from different times in the past but my time machine's been steadfastly refusing to work (I
think I need to replace some of the cardboard) so the bit's a no-go.
As it's the beginning of the quarter, Minna no Manga will be held in a different room! We're going to be holding
Manga this quarter every Thursday in room 10-225 from 6 PM - 10 PM. That's the same building Manga was in last
quarter! Our new room not only has a roof and walls, it has desks as well! Look forward to it.
There's less than a month left in the Minna no Anime T-Shirt Contest! The final day to turn in your design is
January 30th, so if you're planning on doing a design for that it'd be a good idea to get crackin' before school
sets in. Complete rules for the contest can be found here, nothing's changed since the last time I emailed
them out.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast! (It's been so long since I got to say that :D)
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
Warning, Personal Opinions Below
Man, Aniplex USA gives the best Christmas presents. This summer, in the writeup I wrote for Dragonball Z:
Resurrection F I wrote that if enough people went to see it in theatres that maybe Kizumonogatari might show up in
American theatres as well! At the time I was thinking "haha, like Kizu would ever come out of development hell,
FML." but now Aniplex is actually doing it! Kizumonogatari Part 1 is going to be in American Theatres starting in
February! I'm fully prepared to go on a road trip to the nearest theatre that's showing it. My only regret is that
it'll probably have poor signs... Anyways though, I'm looking forward to it. I'm currently ignoring a groupwork
partner in order to type this up, so I'd better go. I'll tell you more about how things are going next time! See
you later! ex oh ex oh ex oh 

[Minna no Anime] Saturday of Saturdays 1/9/16

 TL;DR: Saturday meeting is as usual, weekend parking enforcement still nonexistent, T-shirt contest is
ongoing, vote for the simulcast.
It was good to see those of you that were at Manga yesterday, I forgot how much I missed hanging out with y'all.
I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone else at the Saturday meeting!
Minna no Anime will be held in "The Silo" (3-213) this week as per usual, from 5:10 PM - 10 PM. I pinky swear. Oh,
and in case anyone isn't fully up to date on the riveting drama that is the Cal Poly Parking Enforcement website,
parking will not be enforced on weekends this quarter. It's still totally okay to park in the metered spots outside
the Silo, the "0:00" of the parking meter blinking vainly.
There's less than a month left in the Minna no Anime T-Shirt Contest! The final day to turn in your design is
January 30th! That's only three days after the square you undoubtedly have marked on your calendar as
"Curtis' Birthday", and it's more than two days closer than it was a week ago! Complete rules for the contest
can be found here.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE FOR IT ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 10
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 10
6:35 PM - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 09
8:05 PM - Taisho Baseball Girls - 09
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 09
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 10
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 10
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
So at the beginning of the quarter this quarter, I had a full 16 units, with three of them being courses directly
related to my major. I decided that between the classes workload and me trying to work more this quarter I was
going to die, so I ended up dropping a class. I ended up dropping the one course that wasn't a major course,
Intro to Philosophy, which may not have been the wisest choice to drop, but it was the least interesting to me, so
I watched Shirobako over the break, which I enjoyed immensely. It did a great job conveying all of the stress and
anxiety of working in the anime business, and I learned a lot too. The characters were all distinct and likable,
except for this one male production assistant guy, but all of the characters in-show had a problem with him as
well, so it was OK. The show used every bit of its two cours leaving no stone unturned as it examined the
production process, 10/10 would recommend to a friend, it's my new sixth favorite show. Anyways, I'm running
up on the mythical email character limit, I'll see you all lat

[Minna no Manga] Thursday 1/13/16

TL;DR: Manga in 53-206 (where we ended up last week), T-Shirt Contest on-going, Vote for the simulcast.
Greetings everyone!
Your friendly neighborhood MnA Secretary here, checking in before this Thursday's Manga meeting! We're going
to be in Science North, 53-206 this week. That's the same room as we were in last week! The one we ended up
in, not the one I erroneously pointed at in my email. We'll get back to Building 10 eventually, but this isn't the
week for it. Manga will be from 6 PM - 10 PM as per usual.
The Minna no Anime T-Shirt contest is ongoing! If you want your mad Photoshop skillz to be displayed on the
official Minna no Anime 2015-2016 t-shirt, there's no better way than to enter the contest! Complete rules for
the contest can be found here.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!


Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

[Minna no Anniversary] Jan 15 2016 Swap Meet and Scavenger Hunt Announcement

Hello, Minna, how are you enjoying the new year?

Correction to the previous email: I have played only 40 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles X, not 60.

We would like to remind members that you can make categories for Anniversary's Anime Trivia at this link. We'd
also like to announce that Goshi will provide a buffet for us on Sunday February 7, but the price is still to be

Now, on to new event announcements!

Swap Meet
Scavenger Hunt
Movies: Millennium Actress and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Swap Meet is returning for Minna's 25th Anniversary, and will run from 10AM to 12PM on Saturday, February 6,
in room 3-114. If you would like to be a seller, there is a limited number of tables to sign up for. You can pick
a half table of about 3' x 2',
two half tables of 3' x 4',
or a backroom full table of 2' x 5'.
The tables are all first come, first served. There's 16 half tables available and 8 backroom full tables available.
Tosign up, please fill out this form. You will need a Minna no Anime forum account to login and register as a
seller. You can make an account here, or if you've forgotten your password, you can retrieve it here.

Scavenger Hunt is also back for this anniversary! For those who have not participated in Minna's scavenger hunt
before, this is a bit different from the norm. Using this list of items, submit pictures that fit each item's
theme. For example, let's say one of the items to find was "an old man cat". I would take a picture of a
disgruntled cat, or perhaps put cat ears on my grandfather and take a picture of that. There are prizes for best
overall, best photo, and two for judge's choice. Please note that winning entries will be selected by the
Anniversary Committee.


Your own photos only (no plagiarism!). You may work individually, in pairs or in groups.
If submitting photos digitally, please resize your photos to no larger than 1600 x 1200 pixels (or 1200 x 1600
Due date: January 30, 2016 at 10PM.
Non-email submissions should go to an officer at club by the due date.
Accepted submissions: email anniversary@minnanoanime.org (Limit to 25mb attachments per email), printed
photos, digital photos burned to disc, or Flashdrive/external hard drive.

Prize Categories:

Best Collection Overall - Criteria: Quantity (as many as you can or 30/30), and Execution (capturing the hunt
item's 'theme', creativity, composition, and very basic technical aspects )
Best Individual Photo - Criteria: Capturing the Theme, Creativity, and Quality (Technical and Composition)
Judge's Choice: Collection - Ex. comedic, artistic, dramatic, literal, or wacky
Judge's Choice: Individual Photo - Ex. comedic, artistic, dramatic, literal, or wacky
The movies to be shown at anniversary will be Millennium Actress and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Both
movies will be shown in the Silo (room 3-213). Millennium Actress will be on Saturday starting at 8PM, and
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time will start at 3PM on Sunday.

Those are the newest announcements we have for the anniversary party. Here is a quick rundown and reminder
of all the other things that are going on:

Monetary Donations: paypal@castlecagliostro.com or give cash/check to Mike Whipp during a club meeting.
Prize Donations: please email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with what you want to donate, and we will
respond with more information.
Volunteer: email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with your availability as well as for more information.
Cake: two cakes, actually.
AMV Contest: Submissions to anniversary@minnanoanime.org, please. Entries must be less than 4 minutes
and PG-13.
Minna no Anime Trivia: Make categories for anime trivia by submitting a category or two to this link.
Photos of Minna History: Send us photos and videos of Minna's secret past! Email
anniversary@minnanoanime.org with your photos/videos.
Karaoke: Here are the list of songs that will be available at the party. Request more songs by emailing
Sunday Goshi Lunch: It is a buffet. Price and sign-ups to be announced in a future email.
There's about 3 weeks left until the Anniversary Party. We have only a few more announcements in future emails
and then it's party time!

[Minna no Anime] A week in Fisher Science 1/16/16

TL;DR: Minna in Fisher Science, T-shirt contest ongoing, we're looking for a webmaster, Vote for the
Greetings Everyone!
Minna no Anime will be in the Fisher Science Building, (Building 33 Room 286) this Saturday, from 5pm - 10pm.
The room we were in with the multiple screens last quarter. As I entirely spaced on warning y'all about this
earlier on in the week, I'll be posting the information about the room change in several places throughout this
email, to ensure visibility.
We're getting increasingly close to the end of the T-Shirt Contest (January 30th). Remember to submit a design
if you're interested! The longer you wait, the more likely that you'll forget to make a design until it's too late. 
The contest rules can be found here! Remember that you get a free shirt if you win, so if you wear shirts you
obviously have to enter.
If you're potentially interested in becoming the Minna no Anime Webmaster for next school year, email our
current webmaster, Mouse, at webmaster@minnanoanime.org. If you know databases and HTML and stuff (I
had a list of the specific prereqs but I lost it) and want to be a part of the MnA officership, you should shoot
Mouse a message to get started!
And as always... Vote for the simulcast! 
SCHEDULE 1/16/16
5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE FOR IT ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 11
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 11
6:35 PM - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 10
8:05 PM - Taisho Baseball Girls - 10
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 10
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 11
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 11
No time for rants.... Must... tell people to go to Fisher Science for Minna no Anime this week....

[Minna no Anniversary] Jan 17, 1015Goshi Sign-Ups: Opening January 18 (Tomorrow) at 5PM

We did it, guys!!!! We made it to this point in our lives. Goshi lunch is only 10 bucks per person,
OMMMMGGGGGGG!!!!! We're getting an all-you-can-eat buffet with free soda. Quality foods directly from the

Anniversary's Goshi lunch sign-ups open tomorrow, January 18, at 5PM!!!!!
You can sign up for Goshi here: https://www.minnanoanime.org/mna25/goshi/login.php You will need a Minna no
Anime forum account to login. You can create one here, or get your password here.

On the sign up form, you can also add a guest. There are only 60 spots available, so sign up as soon as possible!

Reminder: Goshi lunch is on February 7, 11:30AM to 2PM. You can sit wherever you like - we have the whole
restaurant to ourselves!

Thank you to the kind donations of our fellow club members and club itself for making this a dream come

I hope to see you all there!!!! LET'S EAT EVERYTHING YOU GUYS

[Minna no Anniversary] Jan 18 2016 Reminder: Anniversary Goshi Lunch Orders Open Today at 5PM

Hello, Minna members,

This is a reminder that if you would like to attend the Goshi lunch on February 7, 11:30AM to 2PM, you must sign
up to do so, starting today at 5PM: https://www.minnanoanime.org/mna25/goshi/login.php You will need a Minna no
Anime forum account, which you can create here, or if you've forgotten your password, you can retrieve it here.

There are only 60 spots available. Please note that you can only sign up one additional person, and that this is
first-come, first-served. You will be put on a waitlist if the seats fill up.

The Goshi lunch information:

$10 per person. Pay the Saturday before, February 6, by 10PM
Sit anywhere in the restaurant!
All-you-can-eat buffet of both sushi and kitchen items from Goshi's menu
Free fountain drinks, tea and water
If you want anything additional to what is offered at the buffet, please bring some form of payment with you to
the restaurant.
If you have any questions, please email anniversary@minnanoanime.org.

Thank you, and I hope to see you there!

[Minna no Manga] Saving Private Thursday 1/20/16

 TL;DR: Manga in 10-225, T-Shirt Contest and Scavenger Hunt deadline approaching, looking for webmaster,
Vote for the simulcast

Greetings Everyone,
Apologies for getting this out late. I had it all ready to go last night, completed the paper I was writing, and
fell asleep.
After two (2) weeks of being adrift, Minna no Manga will be in Building 10 once more! Specifically, 10-225, from
6pm- 10pm January 21st. 2016. I am inordinately proud of myself for not accidentally typing  "2015"...
The Minna no Anime T-Shirt Contest is approaching its final days. In a little over a week, all of the entries
will be given to Minna at large for the purposes of voting. Currently. "all of the entries" stands at one entry. If
you're somebody who does digital art things, don't let that be the case. Submit a t-shirt design. Contest ends
January 30th, rules are here.
Also ongoing is the Minna no Anime 25th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt! Traditional scavenger hunts require you to
do things like pry license plates from the back of cars (or at least that's what Calvin and Hobbes taught me) but
Minna's is different. All you have to do is take a picture of something from this list and send it in! The fun part
is that the list requires creative interpretation. For example, the first thing on the list is "yaoi goggles". One
person might submit a photograph of a whole bunch of dudes posing in potentially suggestive ways, while another
person might papier-mâché together certain choice scenes from a manga they keep in their bottom dresser-drawer
into the shape of goggles and take a picture of that. Either one is valid! The winning entries will be selected by
the Anniversary Committee.

Your own photos only (no plagiarism!). You may work individually, in pairs or in groups.
If submitting photos digitally, please resize your photos to no larger than 1600 x 1200 pixels (or 1200 x 1600
Due date: January 30, 2016 at 10PM.
Non-email submissions should go to an officer at club by the due date.
Prize Categories:

Best Collection Overall - Criteria: Quantity (as many as you can or 30/30), and Execution (capturing the hunt
item's 'theme', creativity, composition, and very basic technical aspects )
Best Individual Photo - Criteria: Capturing the Theme, Creativity, and Quality (Technical and Composition)
Judge's Choice: Collection - Ex. comedic, artistic, dramatic, literal, or wacky
Judge's Choice: Individual Photo - Ex. comedic, artistic, dramatic, literal, or wacky
Accepted submissions: email anniversary@minnanoanime.org (Limit to 25mb attachments per email), printed
photos, digital photos burned to disc, or some sort of USB data storage device.
If you're potentially interested in becoming the Minna no Anime Webmaster for next school year, email our current
webmaster, Mouse, at webmaster@minnanoanime.org. If you're interested and willing to learn the technologies
that keep Minna running, send her an email! 
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
Welp, I need to improve my time management skills. I'm currently pressed up against multiple deadlines, and
today was the day that I chose to convert my computer over to Windows 10. Windows 10 is currently striking me
as a version of Windows 8 that knows I don't like tiles and already has a start menu. So pretty good so far. It
seems like Microsoft is planning on phasing out Control Panel, as there's this new way to adjust settings called
"Settings". It's really modern-looking and user-friendly, and it's scary to me. Luckily Control Panel still exists,
so I can still use the same unintuitive. clunky menus I've been using in one form or another since Windows XP. Oh,
and multi-monitor support is slightly worse, since now when I move a window from one monitor to another it thinks
that I might want to Aero Snap the window to take up half of one of the screens. Luckily, I discovered I can fix
this by moving my cursor fast. Either way, I should probably stop playing with window management and get back
to the paper I have due tomorrow so I can start working on code I have due tomorrow. TTYL!

[Minna no Anime] ONE WEEK DEADLINE 1/22/16

TL;DR: Anime in "The Silo", T-Shirt Contest and Scavenger Hunt deadline approaching, looking for
webmaster, Vote for the simulcast

Greetings Everyone!

I'm typing this up with swift fingers since I slept through the time in which I normally write emails and I'm
writing this in a room with probably like 20% of the people that look at these emails (Hi guys). This Saturday we
are back to being in "The Silo" (03-213) from 5 PM - 10 PM as is custom.

Only a week left in the Minna no Anime T-Shirt contest! We still haven't received many entries, so if t-shirt art
is something that at all interests you you should do it! You'll get a free t-shirt, Minna prestige out the wazoo
and have an option for a firm handshake from me. Contest ends January 30th, rules are here.

Also ending January 30th is the Minna no Anime Anniversary Scavenger Hunt! If you like taking being creative and
silly and taking pictures of penguin drums this is the contest for you! More info can be found here if you're

If you're potentially interested in becoming the Minna no Anime Webmaster for next school year, email our current
webmaster, Mouse, at webmaster@minnanoanime.org. If you're interested and willing to learn the technologies
that keep Minna running, send her an email! 

And as always... Vote for the simulcast!

SCHEDULE 1/23/16
5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE FOR IT ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 12
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 12
6:35 PM - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 11
8:05 PM - Taisho Baseball Girls - 11
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 11
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 12
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 12


[Minna no Anniversary] Jan 28 2016 Anniversary Schedule and Sign Ups for Games

Yo yo yo, Minna,

Before we get to the Anniversary schedule, here's some reminders about upcoming due dates:

*Scavenger Hunt: Due January 30, 2016 at 10PM
*Prize Donations: Originally due January 27, but extended to January 30, 2016
**In the original email for prize donations, we asked you guys to mail the prizes, but you can just bring them
day of. Please email us what you're bringing, though!

Another announcement: Goshi is completely booked!! However, if you wanna gamble with fate, there is a waitlist
available. Maybe you'll get lucky and move up a spot? Here's the link:
https://www.minnanoanime.org/mna25/goshi/signup.php It's through the forum login system, so you'll need a Minna
no Anime forum account to sign up. Make one here, or retrieve your password here.

We've never announced this, but if you've got a cosplay, please wear it to the Anniversary! We'd love to see
everyone's cool, cute, awesome outfits, so if you have the time, please do so!

Reminder that we're still accepting donations and volunteers! Please email anniversary@minnanoanime.org if you
want to volunteer, and if you'd like to make a monetary donation, please PayPal paypal@castlecagliostro.com
(Mike Whipp).

Aaannnd last announcement of previous things: There are swap meet spots still available!
You can sign up here: https://www.minnanoanime.org/mna25/swap/signup.php
Like the Goshi sign-ups, you'll need a Minna no Anime forum account to sign up. Make one here, or retrieve your
password here.

Here it is, guys: the big one. We've come up with the final schedule for the Anniversary!! (Please note that some
things that we haven't announced in previous emails are shown in the schedule, so scroll down to see their

Saturday, February 6
Room 3-114
10AM - 12PM: Swap Meet
12PM - 10PM: Video Game Room

Room 3-113
10AM - 10PM: Hangout, Relax, Do Stuff Room

Room 3-112
12PM: Anime Eyes Round 1
12:30PM: MnA Game Round 1
1PM: Anime Trivia Round 1

1:30PM: Anime Eyes Round 2
2PM: MnA Game Round 2
2:30PM: Anime Trivia Round 2

3PM: Anime Eyes Round 3
3:30PM: MnA Game Round 3
4PM: Officer Trivia Finals

4:30PM: Anime Eyes Round 4
5PM: MnA Game Round 4

Room 3-213 (The Silo)
5:30PM - 6:30PM: Dinner Break - Free Pizza, Chocolate Cake and White Cake
6:30PM - 8PM: Awards for Scavenger Hunt, Anime Trivia, Anime Eyes, and AMV Contest
5:30PM - 8PM, intermittently: Karaoke
8PM - 10-ish PM: Movie 1 - Millennium Actress

Sunday, February 7
Goshi Japanese Restaurant, 570 Higuera St #150, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
11:30AM - 2PM: Eat buffet food. Yumyum~

Room 3-114
3PM - 8PM: Side Room

Room 3-213 (The Silo)
3PM - 5-ish PM: Movie 2 - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

If you noticed, we're gonna do Anime Eyes and a special Minna no Anime game for anniversary! There's also a video
game room available. The following is information for all these new things, as well as re-iterations of events
we've announced so far:

Minna no Anime Eyes
All images for Anime Eyes at this Anniversary are from series club has shown! This is actually kind of difficult,
imo. Sign up for a round here!

MnA Game: Minna no Fighting Game
(The game name is a misnomer - this is not a fighting game, haha)
Using the Trivia/Eyes buttons, fight against Minna no Anime officers of the past and present! This is a 1-button
game where you fight with 11 other people defeating bosses - have fun! Sign up for a time here, and create your
avatar for the game here (required to participate): https://www.minnalumni.org/goofanader/avatar_creator.php If
you have any problems or questions, please email anniversary@minnanoanime.org.

Anime Trivia
Members can have their own categories be put in the game! If you have an idea (or more) for a category, please
submit one here: http://goo.gl/forms/WlyW2JfGpu You can sign up for either round here. If you've submitted a
category and the committee includes in it a board, we will honor what round you can participate in and put your
category in the other round.

AMV Contest
Send us your best AMV! Email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with your entry. Must be under 4 minutes and
PG-13 or less.

Officer Trivia Finals
Coming back from this year's Halloween Party, certain past officers of Minna no Anime challenge the current
officers with a crazy, anything goes Anime Trivia round! This will be the conclusion of this series... for now.

Video Game Room
Like in past Halloween Parties, bring your video game equipment and make this room lively! Play lots of games to
your heart's desire. Please bring your own power strips though - we will not be able to provide for these :( If
you've got old systems and games, see if you can bring those with you to go along with the time theme! Like, if
you've got a Super Famicom with the Sailor Moon fighting game on it, that would be really awesome!!!!! *drools a
little bit*

Do Stuff Room/Side Room
Need a break from everything that's going on? Wanna do some homework? Need a quiet place to chat? Then this is
the room for you! In the past, it's been used as a makeup room, break room, candy room... quite a few things,
actually. If you need a room, here is the room for you!

Dinner Break
There will be free pizza available: 2 slices per attendee. There will also be two cakes, one that's chocolate
and one that's white cake. Hopefully there should be enough, considering we bought two cakes!!

Awards Ceremony
There are 1st and 2nd place prizes available for Anime Trivia, Anime Eyes, AMV Contest and Scavenger Hunt. We'll
show off AMV Contest entries, which will be voted by popular vote, and we'll also show off scavenger hunt entries,
which will be voted by the committee. The prizes themselves are a secret, hehe~ BUT! They are definitely VERY
exclusive to this Anniversary. If you'd like to snag one, sign up for something or submit some stuff!

Movies: Millennium Actress and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
The times above are when they're starting, but they'll be ending before their designated end times.

And I'm out. Whew, this was a big email... And now, to reveal who wrote all these emails:

I wrote as both secretaries. Thank you for putting up with my silly roleplay, I hope you enjoyed it as much as
I did.

AND NOW, TO THE FUTURE! OF THE ANNIVERSARY!!! *steps into the time machine, pulling goggles over eyes, a
big grin on her face*

Minna no Anime's 25th Anniversary Committee

[Minna no Manga] Designated T-Shirt Contest Work Time 1/28/16

TL;DR T-SHIRT CONTEST AND SCAVENGER HUNT END SATURDAY, Manga is as usual, We're still recruiting
for webmaster, Vote for the simulcast.

Greetings Everyone!

Minna no Manga is in 10-225 from 6 PM - 10 PM this week in the Agriculture Building. Luckily for the prospects of
avoiding mass migration of Minna-ers (Minna members? Minna?), it's the the same room we were in last week and
the week before! There's an official reservation on the room too, so we don't need to pretend to be members of
the Cal Poly Crochet and Badminton club or anything!

The deadline for the T-Shirt contest is right on top of us! If you've ever wanted a free t-shirt of your own
design, or just wanted to have your work in a contest (Contests are exciting, wow!) then you should enter! All
entries are due by the beginning of club this Saturday, January 30th! Contest rules can be found here!
The deadline for the Minna-no-Anniversary-Scavenger-Hunt-contest-amabob is, incidentally, also right on top of
us. If you've ever wanted to take a picture of a "spicy wolf" or a "slice of life" and get awarded for it, you're
rapidly running out of time.All entries are due by 10 PM this Saturday, January 30th! Incidentally, I do not
recommend trying to complete this between the start and end of clubt. That way lies madness. Contest rules can
be found here!

If you're interested in becoming Minna's webmaster for next year, email Mouse @ webmaster@minnanoanime.org
for more details. The Minna Officership could use an individual like you. Someone who reads the emails. You're
the best kind of person.

And as always... Vote for the simulcast!


Curtis Hilgenberg


WOOOH 21st Birthday! I'm going to have fun getting drunk tonight! I mean, one gin and tonic that my parents sent
me through the post counts as getting drunk, right? And catching up on the mountains of classwork I'm behind
on counts as fun... right? Yeah. Of course it does, how silly of me. I should get back to having all that fun. Yay.
Woo hoo. Hopefully if I do this I can get my work done before Friday night so I can go out with friends. Welp, the
due date of my work is before Saturday so I'll get to see y'all then for sure. Just get all your work done. I know
I'm not the only one with a procrastination problem... See you on the other side of the due date!

[Minna No Anime] Belatedly Sent Saturday 1/30/16

TL;DR: Minna no Anime as per usual. T-Shirt Contest and Scavenger Hunt in final hours. Webmaster
applications still open. Vote for the simulcast!
Greetings Everyone!
Minna no Anime will be in "the Silo" 03-213 this Saturday from 5 PM - 10 PM tonight, as per usual. Events will
include watching anime (including the simulcast you vote for!), as well as a dinner break containing the
presentation of the entries for the T-Shirt Contest!
T-shirt contest entries are due at 5:10 PM Saturday as an attachment or link in an email sent to
minna-no-anime@minnanoanime.org. If you possessed of an internet connection that stubbornly refuses to
upload your (PSD formatted) entry, you can hand it to an officer on a USB key. But it's ever so much tidier if you
can email it. You get a t-shirt if your design gets chosen, so submit your design if that sounds pretty nifty! The
rules for the contest can be found here.
As for the T-Shirt Contest presentation for those of us that who have submitted entries, it'll consist of the
officers showing each design in turn up on the big screen in "The Silo" at the beginning of dinner break. The
artist of each entry will be invited to get up in front of someone and say a few words about their particular
design if they want to, so it might not be a bad idea to think of something to say about your entry. Voting on the
t-shirt contest will be done via the internet, we'll be sending out an email to all paid members with a link to the
voting some time next week.
The Scavenger Hunt for Minna no Anniversary is also ending Saturday, this one ending at 10 PM. Rules for the
contest are here. I'm looking forward to some entertaining pictures from this one!
Applications to the position of next year's official Minna no Anime Webmaster are still open! Message Mouse at
webmaster@minnanoanime.org for more details!
SCHEDULE 1/30/16

5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 13
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 13
6:35 PM - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 12 (LAST EPISODE!)
8:05 PM - Taisho Baseball Girls - 12 (LAST EPISODE!)
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 12
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 13
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 13

See you Saturday!


[Minna no Anime] T-Shirt Contest Voting!

Greetings everyone!
It's that time of year again! As of the exact time that you recieve this email, the voting is opening once more for
the once annual Minna no Anime T-shirt Contest! We've got a field of eight (8!) entries for you guys to look at,
so take a look! To vote on the shirts, go to this link! Note that you must be a paid member in order to vote, and
you need a Minna no Anime forum account. If you're a paid member and don't yet have a forum account, you can
get one here.
If you want to become a paid member to get in on that sweet, sweet, t-shirt voting action, talk to MnA Treasurer
Eric Oatey. Membership dues are $5 for the quarter or $10 for the year, and get you access not only to t-shirt
voting, but also a $5 T-shirt Discount, officer voting, and prize drawing eligibility. It's a pretty sweet deal.
So get out there and do some T-Shirt judging!
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

[Minna no Manga] Mysterious Thursday X 2/4/16

TL;DR: Manga as usual, Anniverary Party this weekend (WOOH),  T-shirt voting, Read the Anniversary
email, looking for webmaster.
Greetings Everyone!
Anniversary Party is this weekend *hype* but before that it's THURSDAY! Minna no Manga will once again be in
10-225 from 6 PM - 10 PM. If your criteria for hanging out with someone includes a love of Japanese cartoons,
it's statistically one of the better places and times to make and keep friends, so if that's something that
interests you you should come. We'll be there the whole time and not nip off an hour early to eat Taco Bell this
time, honest.
T-shirt Contest Voting is on-going! The voting system was out of whack for a few minutes after I sent the email
alerting y'all to the opening of the voting, but it's fully functional now for your voting pleasure (Thanks Mike!).
We've got eight excellent entries this year, so your votes matter more than ever! To vote on the shirts, go to this
link! Note that you must be a paid member in order to vote, and you need a Minna no Anime forum account. If
you're a paid member and don't yet have a forum account, you can get one here.
If you want your opinion to be counted for the t-shirt contest, you can always become a paid member! Talk to MnA
Treasurer Eric Oatey. Membership dues are $5 for the quarter or $10 for the year, and get you access not only to
t-shirt voting, but also a $5 T-shirt Discount, officer voting, and prize drawing eligibility. 
If you're interested in becoming next year's MnA webmaster, shoot a message to Mouse at
webmaster@minnanoanime.org. We won't expect you to know the technologies we use right now, but we will
expect you to learn them.
I would say vote for the simulcast but since there's no real Minna no Anime this weekend ('cause of the Anniversary
See y'all later,
Curtis Hilgenberg
Ya see, I was going to be on top of getting this out early and doing my homework in a reasonable amount of time,
but then I ended up reading an entire Discworld novel and then I got hooked on reading Mysterious Girlfriend X.
It's definitely a lot better in manga form than it was in anime, a lot of it revolves around this spit exchange
tradition this dude has with his GF, and the anime makes it really gratuitous. I think they were going for the
whole Nisemonogatari thing of "just because this isn't really a typical display of physical intimacy doesn't mean
it's not incredibly uh-'interesting' to the characters, so we're going to show off that intimacy with lovingly
directed camera angles", but they did a worse job of it. In the manga, it's a lot easier to ignore the somewhat
squicky nature of the gimmick and get to the feelings that the characters are getting out of them, so that's neat.
I'm looking forward to reading more of it, which I'll probably do between finishing this email and starting back up
work on my homework because I have little self-control. I'm going to get back to it, see y'all when I see you!

[Minna no Anniversary] Feb 5 2016 The Final Countdown (and Schedule Again)

Tomorrow, we begin the trials and tribulations that a 25th anniversary comes with. Tomorrow, we will all
duel to the death for fantastic cake and free pizza slices.

the 25th Anniversary Party for Minna no Anime!!!
For those attending Goshi on Sunday and haven't been to San Luis Obispo recently, please note that you have to
start paying for street/structure parking starting at 1PM on Sundays. The parking lots right next to Goshi are
still free since they're for that plaza, but pretty much everywhere else costs $$$.

Here's the schedule once more, and after that'll be the list of what's available to do:

Saturday, February 6
Room 3-114
10AM - 12PM: Swap Meet
12PM - 10PM: Video Game Room

Room 3-113
10AM - 10PM: Hangout, Relax, Do Stuff Room

Room 3-112
12PM: Anime Eyes Round 1
12:30PM: MnA Game Round 1
1PM: Anime Trivia Round 1

1:30PM: Anime Eyes Round 2
2PM: MnA Game Round 2
2:30PM: Anime Trivia Round 2

3PM: Anime Eyes Round 3
3:30PM: MnA Game Round 3
4PM: Officer Trivia Finals

4:30PM: Anime Eyes Round 4
5PM: MnA Game Round 4

Room 3-213 (The Silo)
5:30PM: Dinner Break START! Free Pizza
6:00PM: Chocolate Cake and White Cake, prepare for pictures~

6:30PM: AMV Contest: Look at Entrants and Vote
7:00PM: Karaoke

7:30PM: Scavenger Hunt Awards
7:40PM: AMV Contest Awards, Anime Trivia Awards, Anime Eyes Awards
7:50PM: Dole Out Donation Prizes

8PM - 10-ish PM: Movie 1 - Millennium Actress

Sunday, February 7
Goshi Japanese Restaurant, 570 Higuera St #150, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
11:30AM - 2PM: Eat buffet food. Yumyum~

Room 3-114
3PM - 8PM: Side Room

Room 3-213 (The Silo)
3PM - 5-ish PM: Movie 2 - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Games and Contests with Prizes
The following games and contests have exclusive prizes for first and second place winners.

Minna no Anime Eyes: images only from series club has shown. 4 rounds, sign up here!
Minna no Anime Trivia: member-submitted categories and anniversary committee categories. 2 rounds, sign up
here! Submit categories here!
AMV Contest: submit your AMV to anniversary@minnanoanime.org or somehow physically hand over the AMV to
an officer/committee member. AMV must be under 4 minutes and PG-13 or less.
Scavenger Hunt Contest: deadline has already passed, but we'll show off entries during the awards. This contest
has 4 potential winners, two for best collection, and two for best photo!
Other Fun Stuff
These are fun things that have no prizes but are still fun!

Swap Meet: spots are still available! Sell stuff to fellow Minna members. Sign up here! You'll need a Minna no
Anime forum account to log in. Make one here, or retrieve your password here.
Minna no Fighting Game: use the Trivia/Eyes button to fight in a team against computer-controlled Minna officers
of the past and present! 4 rounds, sign up for a round here! You'll also need to create an avatar for the game
Video Game Room: bring your video games and equipment with you to the party and play to your heart's content!
Officer Trivia Finals: certain past officers of Minna no Anime challenge the current officers with a crazy,
anything goes Anime Trivia.
Cosplay: we'd love to see your costumes!
Karaoke: during Dinner Break and before the first movie, karaoke will be available! The list of songs are here. If
you have any requests, please email anniversary@minnanoanime.org and we'll see if we can get it in time for the

Here's some descriptions of the movies, in case you don't know 'em!

Millennium Actress: directed by Satoshi Kon, known for Paranoia Agent and Paprika. Follow the life and movie
history of an actress from her childhood to her much, much older years in a visually stunning, emotionally moving
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time: directed by Mamoru Hosoda, known for Summer Wars and Wolf Children. It is,
as you would expect, about a girl who physically leaps through time, but of course, time travel isn't all fun and

I'm hungry, you're hungry, we're all hungry! What will be offered at the Anniversary Party?

Dinner Break: 2 free pizza slices and a slice of cake. Two cake options available: white cake and chocolate cake.
Goshi on Sunday: all you can eat buffet of what Goshi has to offer - Japanese traditional dishes and sushi. If
you're attending, please give Mike Whipp $10 on Saturday, or please notify him at anniversary@minnanoanime.org
to make other arrangements. Soda, water and tea are free. If you plan on ordering specialty items or drinking
alcoholic beverages, you will need to bring extra money with you.
Volunteering and Donations
Want to help out with the anniversary? Here's the deets:

Volunteer: email anniversary@minnanoanime.org with your availability for either day, or let an officer/committee
member know!
Donations: donate through PayPal to paypal@castlecagliostro.com (Mike Whipp) or see Mike Whipp on either day
to help out financially.
And that's that. Use this email to refer to the schedule and stuff!

See ya all tomorrow~

[Minna no Manga] T-Shirtsday 2/11/16

TL;DR: Manga as usual, T-shirt voting closing Saturday 7 pm, looking for webmaster, hope y'all had fun at
the Anniversary Party!

Greetings Everyone!

Anniversary Party was this last weekend and I still feel like I'm recovering from that delicious Goshi buffet!!
Hope y'all didn't catch the Poly Plague (tm) that seems to be hitting the alumni.... Minna no Manga will once
again be in 10-225 from 6 - 10 pm. Come hang out with us!

T-shirt Contest Voting is on-going, but will be closing this Saturday at 7 pm! If you haven't voted already, do so
at this link! Note that you must be a paid member in order to vote, and you need a Minna no Anime forum account.
If you're a paid member and don't yet have a forum account, you can get one here.
If you want your opinion to be counted for the t-shirt contest, you can always become a paid member! Talk to MnA
Treasurer Eric Oatey. Membership dues are $5 for the quarter or $10 for the year, and get you access not only to
t-shirt voting, but also a $5 T-shirt Discount, officer voting, and prize drawing eligibility. 

If you're interested in becoming next year's MnA webmaster, shoot a message to Mouse at
webmaster@minnanoanime.org since they are graduating next year. We won't expect you to know the technologies
we use right now, but we will expect you to learn them.

Also.... Vote for the simulcast!

See y'all Thursday!
MnA Webmaster

Note from the Secretary:
I entirely forgot to draft this yesterday and didn't have much time today, so Mouse did me a favour and wrote the
email for me. Thank them if you see them! - Curtis

[Minna no Anime] Dia de las camisetas 2/13/16

TL;DR: New shows, Vote for T-shirts, Minna in the Silo, Vote for the simulcast!
Greetings Everyone!
Minna no Anime will be in room 03-213, "The Silo" this week, as per usual. I'm actually putting the room number
this time because this week we're starting two new shows this week. Noragami and Barakamon! If you missed the
first meeting and have been kicking yourself for it ever since, here's a good place to jump back on! Don't worry if
you aren't caught up on the other shows, there're people in the side room for just about every show to hang with
and talk about anime n' stuff.
This is the last email I'm going to be sending before the end of the t-shirt contest, so if you haven't voted for
that already you should do so! I'm talking to you, Curtis! *looks angrily at self* The contest is ending Saturday
@ 7 PM, right smack dab in the middle of club. If you're a paid member, you can vote at this link! Note that you'll
need a forum account to vote, which you can get here.
If you wish to become a paid member so you can vote for t-shirts and vote for officers and get a $5 t-shirt
discount and be eligible for prize drawings and most importantly support club, talk to MnA VP Justin Caballes at
this Saturday's meeting. Or maybe the President. Whoever is official looking and has a cash box to take your
membership fee. If you're in doubt and the house lights are up, just shout at someone standing in the front of the
room, they'll probably know.
If you're interested in becoming next year's MnA webmaster, shoot a message to Mouse at
webmaster@minnanoanime.org since they are graduating next year. We won't expect you to know the
technologies we use right now, but we will expect you to learn them.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
SCHEDULE 2/12/16

5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 14
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 14
7:00 PM - A certain hunger-quenching dinner break
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 13
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 14
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 14
See y'all Saturday!
Curtis "Walkin' " Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
First of all, apologies to my roommate Kevin for typing this while he's napping. I have a mechanical keyboard for
my desktop and have no doubt his dreams are being plagued by clickety-clacks. I've been reading a lot of
Discworld, which is fun, but always reminds me that Death took Terry Pratchett (the author) from us, which is
saddening. I'd definitely highly recommend the books though, they're definitely the best comedic fantasy novels
I've ever read, and there's like 45 of them with several different protagonists, which is great. I'm particularly
fond of Sam Vimes and Moist Von Lipwig, but even as I type their names I'm being reminded of other protagonists
which I also like. Oh, my laptop got stolen since I last ranted, which is unfortunate, but as I am a comp sci
student, I have a new laptop on the way, which is nice. I'm going to see Deadpool tonight, which should hopefully
be good. It has Inara from Firefly in it and Ryan Reynolds in what he seems to think is the role of his life, so
fingers are crossed. I had several tests this week, one of which I did quite well on and the other two of which I
maybe probably did OK on. I Leagued some Legends (summoner name: StrollingFellow) as well which was fun, and
had an excellent discussion on the morality of a super power that allows you to find the path to victory over any
challenge you frame it. Overall, a good week. Anyways, gotta go get dinner with peeps, I'll talk to y'all later!

[Minna no Manga] Info-Dense Thursday 2/18/16

TL;DR: Manga as usual, Tiger & Bunny during Dinner Break, Officer Elections Applications open, T-shirt
winner announced, Vote for the simulcast.
Hey folks,
Everyone have a nice three day weekend? I know I did. Sorry for getting this email out late, my schedule has been
thrown out of wack by the weirdness. Due to the fact that I'm writing this roughly 24 hours after my optimal time
to be writing this email, it'll be lacking on prose and rich in content. And boy, there is a lot of it.
Minna no Manga will once again be in 10-225 from 6 - 10 pm. I heard there were new people there last time,
which is awesome. Hopefully y'all stick around.

Due to Minna no Technical Difficulties @ last week's Saturday meeting, we were unable to show Tiger & Bunny
Episode 14. This week, we'll be showing it during the latter half of our Dinner Break so as to keep with our
schedule. We've successfully retrieved the disc out of the blu-ray player, which makes doing so a whole lot more

We're opening up submissions for the Minna no Anime 2016-2017 Officership! If you want to be someone who is
all responsible and important and works behind the scenes to choose the shows for the year to keep Minna
running, look here for more details.

We're still getting stuff ready behind the scenes for T-shirt ordering. For those of you not present during the
dinner break @ last week's meeting, the t-shirt contest winner is Paul Guzman, with this wonderful design.
Shout-outs to Paul for his excellent design!

And as always... Vote for the simulcast!

See y'all later!

Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

[Minna no Anime] Non-stop Infinite Anime 2/19/16

TL;DR: Anime as usual, Tiger & Bunny during Dinner Break, Officer Elections Applications are open, T-shirt
winner announced, Vote for the simulcast.
Hey all!
Seems like just yesterday that I was typing up an email with basically the same information as this one for
Minna no Anime will be in "The Silo" this week from 5 pm - 10 pm as per usual. The only thing particularly unusual
about this week's meeting is that there's a special bonus (read: last week's) episode of Tiger and Bunny being
shown during dinner break, at 7:40 pm. Be sure to come back early if you want to stay caught up on the show!
We're opening up submissions for the Minna no Anime 2016-2017 Officership! If you want to be someone who is
all responsible and important and works behind the scenes to choose the shows for the year to keep Minna
running, look here for more details.

We're still getting stuff ready behind the scenes for T-shirt ordering. For those of you not present during the
dinner break @ last week's meeting, the t-shirt contest winner is Paul Guzman, with this wonderful design.
Shout-outs to Paul for his excellent design!
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
SCHEDULE 2/20/16

5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 15
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 15
6:35 PM - Barakamon-  2
7:00 PM - A certain hunger-quenching dinner break (ENDS EARLY IF YOU WATCH TIGER AND BUNNY)
7:40 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 14
8:05 PM - Noragami - 2
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 14
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 15
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 15

See y'all later!

Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary


Wooh New Laptop! I forgot if I told you guys in this that car got broken into and my laptop bag was stolen, but
it's fine now, I got a new window and a new laptop and besides the fact that the month was expensive af because of
it everything is basically back to normal. I didn't realize how many things I was carrying in my bag until I lost
them all though... Work is going well, only one of my classes isn't going well, and errything is going pretty
good right now. I'm even having fun when I play League of Legends, which has traditionally been rare. WOOH ACTUALLY

[Minna no Anime] Death, Taxes, and the VP watching anime 2/25/16

TL;DR: Manga as usual. Anime in Fisher Science. T-shirt Opening Open. March 12th deadline for t-shirt
ordering and officer speeches. Vote for the simulcast.
Hey froods!
Minna no Manga is going to be in the same room as usual this Thursday, 10-225 from 6 pm - 10 pm, barring an
act of god. I've done my best to avoid pissing off Loki this week, so we should be fine!
Minna no Anime, on the other hand, will be in Fisher Science for the next two Saturdays. Building 33 Room 286
for those of you who forget.
We're open for statements of candidacy for the 2016-2017 Minna Officeship! If you want to be someone who is
all responsible and important and works behind the scenes to choose the shows for the year to keep Minna
running, look here for more details. If you're even mostly kinda interested, you should give it a shot! It's worth
it, or your money back. The deadline is March 12th,  the 122nd anniversary of the first sold bottle of Coca-Cola.
T-shirt ordering is now open! Here's the link. Note that you need a forum account to buy a shirt. If you want a
T-shirt or a sweatshirt with this beautiful logo on it, you should get one! T-shirt ordering (also) ends March
12th, so time is limited! Be prepared to give cash to the treasurer for the amount you owe at the next meeting! The
webpage is lying to you about the shirt deadline, believe the email.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
Kizumongatari this weekend. The grocery store near my house reopened today. Life is good. 

[Minna no Anime] Fisher Science Hullaballo 2/27/16

TL;DR: Anime in Fisher Science this week.. March 12th deadline for t-shirt ordering and officer speeches.
Vote for the simulcast.
Greetings all,
Minna no Anime will be in Fisher Science this Saturday, Building 33 Room 286, from 5 pm - 10 pm. If you show
up at the Silo, be aware that the people who will be inside are not shape-shifted versions of the usual crowd, but
rather a different group of people entirely.
We're open for statements of candidacy for the 2016-2017 Minna Officeship! If you want to be someone who is
all responsible and important and works behind the scenes to choose the shows for the year to keep Minna
running, look here for more details. If you're even mostly kinda interested, you should give it a shot! It's worth
it, or your money back. The deadline is March 12th in celebration of Chinese Arbor Day.
T-shirt ordering is now open! Here's the link. Note that you need a forum account to buy a shirt. If you want a
T-shirt or a sweatshirt with this beautiful logo on it, you should get one! T-shirt ordering (also) ends March
12th, so time is limited! Be prepared to give cash to the treasurer for the amount you owe at the next meeting!
The webpage is still lying to you about the shirt deadline, believe the email.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
Apologies for the un-fluffy email. Kizu tomorrow. Hype. 

Goshi Dinner signups open! Feb 28 2016

Heya folks!
Minna no Anime's quarterly end-of-the-quarter Goshi Dinner is coming up in just two weeks time, Sunday March
13 @ 7:00 PM! In order to give the good people over at Goshi Japanese Restaurant time to schedule shifts and
generally prepare for the arrival of a back room full of Minna people, we need orders from you by end of club this
Saturday! That's right, if you want to order some delicious Japanese cuisine to eat amongst fine company, you'll
need to order it by 10 PM on Saturday, March 5th. Signup link is here. 
Payment is due to MnA treasurer Eric Oatey by Saturday, March 12. He's the guy with the cash box at any Minna
no Anime or Minna no Manga meeting. If you cannot make it to club during that time but still want to go to Goshi,
contact Eric @ treasurer@minnanoanime.org.

[Minna no Manga] Manga 3: The Search for Thursday 3/3/16

TL;DR: Manga as usual, Goshi Orders by Saturday, Anime in Fisher Science. Approaching Deadline on
Officer applications and T-shirts, Vote for the simulcast.
This is an action-packed week over at Minna no Anime headquarters. I've got to make sure I tell you that Minna
no Anime will once again be in Fisher Science this Saturday. We're in Building 33 Room 286, from 5 pm - 10 pm,
just like last week. Minna no Manga will be where it was last week as well,10-225 from 6 pm - 10 pm. Well, it'll
actually be several thousand miles away from where it was last week due to the movement of the Earth, but in
order for society to function we ignore that fact in conversation. Only the extremely pedantic point it out.
*glares at self*
I've got to remember to remind you that if you're interested in going to our End-of-Quarter-Goshi-Dinner, that
orders are due here by end of club this Saturday, March 5th. That it'll have laughter and warmth and friends and
tasty Japanese cuisine. And that payment is due to MnA treasurer Eric Oatey by Saturday, March 12.
Also worth reminding you about are the other two March 12th deadlines, namely the Officer Elections Application,
and the T-shirt ordering for our ever-so-beautiful member-generated design. Being an officer is pretty nifty, and
all the cool cats wear the club t-shirts, so those are things you should look into.

Note that for both the Goshi's ordering and T-shirt ordering you'll need a MnA forum account, which you can get
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary
Going to LA to watch Kizu was pretty fun. I went with our esteemed MnA president Isaac Cameron and former
MnA 25th Anniversary Committee member Evan "Jojo Evan" Kirkbride, who were good company and allowed me
to pressure them into going to Shin Sen Gumi for excellent ramen after the show. We unexpectedly saw Megan
there, who appeared mysteriously just in time for the movie and who I immediately lost track of post-film. The
movie was really good, I would write up all of my feelings but I agree with literally everything said in this
review by my favorite anime reviewer. typically found over at his blog WrongEverytime (I'd link it, but the more
links I have the more likely this email is to go to your spam filter. I also picked up a little Asada-san figure
(from SAO) and a Ayase (from oreimo). Ayase is currently undergoing a trial run of living on my keys, I think she's
staying, but I haven't gotten a funny look from having her on there yet. Other than that, I've just been
procrastinating a lot, and keeping my mental health up. Anyways, I'mma go play league with Elliott, catch you
guys later!

[Minna no Anime] Fisher again 3/5/16

TL;DR: Anime in Fisher Science, Goshi Orders by Saturday,  Approaching Deadline on Officer applications
and T-shirts, Vote for the simulcast.
Hey all!
This Saturday, Minna is once again in Fisher Science! We're in Building 33 Room 286, from 5 pm - 10 pm, just like
last week. I'm pretty excited, actually. Finding the best seat in Fisher is a somewhat arbitrary and complicated
process, and it entertains me immensely.

Saturday, March 5th is the ordering deadline for the End-of-Quarter-Goshi-Dinner! If the eating of tasty
Japanese food with friends is something that interests you, you can sign up for it here. Payment for Goshi's is
due to MnA treasurer Eric Oatey by Saturday, March 12.
It's also worth reminding you about the other two March 12th deadlines, namely the Officer Elections Application
to be an officer for next year, and the T-shirt ordering.

Note that for both the Goshi's ordering and T-shirt ordering you'll need a MnA forum account, which you can get
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
SCHEDULE 3/05/16:
5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 17
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 17
6:35 PM - Barakamon-  4
7:00 PM - A certain hunger-quenching dinner break 
8:05 PM - Noragami - 4
8:30 PM - Your Lie in April - 16
8:55 PM - Ten Minute Break!
9:05 PM - Tiger and Bunny - 17
9:30 PM - Neon Genesis Evangelion - 17


Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

===[Minna no Manga] Thursday Before the (Deadline) Storm===
<pre>TL;DR: Manga as Usual, Officer Applications due soon, Order a T-shirt, Pay for Goshi, Apply for
Webmaster, Vote for the simulcast!
Hey all~
Included the "~" at the end of "Hey all~" because I always thought it made the preceding text extraordinarily
kawaii, but now that I'm looking at it I'm remembering that it's often used to sort of extend the last part of the
word, with "Hi~" being read like "Hiiiiiiiiiii" because the second way of writing it just looks like garbage. It's
making me picture now saying "Hey alllllllllllllll" to all of you guys and that sort of seems like I'm a bit tipsy,
which I'm not. But hey, some googling led me to realize that the "~" being used like I just used it originated from
Japan, so it's sorta relevant? Anyways: Minna no Manga is going to be in the same place that it was last
Thursday, namely 10-225 from 6 pm - 10 pm. There will be many people there, and most of them will have had
Taco Bell within the last month. Do a survey, I'm prophetic.

Goshi Dinner is Sunday March 13 @ 7:00 PM! If you haven't already signed up, you missed the boat. If you have
already signed up but haven't paid, please get money to MnA treasurer Eric Oatey by Saturday, March 12.  He'll
be at both Anime and Manga this week, which is convenient. We don't currently accept debit or credit, so stop
by an ATM to grab cash money prior to a meeting!

This Saturday, March 12 @ 5 pm is also the deadline for the Minna no Officer Anime applications! Sorry, Minna no
Anime Officer applications! If you want to play a crucial role in choosing anime for next year, in running the
Halloween Party and Open House, or just in being a good hard-working senpai for the other club-members to
look up to the Minna no Officer Animeship is for you! More details for what you have to do to apply at the link,
but basically you'll be a) sending in an application at the link (The sooner the better to reduce our webmaster's
workload!), then b) getting up in front of people at dinner break this Saturday and telling them a bit about
yourself and why you're running. Your name will then be thrown into a poll with the names of all of the other
candidates, and all registered Minna no Anime club members will vote on who they want in the officership!

If you want to take the role of next year's enigmatic Minna no Anime webmaster (traditionally a superhero on the
 side, remember WhippMan, Captain Goofanader and The Mouse?), shoot a message to
webmaster@minnanoanime.org indicating your interest. Some knowledge of computer technologies is a must,
as is a willingness to learn the technologies used by Minna (I think PHP and MySQL stuff mostly, I don't know all
the details due to not being the webmaster). Note that webmaster is a bequethed position due to the technical
nature of the job. We'll be starting the new webmaster at the same time as the new elected officers, so while I
don't know the exact deadline of this application, it's safe to say it's soon.

This Saturday, Match 12 @ 10pm is the deadline for ordering this year's Minna no Anime apparel! If you've ever
wanted a t-shirt, sweatshirt, or other type of t-shirt advertising your involvement in the 2015-2016 Minna no
Anime year, now is the time to strike! T-shirts (and all the rest) can be ordered here. Note that you need a forum
account to order, which you can get here. We discovered this week that having an ampersand in your forum
username will render you unable to use the ordering system, so if you're in the habit of using special (non
alphanumeric) characters in your usernames, don't do that when signing up for the forum. Actually, doing it in
general probably isn't a great idea. If nothing else, some sites will accept them and others won't, and you'll end
up with multiple variations of the same username, so when you're trying to sign on to your
DefibrillateMeThroughMyIphoneBecauseIAmHavingAHeartAttack.com account and every second counts it might
cost you your life. Food for thought.
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!
I double-checked the voting link this time, honest.

Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

[Minna no Anime] WINTER MOVIE ACADEMIA 3/12/16

TL;DR: Movie Night, Minna back in Silo Officer Applications due, Order a T-shirt, Pay for Goshi, Apply for
Webmaster, Vote for the simulcast!
Greetings Everyone!
This Saturday Minna no Anime is back in action, returning triumphantly to "The Silo", room 03-213. It's also the
last Minna meeting of the quarter, and you know what that means: It's time for the traditional end-of-quarter
Minna no Anime Movie Night!  Movie Nights are a once quarterly event where we end our usual anime-watching
early in order to make room for a very special anime movie! This Saturday, we've got a really easy schedule
change for y'all. The first half of the schedule, before dinner break? Exactly as usual. Everything after?
Different and AWESOME!

For this week's movie night, we've got a multi-part event lined up for you guys. Firstly we've going to be showing
the specials for everyone's favorite pre-dinner 13 episode comedic show we aired this year, Monthly Girl's
Nozaki-kun! We've chained together the shorts originally released as extras on the Japanese blu-rays into 19
minutes of additional Nozaki, never before seen (by me). Afterwards we'll be showing the excellent Studio Trigger
anime short Little Witch Academia, followed closely by its (longer) sequel, Little Witch Academia 2! Together, LWA
and LWA clock in at an additional 80 minutes of prestine anime time.

This is the perfect time to come to club if you haven't been able to make it this quarter. Take a break from
studying and come and watch anime with a group of like-minded individuals. Little Witch Academia is about as
close to a Disney-created anime feature as you'll get out of Japan, and requires no background to watch, perfect
for introducing someone to Japanese Language animation or for taking a break from watching Attack on Tokyo
Narutogatari. Invite a friend who you want to start pressuring into watching anime, or that person who you don't
know very well that you know watches anime. It's literally buckets of fun.

Goshi Dinner is Sunday March 13 @ 7:00 PM, at Goshi Japanese Restaurant in Downtown SLO! If you haven't
already signed up, you missed the boat. If you have already signed up but haven't paid, please get money to MnA
treasurer Eric Oatey by this Saturday, March 12.  We don't currently accept debit or credit, so stop by an ATM to
grab cash money prior to a meeting!

This Saturday, March 12, @ 5 pm is also the deadline for the Minna no Officer Anime applications! Sorry, Minna
no Anime Officer applications! If you want to play a crucial role in choosing anime for next year, in running the
Halloween Party and Open House, or just in being a good hard-working senpai for the other club-members to
look up to the Minna no Officer Animeship is for you! More details for what you have to do to apply at the link,
but basically you'll be a) sending in an application at the link, then b) getting up in front of people at dinner
break this Saturday and telling them a bit about yourself and why you're running. Your name will then be thrown
into a poll with the names of all of the other candidates, and all registered Minna no Anime club members will
vote on who they want in the officership!

If you want to take the role of next year's enigmatic Minna no Anime webmaster, shoot a message to
webmaster@minnanoanime.org to indicate your interest. Some knowledge of computer technologies is a must, as
is a willingness to learn the technologies used by Minna.Note that webmaster is a bequethed position due to the
technical nature of the job. We'll be starting the new webmaster at the same time as the new elected officers, so
while I don't know the exact deadline of this application, it's safe to say it's soon.

This Saturday is the deadline for ordering this year's Minna no Anime apparel!  T-shirts (as well as sweatshirts an
hoodies) can be ordered here. Note that you need a forum account to order, which you can get here. 
And as always... Vote for the simulcast!

SCHEDULE 1/23/16
5:10 PM - Simulcast of the Week (VOTE FOR IT ABOVE)
5:35 PM - Last Exile - 18
6:00 PM - Ten Minute Break!
6:10 PM - Haikyuu!! - 18
6:35 PM - Barakamon - 05
8:05 PM - Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Specials (EVERY LAST ONE OF 'EM)
8:35 PM - WINTER MOVIE - Little Witch Academia 1 & 2

Curtis Hilgenberg
MnA Secretary

Spring 2016

Minna 2016-2017 Officer Voting now Officially Open!

Hey all!
Elections for the 2016-2017 Minna no Anime Officers are now open! If you're a paid member and would like to play
a part in deciding the direction of Minna no Anime for the coming school year, you can vote for the officers
here. Voting closes @ 5pm on April 2nd (The first meeting of spring quarter!), but you should vote now while you're
thinking about it!
Note that you need a forum account to log in! If you're a paid member and you don't already have a forum account,
you can get one here.
Happy Voting!
The MnA Officers